Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

walktrought harvest mon fomt

Name: Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Console: Gameboy Advance
Version 7.5

Written By:
  Samurai Goroh & thekingofthisgame ,

               _   _    __    ___   __   __   ___   ___   _____
              | |_| |  /  \  | _ | (  ) (  ) | __) | __) (_   _)
              |  _  | | ^^ | |  _|  \ \_/ /  | _)  |__ |   | |
              |_| |_| |_/\_| |_\_\   \___/   |___) (___|   |_|

                          _____   ___   ___   __  _
                         |     | |   | |   | |  \| |
                         | | | | | | | | | | | . ' |
                         |_|_|_| |___| |___| |_|\__|

                    ___        ___     _____        _____
                   | __)      / _ \   |     |      (_   _)
                   | _)      | (_) |  | | | |        | |
                   |_|riends  \___/f  |_|_|_|ineral  |_|own


| Table of Contents                                                           |

NOTE: Use Ctrl + F to find faster what you want to look i.e. a certain item.

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Controls
3.0 Getting Started
4.0 Beginning Dialogue
5.0 House Map
6.0 Game Screen and Game Menu
7.0 Crops
8.0 Animals
9.0 Items
10.0 Tools
11.0 Mining
12.0 Fishing
13.0 The Townsfolk
14.0 Printer Friendly Calendar
   14.1 Spring
   14.2 Summer
   14.3 Fall
   14.4 Winter
15.0 Wife Selection
   15.1 Ann
   15.2 Elli
   15.3 Karen
   15.4 Mary
   15.5 Popuri
   15.6 Harvest Goddess
16.0 Sprites
17.0 Power Berries
18.0 Tips
   18.1 Mines Tip
19.0 Codes
   19.1 Changing Names
   19.2 Changing Houses
   19.3 Changing time, season & weather
   19.4 Animals
   19.5 Spring mine & Winter mine
   19.6 Goddess TV Games
   19.7 Fishing List
   19.8 Affection Codes
   19.9 The sprites
   19.10 Storing items
   19.11 Item Codes
   19.12 Shipping items codes
   19.13 Other codes
   19.14 Text codes
   19.15 Linking Codes
20.0 Littering
21.0 Confessing
22.0 Recipe Guide
23.0 Frequently Asked Questions
   23.1 Off-Topic Questions
   23.2 Crop Questions
   23.3 Girl Questions
   23.4 Festival Questions
   23.5 General Questions
   23.6 Linking Questions
24.0 Glitches/Typos/Errors
25.0 Credits
26.0 Version Updates
27.0 Staff in Game
28.0 Copyright

|1. Introduction                                                              |

This is a FAQ/Walkthrough for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town for the 
Gameboy Advance and Gameboy Advance SP. We decided to create it after we 
noticed that the other FAQs weren't as in-depth as they could have been. With 
two minds working together, we were hoping that this FAQ could be two times as

The Harvest Moon series originated back on the Super Nintendo Entertainment 
System. Although there have been many add-ons to the newer games, the same 
storyline stays the same:

You, a young man named Jack, has inherited a farm. It is your job to cultivate
the farm, get married, and have a good life. While playing in the game, you 
will go through some of the ordeals of a farmer. You learn to spend money 
wisely, and just have an exciting time.

The storyline of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is basically the same 
thing, with just a new twist: "(Taking from Nintendo's website) As a child, you
visited a nice old man's farm and found a new world of excitement. When your
dear friend passed on, he willed his land to you. But when you return to the
farm, it's current state of disrepair clouds your fond childhood memories. Much
work is needed to bring the neglected fields back to life. Your goal is to
successfully rebuild and maintain the farm while befriending the people in 

If you skipped all of the introduction, it basically described your two goals:

1) Rebuild and maintain the farm.

2) Befriend the people in town.

Now that you know what you need to do, let us tell you how to do it!

|2. Controls                                                                  |

                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                     |                               |
                     |       Button Key/Legend       |
                     |       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯       |
                     |  a       =   A Button         |
                     |  b       =   B Button         |
                     |  S       =   Start            |
                     |  se      =   Select           |
                     |  L       =   L Button         |
                     |  R       =   R Button         |
                     |  ^       = Up   (Control Pad) |
                     |  v       = Down (Control Pad) |
                     |  <       = Left (Control Pad) |
                     |  >       = Right(Control Pad) |
                     |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

                             Basic Controls
          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
         |                                                       |
         |     Button                  Effect                    |
         |     ¯¯¯¯¯¯                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯                    |
         |       a     Talk, Pick up things, read, throw objects |
         |                                                       |
         |       b     Use equipped tool, exit out of menu       |
         |                                                       |
         |       S     Display Game Menus                        |
         |                                                       |
         |       se    Brings up Status Screen                   |
         |                                                       |
         |       L     Whistle for dog/horse                     |
         |                                                       |
         |       R     Hold down to run                          |
         |                                                       |
         |       ^     Move North                                |
         |                                                       |
         |       v     Move South                                |
         |                                                       |
         |       <     Move East                                 |
         |                                                       |
         |       >     Move West                                 |
         |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

                            Advanced Controls
          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
         |                                                       |
         |     Button                  Effect                    |
         |     ¯¯¯¯¯¯                  ¯¯¯¯¯¯                    |
         |     L + a    Removes items from rucksack.  Non-tool   |
         |              items appear in your hands.  Cycles      |
         |                                                       |
         |     L + b    Eat edible items placed in your hand.    |
         |              Cycles.                                  |
         |                                                       |
         |     L + v    Whistles your horse.                     |
         |                                                       |
         |     L + ^    Whistles for your dog.                   |
         |                                                       |
         |     L + S    Brings up town map.                      |
         |                                                       |
         |     L + se   Brings up farm map.                      |
         |                                                       |
         |     A + B    Brings up your rucksack.                 |
         |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

|3. Getting Started                                                           |

  When you first get into the game, they will ask your name. Use the alphabet
below to help you understand. Type in your name(the capital letters are at
the top, and the lowercase letters are below), and then press Start. The next
screen asks for your Birthday. Instead of Months, however, there are seasons.
Choose whatever birthday you would like. Since my birthday is on May 19, I 
chose Spring 19.

  The next screen that comes up is the Farm's Name. You can pick whatever name
you like. A few good ideas are your town, state, or a possessive noun. I chose
the possessive noun "Harvester's". Be careful what name you pick, because
you'll be seeing that name a lot!

  The last screen to pop up is to name your dog. Choose whatever name you like.
Again, be careful, because you will be seeing your dog's name a lot.

  After you are complete with everything, everything you typed in will come up 
with a window that says "Is this OK?" If you made a mistake, choose no and fix
it. You are now ready to begin!

|4. Beginning Dialogue                                                        |

*Note:  Any Dialogue Glitches/Errors were corrected so it would make more
        sense. Also, "<you>" is the places that you will see your username.

Below is the scenes and dialogue of what happens in the beginning of the game.

(You walk in, looking unhappy. The mayor, Thomas, sees you and runs to you. He
is angry.)

Thomas: "Hey! The owner of this farm died a while back.(A Button) You can' just
        come waltzing in here!

   You: (tell something to Thomas)

Thomas: "What? You knew him?(A Button) And you didn't know that he had died...?

   You: (nod, as if saying "Yes")

Thomas: "He died about...(A Button) Oh, 6 months ago, I reckon.  When I was 
        cleaning out his place I found his will.(A Button)  In it, he said 
        "I'm leaving my farm to <you>." (A Button)  So, until whoever that 
        is shows up, I'm taking care of the farm.

   You: (tell something to Thomas)

Thomas: "What? You say you're <you>?"

   You: (nod, as if saying "Yes")

Thomas: "Will you tell me how you met the old man...?"

   You: (nod, again)


(everything goes black, except the dialogue box)

You're Mom: What about it, <you>? Aren't you glad you came on the trip?

You're Dad: I'm glad for the vacation, too. Hey, want to go fishing in the 

You're Mom: <you>? (A button) Oh, dear! I can't find <you>!

You're Dad: What...?

(screen lights up to show old image of your future farm, with the old man and 
 a younger you)

   Old Man: Hey, young man. Why are you crying? Did you get lost? (A button)
            What's this? ia that your phone number on your bag? (A Button)  
            Let's call your parents.

(screen goes black, again)

You're Mom: "Thank you so much for helping us find our son!"

You're Dad: "We live in the city, but we wanted to show our son the country on
            this trip."

   Old Man: "Is that so?(A Button) In that case, why not spend a few days on my

You're Dad: "You really mean it?"

   Old Man: "Sure! I live alone, so you wouldn't bother anybody. I'd love the

You're Mom: "Isn't this great, <you>?"(A Button) Now you'll have a whole farm
            to play on!"

(pictures flash of you having a lot of fun on the farm)

(everything goes white)

??? : "y...(A Button) ey...(A Button) Hey. (A Button) !

Girl: "You were so quiet that I thought you were dead!(A Button) This is 
      perfect. I was looking for someone to play together.(A Button) I guess 
      you'll do. (A Button) It's no fun if you just sit there and say nothing!
      (A Button) Why don't you tell me about yourself?

(screen goes white)

(same picture of you and the old man on the farm)

Old Man: "Did you have fun?(A Button)  I sure had fun with you.  I don't have
         any grandkids of my own, you know...(A Button)  Well, you have to go 
         now. Farewell...(A Button) Is there any chance of you writing an old 
         man a letter once in a while?(A Button)  Really?  Here's my address, 

(same girl appears)

   Girl: "You're leaving already?(A Button) If you go, I'll be bored and 
         lonely again...(A Button) You HAVE to come back, OK?"

Old Man: "Looks like you've made a friend!  Just one more reason to return.

(screen goes black)

Old Man: "I'll be waiting for your letter..."

**Flashback Over**

Thomas: "You were writing letters to each other, eh?(A Button) And when he 
        stopped writing back, you came to check on him, did you?"

   You: (nods)

Thomas: "Since he left you the farm, it's yours if you want it.(A Button) Well,
        what do you think?

   You: (nods)

Thomas: "Great!  From here on out this place is yours!"

   You: (nods)

Thomas: "It won't be easy, but if you try hard you can do a job to make him 

(everything goes black and a dialogue window pops up that says "Then, the next

|5.0 House Map                                                                |

  Here is a map of your house before any upgrades. We aren't going to do a Farm
nor Town map, because you can already easily get to it.

  House Map

    |       j        |===||    || | |_| | | | | | |
    |  (Sock Hook)   |===||____||_| (c) |_| |¯¯¯¯¯|
    |                 (a)  (TV) (b)     (d) |     |
    |                                       |     |
    |                                       |_____|
    |                                        (Bed)|
    |                                             |
    |                    ___                      |
    |                 _ /   \ _                   |
    |                |_|     |_|                  |
    |                   \___/                     |
    |                    (e)                  __  |
    |                                        /  \ |
    |  (f)                                  | __ ||
    |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                     (Tool Box)|/  \||
    |       |                               |¯¯¯¯||
     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|   |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

 a = Book Shelf
 b = Table for Vase
 c = Calendar
 d = Table with Diary
 e = Table for Breakfast
 f = Table for Record Player

|6.0 Game Screen and Game Menu                                                |

                          Game Screen (lower right)
   |                                                                       |
   |    #1        #2        #3                                             |
   |                                       #4                #5            |
   |    #6        #7                                                       |

          #1(Example: SP)   - Shows the Season that you are currently in.
          #2(Example: 10)   - Shows the Date you are currently at.
          #3(Example: Mon)  - Shows the day of the week.
          #4(Example: sun)  - Displays the current weather.
          #5(Example: Hoe)  - Shows the tool you have equipped.
          #6(Example: AM)   - Shows if it is am or pm.
          #7(Example: 6:20) - Shows the time.

                     Game Menu (See when pressing Start)
|                                                                             |
|     #1        #2        #3        #4        #5        #6        #7          |
      #1 - Your Diary     #3 - World Map      #5 - Earnings       #7 - Tutorial

                #2 - Rucksack       #4 - Farm Map       #6 - Memo

#1 - Diary
    You can save your game, change the running settings & display or hide the
clock, Faces & names.

#2 - Rucksack (Backpack)
    You can see what's inside your rucksack here (You can upgrade it at the
general store).

#3 - World Map
    You can see any place on Mineral Town with a description of the place. 

#4 - Farm Map
    You can see how does your Farm looks like, plus you can see where your
animals are.

#5 - Earnings
    This menu has several sections, which are useful because they'll tell you
about your status, how many animals you have with their affection, the recipes
you've cooked & how many lumber pieces you have. 
In the next sections, you can see the affection of each farm animals, which 
are Chickens, Cows & Sheep. (This will only appear if you have such animal).
After that, you can see status of the Harvest Sprites & if they are scheduled
to work on Watering the crops, Harvesting them or Taking care of the animals.
Then, you can see the Earning Report section, in which it will tell you how
much have you spend & earn per day & season.
In the last part, It'll show you the Exp. of the tools & if you can upgrate
them & up to which level.

#6 - Memo
    Again, this section is also divided in several parts. In the 1st one, you
can see how many crops & other stuff you have shipped. The next list it's the
Fishing List, It'll mention the name of what you've fished, it size & how many
of them you have fished.
In the last one, you'll see some records that the game keeps track of, you can
open 2 extra records which are the longest living animal & how many moles have
you whacked.

#7 - Tutorial
    It'll explain some of the basic stuff that you need to know to run your
farm. The Mayor explains this to you when you begin a new file, but you can
see it anytime if you forgot about something...

|7.0 Crops                                                                    |

  Follow these steps before getting ready to grow crops. After this, choose 
which crop will be your best choice in the season you are currently at.


1) Clear the land
2) Till the soil into 3x3 square(s)
3) Stand in center of 3x3 square(s) and plant seed(s).
4) Water Daily
5) Harvest Crops
6) If crops are renewable, repeat steps #4 and #5.

Crop patterns

These crop patterns are very useful, depending on the upgrade you currently 
have on your watering can.

   Key:  X = crop
         _ = free space

Note: Remember that even if you have upgraded your watering can you need to
charge & release the button in order to water more than 1 space.

 Watering Can (Normal)

      XXX      X_X
      ___      X_X
      XXX      X_X

  Even tough that you can water more spaces, is faster that way if you have
more than 5 bags of seeds planted. You can seed them without making a space
between each seed (join several bags one next to the other)so you save space
& don't walk more than necessary.

 Watering Can (Copper)

      X_X      XXX      XXX      XXX      XXX
      XXX      XX_      XXX      _XX      X_X
      XXX      XXX      X_X      XXX      XXX

  Since you can water 3 spaces at the same time you can place yourself in the
empty space (except for the last one), water the 3 spaces in the middle &
when the crops harvest you can pick up all the harvest, even if they regrow.

 Watering Can (Silver, Gold, Mystril, Cursed, Blessed & Mythic)


  Since you can water the middle space you can place all the seeds, the only
problem is that if the harvest regrows, you can't take the middle harvest
unless you have a Sprite helping you (or you cut a crop to grab the middle 


I figured that a lot of you probably scroll down looking for the prices of 
the crops, so I put the name of the crops on the right side so you can easily 
scroll down and find what you are looking for.


 Turnip                                                    Turnip

Price: 120G 
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Spring) 
Sells For: 60G 
Grows: Once 
Grow Time: 4 Days 
Regrow Time: N/A 

Potato                                                     Potato

Price: 150G 
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Spring) 
Sell For: 80G 
Grows: Once 
Grow Time: 7 Days 
Regrow Time: N/A 

Cucumber                                                   Cucumber

Price:         200G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Spring)
Sell For:      60G
Grows:         Many
Grow Time:     9 Days
Regrow Time:   6 Days

Cabbage                                                     Cabbage

Price:         500G
How to obtain: Zack's House
Sell For:      250G
Grows:         Once
Grow Time:     15 Days
Regrow Time:   N/A

*Strawberry                                                 Strawberry

Price:         150 G
Obtained:      Ship 100 Cucumber, Potato & Turnips
               Supermarket (Only on Spring)
Profit:        30 G
Harvest:       9 Days
Renewable:     Yes, 2 days


Corn                                                        Corn

Price:         300G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Summer)
Sell For:      100G
Grows:         Many
Grow Time:     13 Days
Regrow Time:   4 Days

Tomato                                                      Tomato

Price:         200G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Summer)
Sell For:      60G
Grows:         Many
Grow Time:     10 Days
Regrow Time:   3 Days

Onion                                                       Onion

Price:         150G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Summer)
Sell For:      80G
Grows:         Once
Grow Time:     8 Days
Regrow Time:   N/A

Pineapple                                                   Pineapple

Price:         1000G
How to obtain: Zack's House
Sell For:      500G
Grows:         Once
Grow Time:     21 Days
Regrow Time:   5 Days

*Pumpkin                                                    Pumpkin

Price:         500 G
Obtained:      Ship 100 Corn, Onion, and Tomato,
               Supermarket (Only on Summer)
Profit:        250 G
Renewable:     N/A


Eggplant                                                    Eggplant

Price:         120G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Fall)
Sell For:      80G
Grows:         Many
Grow Time:     8 Days
Regrow Time:   3 Days

Carrot                                                      Carrot

Price:  300G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Fall)
Sell For:      120G
Grows:         Once
Grow Time:     8 Days
Regrow Time:   N/A

Sweet Potato                                                Sweet Potato

Price:  300G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Fall)
Sell For:      120G
Grows:         Many
Grow Time:     6 Days
Regrow Time:   3 Days

Green Pepper                                                Green Pepper

Price:         150G
How to obtain: Supermarket (Only on Fall)
Sell For:      40G
Grows:         Many
Grow Time:     8 Days
Regrow Time:   2 Days

*Spinach                                                    Spinach

Price:         200G
Obtained:      Ship 100 Carrots, Eggplant & Sweet Potato
               Supermarket (Only on Fall)
Profit:        80 G
Renewable:     N/A

* represents seeds where information was given by

  So, you may wonder, which crop is the best one to harvest, then take a look
at this part.

Note: Some crops aren't renewable but you can plant them again to have max 
profit out of it. I'll put the latest days you can plant them & later calculate
how much you can obtain that way. Example:

Turnip (2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30)  It means that you plant it up to Spring 2, 
then harvest it on Spring 6 & ,in this case plant it again also in Spring 6,
harvest again on Spring 10... Crops with * are the best ones to plant ASAP,
because they give you most profit on that season.


Turnip        (2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30)
Potato        (2,9,16,23,30)
Cucumber      (1,10,15,20,25,30)
*Cabbage      (2,16,30)
Strawberries  (2,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30)


Tomato        (2,12,15,18,21,24,27,30)
Corn          (3,18,21,24,27,30)
Onion         (6,14,22,30)
*Pineapple    (5,25,30)
Pumpkin       (15,30)


Eggplant      (2,12,15,18,21,24,27,30)
Carrot        (6,14,22,30)
*Sweet Potato (2,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30)
Green Pepper  (2,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30)
Spinach       (6,12,18,24,30)

  Now, you may wonder what happens if you don't plant a crop on the latest 
day possible for max profit?, then which crop is the best one if you plant
it late? Here's the answer. I'll put the days & the profit (Income - Expense)
you get for each crop they where calculated if you hervested 9 crops each 
time & only planted a bag when needed. (Remember that you have to replant 
crops that are NOT renewables in the same day harvested...)

 Day   Turnip      Potato     Cucumber    Cabbage    Strawberry
  1     2,940       2,280       2,500       3,500       2,820
  2     2,940       2,280       1,960       3,500       2,820
  3     2,520       1,710       1,960       1,750       2,550
  4     2,520       1,710       1,960       1,750       2,550
  5     2,520       1,710       1,960       1,750       2,280
  6     2,520       1,710       1,960       1,750       2,280
  7     2,100       1,710       1,420       1,750       2,010
  8     2,100       1,710       1,420       1,750       2,010
  9     2,100       1,710       1,420       1,750       1,740
 10     2,100       1,140       1,420       1,750       1,740
 11     1,680       1,140       1,420       1,750       1,470
 12     1,680       1,140         880       1,750       1,470
 13     1,680       1,140         880       1,750       1,200
 14     1,680       1,140         880       1,750       1,200
 15     1,260       1,140         880       1,750         930
 16     1,260       1,140         880       1,750         930
 17     1,260         570         340       -----         660
 18     1,260         570         340       -----         660
 19       840         570         340       -----         390
 20       840         570         340       -----         390
 21       840         570         340       -----         120
 22       840         570       -----       -----         120
 23       420         570       -----       -----       -----
 24       420       -----       -----       -----       -----
 25       420       -----       -----       -----       -----
 26       420       -----       -----       -----       -----
 27     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 28     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 29     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 30     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----

 Day    Tomato       Corn       Onion     Pineapple    Pumpkin
  1     3,580       4,200       1,710       8,000       1,750
  2     3,580       4,200       1,710       8,000       1,750
  3     3,040       4,200       1,710       8,000       1,750
  4     3,040       3,300       1,710       8,000       1,750
  5     3,040       3,300       1,710       8,000       1,750
  6     2,500       3,300       1,710       3,500       1,750
  7     2,500       2,400       1,140       3,500       1,750
  8     2,500       2,400       1,140       3,500       1,750
  9     1,960       2,400       1,140       3,500       1,750
 10     1,960       1,500       1,140       3,500       1,750
 11     1,960       1,500       1,140       -----       1,750
 12     1,420       1,500       1,140       -----       1,750
 13     1,420         600       1,140       -----       1,750
 14     1,420         600       1,140       -----       1,750
 15       880         600         570       -----       1,750
 16       880       -----         570       -----       -----
 17       880       -----         570       -----       -----
 18       340       -----         570       -----       -----
 19       340       -----         570       -----       -----
 20       340       -----         570       -----       -----
 21     -----       -----         570       -----       -----
 22     -----       -----         570       -----       -----
 23     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 24     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 25     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 26     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 27     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 28     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 29     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 30     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----

 Day   Eggplant     Carrot     Sweet P.   Green P.     Spinach
  1     4,920       2,340      12,660       3,810       2,080
  2     4,920       2,340      12,660       3,810       2,080
  3     4,200       2,340      11,580       3,450       2,080
  4     4,200       2,340      11,580       3,450       2,080
  5     4,200       2,340      10,500       3,090       2,080
  6     3,480       2,340      10,500       3,090       2,080
  7     3,480       1,560       9,420       2,730       1,560
  8     3,480       1,560       9,420       2,730       1,560
  9     2,760       1,560       8,340       2,370       1,560
 10     2,760       1,560       8,340       2,370       1,560
 11     2,760       1,560       7,260       2,010       1,560
 12     2,040       1,560       7,260       2,010       1,560
 13     2,040       1,560       6,180       1,650       1,040
 14     2,040       1,560       6,180       1,650       1,040
 15     1,320         780       5,100       1,290       1,040
 16     1,320         780       5,100       1,290       1,040
 17     1,320         780       4,020         930       1,040
 18       600         780       4,020         930       1,040
 19       600         780       2,940         570         520
 20       600         780       2,940         570         520
 21     -----         780       1,860         210         520
 22     -----         780       1,860         210         520
 23     -----       -----         780       -----         520
 24     -----       -----         780       -----         520
 25     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 26     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 27     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 28     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 29     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----
 30     -----       -----       -----       -----       -----

|8.0 Animals                                                                  |

  All the animals have the same value of points & hearts, so use the next chart
to know more or less how many points does the animal needs to raise it hearts,
so it can produce certain quality product.

           Animal Hearts

 0 hearts        0 -->  49 points
 1 heart        50 -->  99 points
 2 hearts      100 --> 149 points
 3 hearts      150 --> 199 points
 4 hearts      200 --> 249 points
 5 hearts      250 --> 299 points
 6 hearts      300 --> 349 points
 7 hearts      350 --> 399 points
 8 hearts      400 --> 449 points
 9 hearts      450 --> 499 points
10 hearts      500 --> 501 points

Brushing the animal =  +2 points
Pick up the animal  =  +3 points
Talk to the animal  =  +3 points
Hit it with a tool  = -20 points

  You can also increase their affection if you confess "I was cruel to my 
animals" or "I don't care for animals" (look on section 21.0 for the info)

Note: Playing with the ball does NOT increase the dog affection, Milking a cow
won't increase her affection & Shearing a Sheep also won't increase her 
affection. Also, if you carry your dog or chicken & sleep, it won't have any

- Chickens & Dog

  For chikens & your dog, you can only pick them up to rise their affection,
so they take the longest to get to 10 hearts.

- Cows & Sheep

  For cows & sheep, their affection can be rised almost twice as for the dog
or chickens...

- Horse

  When your horse hasn't the saddle, you can increase his affection in the 
same rate as cows/sheep, but when he gets it, then you can't talk to him & you
won't gain to much affection.

|9.0 Items                                                                    |

  In this section I will name ALL the items in the game along with some other 
info that is important. It's almost completed now ^.^

  Just use Ctrl + F to look for an especific item to find it ASAP. 

Name: The name of the Item
Description: What it says in the game (w/o the typos).
How to get it: What to do in order to get certain item.
Buy: How much it cost.
Sell: How much can you sell it.
Store: Where can you put it (Fridge, Shelf, Tool Box, Tool Bag and/or Item Bag)
Stamina: When eated, used or placed in Vase (only Flowers) how much does affect
Fatigue: When eated, used or placed in Vase (only Flowers) how much does affect

Note 1: The Stamina normally starts at 150 points + 10 points per Red Berry &
it decrease down to 0.
Note 2: The Fatigue normally starts at 0 points & it increase up to 100.
Note 3: For Recipe items, the values of the Stamina & Fatigue are the basics.
Note 4: For the Tools, the Stamina & Fatigue are only when you charge to the
top the tool.

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 80 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Spring. In
order to make them appear you need to ship 100 or more of Turnip, Potato &
Buy: N/A
Sell: 30 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds from Won, then plant it in Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 250 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Summer.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Summer.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Summer.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 80
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Summer. In
order to make them appear you need to ship 100 or more of Tomato, Corn &
Buy: N/A
Sell: 250 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds from Won, then plant it in Summer.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 500 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 80 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  1

Sweet Potato
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 120 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds in the store, then plant it; only in Fall. In
order to make them appear you need to ship 100 or more of Eggplant, Carrot &
Sweet Potato.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 80 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Green Pepper
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds from Won, then plant it in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 40 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Regular Quality Egg
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by a chicken with affection of 0 --> 4 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Good Quality Egg
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by a chicken with affection of 4 --> 8 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

High Quality Egg
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by a chicken with affection of 8 --> 10 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 80 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Golden Egg
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by a chicken that has won the Chicken Sumo.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 150 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  2

P Egg
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by a chicken that has won the Chicken Sumo & has spent
600 or more game hours outside.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 180 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  3

X Egg
Description: Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Rarely produced by a chicken that has won the Chicken Sumo &
has spent 600 or more game hours. Also a Recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 350 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  6
Fatigue: -  4

Spa-Boiled Egg
Description: Put an Egg in Hot Spring. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Take ANY egg (not boiled) & throw it to the Hot Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 80 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  2

Mayonnaise (S)
Description: Place Eggs in the Mayonnaise Maker.
How to get it: Place a small egg in the Mayo Maker. Also a Recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  1

Mayonnaise (M)
Description: Place Eggs in the Mayonnaise Maker.
How to get it: Place a medium egg in the Mayo Maker. Also a Recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 150 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  1

Mayonnaise (L)
Description: Place Eggs in the Mayonnaise Maker.
How to get it: Place a large egg in the Mayo Maker. Also a Recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 200 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Mayonnaise (G)
Description: Place Eggs in the Mayonnaise Maker.
How to get it: Place a golden egg in the Mayo Maker. Also a Recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 300 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  2

Mayonnaise (P)
Description: Place Eggs in the Mayonnaise Maker.
How to get it: Place a P-egg in the Mayo Maker. Also a Recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 450 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  3

Mayonnaise (X)
Description: Place Eggs in the Mayonnaise Maker.
How to get it: Place a X-egg in the Mayo Maker. Also a Recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 800 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  6
Fatigue: -  3

Milk (S)
Description: Milk from a Cow. Can be drunk or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Cow with affection of 0 --> 4 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  2

Milk (M)
Description: Milk from a Cow. Can be drunk or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Cow with affection of 4 --> 8 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 150 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  2

Milk (L)
Description: Milk from a Cow. Can be drunk or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Cow with affection of 8 --> 10 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 200 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  2

Milk (G)
Description: Milk from a Cow. Can be drunk or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Cow that has won the Cow Festival.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 300 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  3

Milk (P)
Description: Milk from a Cow. Can be drunk or shipped.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Cow that has won the Cow Festival & has
spent 600 or more game hours outside.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 500 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  6
Fatigue: -  4

Milk (X)
Description: Milk from a Cow. Can be drunk or shipped.
How to get it: Rarely produced by an adult Cow that has won the Cow Festival
& has spent 600 or more game hours outside.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 800 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  7
Fatigue: -  5

Cheese (S)
Description: Place Milk in the Cheese Maker.
How to get it: Place a small milk in the Cheese Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 300 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  1

Cheese (M)
Description: Place Milk in the Cheese Maker.
How to get it: Place a medium milk in the Cheese Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 400 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  6
Fatigue: -  1

Cheese (L)
Description: Place Milk in the Cheese Maker.
How to get it: Place a large milk in the Cheese Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 500 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  7
Fatigue: -  1

Cheese (G)
Description: Place Milk in the Cheese Maker.
How to get it: Place a golden milk in the Cheese Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 600 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  8
Fatigue: -  2

Cheese (P)
Description: Place Milk in the Cheese Maker.
How to get it: Place a P-milk in the Cheese Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 750 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  9
Fatigue: -  3

Cheese (X)
Description: Place Milk in the Cheese Maker.
How to get it: Place a X-milk in the Cheese Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1500 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  4

Description: Grows on Apple Trees. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Get it from the tree behind your chicken barn, only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Made by Honey Bees. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Get it from the tree behind your chicken barn, in the bee nest.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  2

Bamboo Shoot
Description: Find them in the mountains. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Get it near the lake on Mother's Hill, where Kappa appears; only
in Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  1

Wild Grapes
Description: Find them in the mountains. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Get it in the forest or near the lake on Mother's Hill; only
in Summer.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Find them in the mountains. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Get it in the forest, near the lake on Mother's Hill or behind
the Church; only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 70 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  1

Poisonous Mushroom
Description: Find them in the mountains. Dangerous if eaten.
How to get it: Get it in the forest or behind the Church; only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 50
Fatigue: +  5

Description: Find them in the mountains. Very rare.
How to get it: Smash the Huge Stone & follow the path, behind the Church or buy
it for 10 medals in the Horse Race; only in Fall or the last also in Spring.
Buy: 10 medals
Sell: 500 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  1

Blue Grass
Description: Find them in the mountains. Eat to recover some Stamina.
How to get it: Near the Hot Springs or get it in the Goddess TV show randomly
winning 2 times; only in Spring & Summer.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  1

Green Grass
Description: Find them in the mountains. Eat to recover some Fatigue.
How to get it: Near the Hot Springs or get it in the Goddess TV show randomly
winning 2 times; only in Summer & Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  2

Red Grass
Description: Find them in the mountains. Dangerous if eaten.
How to get it: Near the Hot Springs, forest or get it in the Goddess TV show
randomly winning 2 times; only in Summer & Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 110 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  2

Yellow Grass
Description: Decreases Stamina, but recovers some Fatigue.
How to get it: Get it in Mineral Beach or get it in the Goddess TV show
randomly winning 2 times; only in Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 120 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: -  5
Fatigue: -  5

Orange Grass
Description: Does not affect Stamina nor Fatigue.
How to get it: Get it in Mineral Beach or get it in the Goddess TV show
randomly winning 2 times; only in Spring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Purple Grass
Description: Eat to recover some Stamina and Fatigue.
How to get it: Get it in Mineral Beach or get it in the Goddess TV show
randomly winning 2 times; only in Summer.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 120 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  2

Indigo Grass
Description: Find them on the beach. Eat to recover Stamina.
How to get it: Get it in Mineral Beach or get it in the Goddess TV show
randomly winning 2 times; only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  1

Black Grass
Description: Eat to recover some Stamina and Fatigue.
How to get it: Found it by diggin in the mines or get it in the Goddess TV
show randomly winning 2 times.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 10 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  5

White Grass
Description: Eat to recover some Stamina and Fatigue.
How to get it: Receive in exchange after giving 10 presents to the H.G. after
she gives you the power berry, in the forest, behind the Church, get it in the
Goddess TV show randomly winning 2 times or in the R-P-S game winning 2 times.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 150 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: - 10

Queen of the Night
Description: Blooms on Summer nights. Brings good luck.
How to get it: You can only get it with CHEATS.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Helps recuperate Stamina.
How to get it: Buy it from the store. Also a recipe.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: -  1

Bodigizer XL
Description: Helps recuperate lots of Stamina.
How to get it: Buy it from the store (when you have shipped 50 or more blue 
grass). Also a recipe.
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +100
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Helps recuperate Fatigue.
How to get it: Buy it from the store. Also a recipe.
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: - 20

Turbojolt XL
Description: Helps recuperate lots of Fatigue.
How to get it: Buy it from the store (when you have shipped 50 or more green
grass). Also a recipe.
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: - 50

Description: Made with Grapes from the winery or the mountain.
How to get it: Buy it from the winery.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  5

Grape Juice
Description: Made with Grapes from the winery or the mountain.
How to get it: Buy it from the winery.
Buy: 200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  5

Rice Ball
Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it: Buy it from the store.
Buy: 100 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  1

Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it: Buy it from the store.
Buy: 100 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  1

Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it: Buy it from the store.
Buy: 50 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  0

Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it: Buy it from the store.
Buy: 50 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  0

Curry Powder
Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it: Buy it from the store.
Buy: 50 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  0

Muffin Mix
Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it: Buy it from the store.
Buy: 100 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  0

Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it: Buy it from the store.
Buy: 100 G
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  2

Relaxation Tea Leaves
Description: Present from the Harvest Sprite's Tea Party.
How to get it: Like the description or get it in the Goddess TV show winning
10-14 times. Also A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1000 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  3

Description: Full name: Super Ultra Great Delicious Wonderful Apple.
How to get it: Buy it from Won when he visit you. Also a recipe.
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Stands for Hyper-Miracle Sweet-Gorgeous-Beautiful.
How to get it: Buy it from Won when he visit you. Also a recipe.
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Stands for Angelic-Etrenal-Pure-Fresh-Elegant.
How to get it: Buy it from Won when he visit you. Also a recipe.
Sell: 100 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  2

Buckwheat Flour
Description: May be eaten as is, or used for cooking.
How to get it:
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  0

Wild Grape Wine
Description: A wine made with Wild Grapes.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: - 40

Description: Made with fresh vegetables. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  5

Curry Rice
Description: Curry eaten with Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Stewed vegetables. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  2

Miso Soup
Description: A delicious soup. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  3

Stir Fry
Description: Healthy veggy stir fry. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  1

Fried Rice
Description: A yummy rice dish. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  1

Savory Pancake
Description: Made with flour and veggies. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: -  1

Description: An old favorite. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  5

Fruit Juice
Description: A drink made with fruits. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: - 15

Vegetable Juice
Description: A drink made with veggies. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: - 20

Mixed Juice
Description: A drink made with fruits. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: - 30

Fruit Latte
Description: Made with fruits and Milk. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: - 15

Vegetable Latte
Description: A drink made with vegetables and Milk.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: - 20

Mixed Latte
Description: A drink made with fruit, vegetables and Milk.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: - 20

Strawberry Smoothie (Milk)
Description: A drink made with Strawberries and Milk. To drink or use as a
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: - 15

Strawberry Jam
Description: Jam made with Strawberries. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  5

Tomato Juice
Description: A juice made from Tomatoes. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: - 20

Pickled Turnip
Description: A Turnip dish. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  4

French Fries
Description: Everyone's favorite. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  2

Description: A Pickled Cucumber. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  7

Description: Made with fresh Tomatoes. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Made with fresh Corn. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  1

Corn Flakes
Description: Great in the morning. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  2

Baked Corn
Description: Made with fresh Corn. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  7
Fatigue: -  1

Pineapple Juice
Description: Freshly squeezed Pineapple. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: - 15

Pumpkin Pudding
Description: A delicious dessert. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: - 10

Pumpkin Stew
Description: Savory Pumpkin dish. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  8
Fatigue: -  1

Happy Eggplant
Description: Using Eggplant and Miso. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  2

Sweet Potatoes
Description: Sweet and yummy. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  5

Baked Sweet Potato
Description: Sweet and delicious. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  5

Description: Healthy and delicious. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  1

Scrambled Eggs
Description: Made with fresh Eggs. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  3

Description: Made with fresh Eggs. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: -  4

Omelet Rice
Description: Made with fresh Eggs. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: -  4

Boiled Egg
Description: Made with a fresh Egg. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  2

Hot Milk
Description: Made with fresh Milk. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: - 10

Description: Made with fresh Milk. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: -  0

Cheese Cake
Description: Made wih fresh Cheese. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: -  5

Cheese Fondue
Description: Made wih fresh Cheese. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  3

Apple Pie
Description: A traditional dessert. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: -  8

Apple Jam
Description: Made with fresh Apples. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  5

Apple Soufflé
Description: Made with fresh Apples. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  8
Fatigue: -  2

Mushroom Rice
Description: Mushroom-mixed Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  1

Bamboo Rice
Description: Bamboo Shoots-mixed Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  1

Truffle Rice
Description: Truffle-mixed Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Made with Sashimi, Rice, and Vinegar.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  1

Jam Bun
Description: Made with Jam and Bread. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  5

Dinner Roll
Description: Made with Bread and Butter. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  2

Raisin Bread
Description: Made with Wild Grapes. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  4

Grape Jam
Description: Made with Wild Grapes. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  5

Curry Bread
Description: Made with Curry ana Bread. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  2

Description: Thinly sliced raw fish. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  3

Grilled Fish
Description: Made with fresh fish. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  1

Sashimi Mix
Description: Sashimi and other goodies on top of Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Savory Italian Pizza. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  1

Description: Made with Flour. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  3

Curry Noodles
Description: Made with Curry and Noodles. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: -  3

Tempura Noodles
Description: Made with Noodles. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: -  3

Fried Noodles (Red)
Description: Made with Noodles. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: -  2

Buckwheat Noodles
Description: Noodles made with Buckwheat flour.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  3

Tempura Buckwheat Noodles
Description: Made with Tempura. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: -  3

Fried Noodles (Yellow)
Description: Made with Noodles. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 60
Fatigue: -  2

Buckwheat Chips
Description: Made with Buckwheat Flour. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 15
Fatigue: -  2

Description: A delicious treat. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 15
Fatigue: -  5

Chocolate Cookies
Description: A delicious treat. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  5

Description: Deep-fried. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  2

Ice Cream
Description: Cold and sweet. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: - 20

Description: A sweet treat. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  8

Chocolate Cake
Description: A delicious treat. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 70
Fatigue: -  8

Relaxation Tea
Description: An English Tea. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: - 50

Description: Toasted Bread. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  7
Fatigue: -  1

French Toast
Description: Made with fresh Bread. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  2

Description: A delicious dessert. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  8

Mountain Stew
Description: A very healthy dish. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  1

Moon Dumplings
Description: Roasted veggies on a stick. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  3

Rice Cake
Description: Eaten on New Year's day. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: Get it after New Year's day event. Also win ??? times the Guess
the number game.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  1

Roasted Rice Cake
Description: Made with Rice Cakes. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  2

Elli Leaves
Description: Recover Stamina and Fatigue. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: Win 10-19 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House. Also a
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +100
Fatigue: - 50

Failure (1)
Description: Too bad the recipe didn't work out...
How to get it: A not working recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  5

Failure (2)
Description: Too bad the recipe didn't work out...
How to get it: A not working recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  5

Failure (3)
Description: Too bad the recipe didn't work out...
How to get it: A not working recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  5

Failure (4)
Description: Too bad the recipe didn't work out...
How to get it: A not working recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  5

Failure (5)
Description: Too bad the recipe didn't work out...
How to get it: A not working recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  5

Failure (6)
Description: Too bad the recipe didn't work out...
How to get it: A not working recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  5

Small Fish
Description: Caught in ocean or river. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Caught it with the Fishing Rod.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  2
Fatigue: -  1

Medium Fish
Description: Caught in ocean or river. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Caught it with the Fishing Rod.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 120 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  1

Large Fish
Description: Caught in ocean or river. Can be eaten or shipped.
How to get it: Caught it with the Fishing Rod.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 200 G
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  4
Fatigue: -  1

Toasted Rice Ball
Description: Made with Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  1

Tempura Rice
Description: Tempura with Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  2

Egg Over Rice
Description: Made with Eggs and Rice. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  1

Rice Gruel
Description: A soft Rice soup. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  3

Description: Made with Flour. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  3

Fish Sticks
Description: Made with Fish. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  5
Fatigue: -  1

Candied Potato
Description: Potato with sweet glaze. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: +  8
Fatigue: -  1

Potato Pancakes
Description: Made with Potatoes. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Fridge, Item Bag
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  2


Moon Drop Grass
Description: Flowers in Spring. Cannot be shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds with Won & plant them or found them; only in
Spring or Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  0

Pink Cat Grass
Description: Flowers in Summer. Cannot be shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds with Won & plant them or found them; only in
Summer or Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: - 15

Blue Magic Grass
Description: Flowers in Fall. Cannot be shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds with Won & plant them or found them; only in
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: -  0

Red Magic Grass
Description: Flowers in Fall. Cannot be shipped.
How to get it: Buy some Magic Seeds with Won & plant them, look at your Farm
Map if any flower is red (like 10% of getting 1); only in Fall.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 200 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  
Fatigue: -  

Toy Flower
Description: Flowers in Spring. Cannot be shipped.
How to get it: Buy some seeds with Won & plant them or found them; only in
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  7

Wool (S)
Description: Shorn from Sheep.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Sheep with affection of 0 --> 4 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Wool (M)
Description: Shorn from Sheep.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Sheep with affection of 4 --> 8 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 400 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Wool (L)
Description: Shorn from Sheep.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Sheep with affection of 8 --> 10 hearts.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 500 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Wool (G)
Description: Shorn from Sheep.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Sheep that has won the Sheep Festival.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 600 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Wool (P)
Description: Shorn from Sheep.
How to get it: Produced by an adult Sheep that has won the Sheep Festival & has
spent 600 or more game hours outside.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Wool (X)
Description: Shorn from Sheep.
How to get it: Rarely produced by an adult Sheep that has won the Sheep
Festival & has spent 600 or more game hours outside.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Yarn (S)
Description: Made by putting Wool in a Yarn Maker.
How to get it: Place a small wool in the Yarn Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 300 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Yarn (M)
Description: Made by putting Wool in a Yarn Maker.
How to get it: Place a medium wool in the Yarn Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 700 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Yarn (L)
Description: Made by putting Wool in a Yarn Maker.
How to get it: Place a large wool in the Yarn Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 800 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Yarn (G)
Description: Made by putting Wool in a Yarn Maker.
How to get it: Place a golden wool in the Yarn Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Yarn (P)
Description: Made by putting Wool in a Yarn Maker.
How to get it: Place a P-wool in the Yarn Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1500 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Yarn (X)
Description: Made by putting Wool in a Yarn Maker.
How to get it: Place a X-wool in the Yarn Maker.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 4000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Junk Ore
Description: Found in mines. Not very valuable so it's cheap.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor in the Spring mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Copper Ore
Description: Found in mines. Used to upgrade Tools.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor in the Spring mine or buy it from Lou
Buy: 150 G
Sell: 15 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Silver Ore
Description: Found in mines. Used to upgrade Tools.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor in the Spring mine or buy it from Lou
Buy: 200 G
Sell: 20 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Gold Ore
Description: Found in mines. Used to upgrade Tools.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor below 2 in the Spring mine or buy it
from Lou (Ban).
Buy: 250 G
Sell: 25 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Mystrile Ore
Description: Found in mines. Used to upgrade Tools.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor below 4 in the Spring mine or buy it
from Lou (Ban).
Buy: 400 G
Sell: 40 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Orichalc Ore
Description: Found in mines. Used to make jewelry.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor below 9 in the Spring mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Adamantite Ore
Description: Found in mines. Used to make Makers.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor below 9 in the Spring mine or buy it
for 4 medals
Buy: 4 medals
Sell: 50 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Moon Stone
Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor that ends with 8 in the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 55 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Sand Rose
Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor that ends with 9 in the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Pink Diamond
Description: Found in mines. Very rare and valuable.
How to get it: Smash rocks in the floors 30, 70, 90, 110, 130, 170, 190 & 255
in the Winter Mine or win 30-39 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 10000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines. Very rare and valuable.
How to get it: Smash rocks in the floors 50, 100, 150, 200, 251 & below in the
Winter Mine or win 20-29 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 10000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Mythic Stone
Description: Found rarely in mines. Used to upgrade Tools.
How to get it: Smash rocks in the floor 60 and HG Jewel floors at the Spring
Mine (they will ONLY appear after you have all your tools upgrated to 
blessed...) or winning 40-49 times the R-P-S game in the Town Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 20000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines. Rare and valuable.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor that ends with 0 in the Winter Mine
(except the ) or buy it for 14 medals.
Buy: 14 medals
Sell: 100 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines. Rare and valuable.
How to get it: Smash rocks in any floor that ends with 5 in the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 80 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: All the floors except 50, 100, 150 & 200 in Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 78 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: All the floors except 50, 100, 150 & 200 in Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 75 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: All the floors except 50, 100, 150 & 200 in Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 68 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: All the floors except 50, 100, 150 & 200 in Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 65 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: All the floors except 50, 100, 150 & 200 in Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 62 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Found in mines, and relatively valuable.
How to get it: All the floors except 50, 100, 150 & 200 in Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Harvest Goddess Jewel
Description: Found in mines. Collect 9 and see what happens.
How to get it: Found them in the Floors 60, 102, 123, 152, 155, 171, 190, 202
& 222 in the Spring Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Kappa Jewel
Description: Found in mines. Collect 9 and see what happens.
How to get it: Found them in the Floors 0, 40, 60, 80, 120, 140, 160, 180 & 255
in the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Jewel of Truth
Description: Collect 9 and see what happens.
How to get it: (Most of them will only appear after you bought the Cabinet).
 Check your Dog House Roof (from the left).
 Check in the Water Tank in your Horse's Barn
 Exchange for 1000 medals at the Horse Races
 Buy from Won for 50000 G
 Check one of the Street Lamps between the Church and Rose Plaza
 In Mary's Library, 2nd floor, the shelve next to the stairs
 Win the New Years gameshow on the tv inside of the Town Cottage
 Dropped from the calendar in the Mountain Cottage
 Take all 8 to Thomas' house and check the Refridgerator
Buy: Read above how to get it
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Spring Sun
Description: Unused Item. You can cook it.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Summer Sun
Description: Unused Item. You can cook it.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Autumn Sun
Description: Unused Item. You can cook it.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Winter Sun
Description: Unused Item. You can cook it.
How to get it: A recipe.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Jewelry that the blacksmith can make.
How to get it: Bring a Orichalc & 1000 G to Saibara & he'll make one.
Buy: 1000 G + Orichalc
Sell: 2000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Jewelry that the blacksmith can make.
How to get it: Bring a Orichalc & 1000 G to Saibara & he'll make one or
exchange 20 medals in the Horse Race Event.
Buy: 1000 G + Orichalc OR 20 medals
Sell: 2000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Jewelry that the blacksmith can make.
How to get it: Bring a Orichalc & 1000 G to Saibara & he'll make one.
Buy: 1000 G + Orichalc
Sell: 2000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Jewelry that the blacksmith can make.
How to get it: Bring a Orichalc & 1000 G to Saibara & he'll make one or
exchange 18 medals in the Horse Race Event.
Buy: 1000 G + Orichalc OR 18 medals
Sell: 2000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Grow in Spring and Fall. Should be removed.
How to get it: Randomly grows in you field.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Can be smashed with Hammer or placed on tillable land.
How to get it: They appear in your field.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Material for Lumber. Can be placed on tillable land.
How to get it: They appear in your field or after a Huricane. You can also get
it while fishing.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Recipe for French Fries
Description: Ingredients: Potato, Oil; Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife.
How to get it: Goddess TV show randomly winning 90-99 times or find it on the
Spring mine at the last floor (255)
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Recipe for Ketchup
Description: Tomato, Onion, Sugar, Salt, Vinegar and Mixer.
How to get it: Goddess TV show randomly winning 80-89 times.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: A dog toy.
How to get it: Buy it from Won when your dog has already grown up.
Buy: 100 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag

Pirate Treasure
Description: Very valuable Pirate Treasure from long ago.
How to get it: Goddess TV show randomly winning 70-79 times, or buy it for
1000 medals
Buy: 1000 medals
Sell: 10000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Fossil of Ancient Fish
Description: A very valuable fossil.
How to get it: Goddess TV show randomly winning 60-69 times.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 5000 G
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Empty Can
Description: Garbage.
How to get it: Fish it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Garbage.
How to get it: Fish it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Fish Bones
Description: Garbage.
How to get it: Fish it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Karen's Wine
Description: Wine received from Karen. The label has her name.
How to get it: Get it from Karen's Blue Heart event.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Popuri's Mud Ball
Description: A ball of mud made by Popuri.
How to get it: Get it from Popuri's Blue Heart event.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Ann's Music Box
Description: A Music Box received from Ann. It's broken, so it plays no music.
How to get it: Get it from Ann's Blue Heart event.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Mary's Great Book
Description: A fabulous novel received from Mary.
How to get it: Get it from Mary's Blue Heart event.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Elli's Pressed Flower
Description: A pressed flower made by Elli. Quite pretty.
How to get it: Get it from Elli's Blue Heart event.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 1
Description: Spring song for SFC Map.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 2
Description: Song for SFC Event.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 600 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 3
Description: Fall song for N64 Map.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 700 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 4
Description: N64 opening song.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 800 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 5
Description: PS girl opening song.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 900 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 6
Description: PS girl love event song.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 7
Description: Summer song for PS2 map.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 1100 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 8
Description: Fall song for PS2 forest.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 1200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 9
Description: GC Fall/Winter song.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 1300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 10
Description: GC bar night song.
How to get it: Buy it from Ban on Wenesdays.
Buy: 1400 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 11
Description: Received after 90 straight Rock-Paper-Scissors wins.
How to get it: Win 90 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 12
Description: Received after 80 straight Rock-Paper-Scissors wins.
How to get it: Win 80 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 13
Description: Received after 70 straight Rock-Paper-Scissors wins.
How to get it: Win 70 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 14
Description: Received after 60 straight Rock-Paper-Scissors wins.
How to get it: Win 60 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Album 15
Description: Received after 50 straight Rock-Paper-Scissors wins.
How to get it: Win 50 times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Always a good idea to keep one around!
How to get it: You can only get it with CHEATS.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Book from H.G.
Description: Guess if the number is small or large. Win 100 times and get this
book from H.G.
How to get it: Win 100 times Guess the Number in your house.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: This elegant perfume is perfect gift for women.
How to get it: Get it in the Goddess TV show randomly winning 30-39 times
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: A photo fallen next to Cliff. A family picture?
How to get it: It's a event with Cliff in 1st year of Winter
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Plant Encyclopedia
Description: This book from the Library contains every plant ever.
How to get it:
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: An invitation to the Harvest Sprites' Tea party
How to get it: Be friend with the H.S. & you'll receive it on your mail
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Sure to please girls, and wrapped in a pretty box.
How to get it: Get it in the Goddess TV show randomly winning 40-49 times
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Facial Pack
Description: Makes skin silky smooth, but looks silly when on.
How to get it: Exchange 42 medals in the Horse Race Event or get it in the
Goddess TV show randomly winning 25-29 times.
Buy: 42 medals
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Skin Lotion
Description: This special lotion is great for skin. Girls like it.
How to get it: Exchange 35 medals in the Horse Race Event or get it in the
Goddess TV show randomly winning 20-24 times.
Buy: 35 medals
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Helps avoid sunburn in the summertime.
How to get it: Exchange 30 medals in the Horse Race Event or get it in the
Goddess TV show randomly winning 15-19 times.
Buy: 30 medals
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Use for construction, fire-wood. or Fences.
How to get it: Chop the branches or buy it from Gotz.
Buy: 50 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Golden Lumber
Description: Cab be used to build Fences. Won't rot ever.
How to get it: Buy it from Gotz when you have 999 Lumbers or get it in the
Goddess TV show randomly winning 50-59 times.
Buy: 100,000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Animal Fodder
Description: Feed for Cows and Sheep. Place in Feed Boxes.
How to get it: Buy it from Barley at the Yodel Farm.
Buy: 20 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Chicken Feed
Description: Place in the Feed Bim in the Chicken Coop.
How to get it: Buy it from Lillia at the Poultry Farm.
Buy: 10 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Certificate of R-P-S
Description: Certificate of Rock-Paper-Scissors Mastery. Win after 100 straight
wins over H.G.
How to get it: Win 100 or more times the R-P-S game in the Cottage House.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0

Description: Use to play with your Dog on Mineral Beach.
How to get it: Buy it from Won when your dog has already grown up.
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Shelf, Item Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  0


Description: Good for cutting grass or weeds. Also cuts crops!
How to get it: You'll start with it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Copper Sickle
Description: Good for cutting grass or weeds. Also cuts crops!
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Copper Ore + 1000 G
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  3
Fatigue: +  0

Silver Sickle
Description: Good for cutting grass or weeds. Also cuts crops!
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Silver Ore + 2000 G
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  5
Fatigue: +  0

Gold Sickle
Description: Good for cutting grass or weeds. Also cuts crops!
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Gold Ore + 3000 G
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  7
Fatigue: +  0

Mystrile Sickle
Description: Good for cutting grass or weeds. Also cuts crops!
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mystrile Ore + 5000 G
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  0

Cursed Sickle
Description: Once equipped, go to Church to remove it.
How to get it: Find on Floor 79 of the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -100
Fatigue: + 10

Blessed Sickle
Description: A sickle whose curse has been removed!
How to get it: Equip the Cursed Sickle for 10 straight days.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 20
Fatigue: +  0

Mythic Sickle
Description: Good for cutting grass or weeds. Also cuts crops!
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mythic Stone + 50000 G
Buy: 50,000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 35
Fatigue: +  0

Description: Till earth, sown fields, or grass right after mown.
How to get it: You'll start with it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Copper Hoe
Description: Till earth, sown fields, or grass right after mown.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Copper Ore + 1000 G
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  3
Fatigue: +  0

Silver Hoe
Description: Till earth, sown fields, or grass right after mown.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Silver Ore + 2000 G
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Gold Hoe
Description: Till earth, sown fields, or grass right after mown.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Gold Ore + 3000 G
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  5
Fatigue: +  0

Mystrile Hoe
Description: Till earth, sown fields, or grass after mown.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mystrile Ore + 5000 G
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  7
Fatigue: +  0

Cursed Hoe
Description: Once equipped, go to Church to remove it.
How to get it: Find on Floor 39 of the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -100
Fatigue: + 10

Blessed Hoe
Description: A Hoe whose curse has been removed!
How to get it: Have Carter bless the Cursed Hoe 10 times for 1000 G each time.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  0

Mythic Hoe
Description: Till earth, sown fields, or grass after mown.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mythic Stone + 50000 G
Buy: 50,000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 40
Fatigue: +  0

Description: Chop Branches into Lumber. Can't breack apart Stumps.
How to get it: You'll start with it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Copper Axe
Description: Chop Branches or Stumps into Lumber.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Copper Ore + 1000 G
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Silver Axe
Description: Chop Branches or Stumps into Lumber.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Silver Ore + 2000 G
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  5
Fatigue: +  0

Gold Axe
Description: Chop Branches or Stumps into Lumber.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Gold Ore + 3000 G
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  8
Fatigue: +  0

Mystrile Axe
Description: Chop Branches or Stumps into Lumber.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mystrile Ore + 5000 G
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  0

Cursed Axe
Description: Once equipped, go to Church to remove it.
How to get it: Find on Floor 49 of the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -100
Fatigue: + 10

Blessed Axe
Description: An axe whose curse has been removed!
How to get it:
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 20
Fatigue: +  0

Mythic Axe
Description: Chop Branches or Stumps into Lumber.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mythic Stone + 50000 G
Buy: 50,000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  0

Description: Smash Stones or fences. Prepare fields for tilling.
How to get it: You'll start with it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Copper Hammer
Description: Smash Stones, large Stones, or fences. Prepare fields.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Copper Ore + 1000 G
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Silver Hammer
Description: Smash Stones, large Stones, huge Stones, Prepare fields for
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Silver Ore + 2000 G
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  5
Fatigue: +  0

Gold Hammer
Description: Smash Stones of all sizes and fences. Prepare fields.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Gold Ore + 3000 G
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  8
Fatigue: +  0

Mystrile Hammer
Description: Smash Stones of all sizes and fences. Prepare fields.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mystrile Ore + 5000 G
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  0

Cursed Hammer
Description: Once equipped, go to Church to remove it.
How to get it: Find on Floor 59 of the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -100
Fatigue: + 10

Blessed Hammer
Description: A Hammer whose curse has been removed!
How to get it: Equip the Cursed Hammer for 10 straight days.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 15
Fatigue: +  0

Mythic Hammer
Description: Smash Stones of all sizes and fences. Prepare fields.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mythic Stone + 50000 G
Buy: 50,000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 20
Fatigue: +  0

Watering Can
Description: Water crops. xxx squares left.
How to get it: You'll start with it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Copper Watering Can
Description: Water crops. xxx squares left.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Copper Ore + 1000 G
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Silver Watering Can
Description: Water crops. xxx squares left.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Silver Ore + 2000 G
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  6
Fatigue: +  0

Gold Watering Can
Description: Water crops. xxx squares left.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Gold Ore + 3000 G
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  8
Fatigue: +  0

Mystrile Watering Can
Description: Water crops. xxx squares left.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mystrile Ore + 5000 G
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 10
Fatigue: +  0

Cursed Watering Can
Description: Once equipped, go to Church to remove it.
How to get it: Find on Floor 69 of the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -100
Fatigue: + 10

Blessed Watering Can
Description: Curse has been removed! xxx squares left.
How to get it: Have Carter bless the Cursed Watering Can 10 times for 1000 G
each time.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 20
Fatigue: +  0

Mythic Watering Can
Description: Water crops. xxx squares left.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mythic Stone + 50000 G
Buy: 50,000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: - 30
Fatigue: +  0

Fishing Rod
Description: For fishing.
How to get it: Get it from Zack in his house (in the beach).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Copper Fishing Rod
Description: For fishing.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Copper Ore + 1000 G
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Silver Fishing Rod
Description: For fishing.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Silver Ore + 2000 G
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Gold Fishing Rod
Description: For fishing.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Gold Ore + 3000 G
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Mystrile Fishing Rod
Description: For fishing.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mystrile Ore + 5000 G
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Cursed Fishing Rod
Description: Once equipped, go to Church to remove it.
How to get it: Find on Floor 29 of the Winter Mine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: + 10

Blessed Fishing Rod
Description: A Fishing Rod whose curse has been removed!
How to get it: Use the Cursed tool 255 times.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Mythic Fishing Rod
Description: For fishing.
How to get it: Bring to Saibara a Mythic Stone + 50000 G
Buy: 50,000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Cow Miracle Potion
Description: Use to impregnate adult Cows.
How to get it: Buy it from Barley at the Yodel Farm.
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Sheep Miracle Potion
Description: Use to impregnate adult Sheep.
How to get it: Buy it from Barley at the Yodel Farm.
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Turnip Seeds
Description: Plant in Spring.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 120 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Potato Seeds
Description: Plant in Spring.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 150 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Cucumber Seeds
Description: Plant in Spring.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Strawberry Seeds
Description: Plant in Spring.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 150 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Cabbage Seeds
Description: Plant in Spring.
How to get it: Buy it from Won.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Tomato Seeds
Description: Plant in Summer.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Corn Seeds
Description: Plant in Summer.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Onion Seeds
Description: Plant in Summer.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 150 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Pumpkin Seeds
Description: Plant in Summer.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Pineapple Seeds
Description: Plant in Summer.
How to get it: Buy it from Won.
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Eggplant Seeds
Description: Plant in Fall.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 120 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Carrot Seeds
Description: Plant in Fall.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Sweet Potato Seeds
Description: Plant in Fall.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Spinach Seeds
Description: Plant in Fall.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Green Pepper Seeds
Description: Plant in Fall.
How to get it: Buy it from Won.
Buy: 150 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Grass Seeds
Description: Plant in any season but Winter.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Moon Drop Seeds
Description: Plant in Spring or Fall.
How to get it: Buy it from Won.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Pink Cat Seeds
Description: Plant in Summer or Fall.
How to get it: Buy it from Won.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Magic Seeds
Description: Plant in Fall.
How to get it: Buy it from Won.
Buy: 600 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Toy Flower Seeds
Description: Plant in Spring.
How to get it: Buy it from Won.
Buy: 400 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Description: A Tool for brushing Cows, Sheep, or Horses.
How to get it: Buy it from Saibara.
Buy: 800 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Description: A Tool for milking adult female cows.
How to get it: Buy it from Saibara.
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Description: A Tool for shearing Wool from adult Sheep.
How to get it: Buy it from Saibara.
Buy: 1800 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  8
Fatigue: +  0

Description: Ring the Bell to call Cows and Sheep to you.
How to get it: Buy it from Barley at the Yodel Farm.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Animal Medicine
Description: Use to cure sick livestock.
How to get it: Buy it from Barley at the Yodel Farm.
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  4
Fatigue: +  0

Blue Feather
Description: Use it to propose to that special girl.
How to get it: Buy it in the Grocery Store.
Buy: 1000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  0
Fatigue: +  0

Description: XX steps.
How to get it: You'll start with it.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  0
Fatigue: +  0

Teleport Stone
Description: Teleport to a location of your choice.
How to get it: Found it on the last floor (255) of the Spring Mine, it will
only appear in the year 3 & after.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  2
Fatigue: +  0

Gem of the Goddess
Description: Recuperate Stamina over time.
How to get it: Receive it after collected the 9 Goddess Jewels.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: +  1  (per second, has to be picked up)
Fatigue: -  0

Gem of the Kappa
Description: Recuperate Fatigue over time.
How to get it: Receive it after collected the 9 Kappa Jewels.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: +  0
Fatigue: -  1  (per 5 secs., has to be picked up)

Gem of the Truth
Description: Displays your Stamina and Fatigue.
How to get it: Receive it after collected the 9 Jewels of Truth.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Store: Tool Box, Tool Bag
Stamina: -  0
Fatigue: +  0


Record Player
Description: A Record Player.
How to get it: Buy it from Lou (Ban).
Buy: 2000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: It goes in your house.
Stamina: N/A
Fatigue: N/A

Power Berry
Description: A red berry
How to get it: Look at section 16
Buy: Read above how to buy it
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 10
Fatigue: -  0

Description: N/A
How to get it: Buy it from the Store
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: N/A
Fatigue: N/A

Rucksack (Medium)
Description: N/A
How to get it: Buy it from the Store
Buy: 3000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: N/A
Fatigue: N/A

Rucksack (Large)
Description: N/A
How to get it: Buy it from the Store a week later after you bought the Medium
Buy: 5000 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: N/A
Fatigue: N/A

Wrapping Paper
Description: It adds +25% of the normal value of any item.
How to get it: Buy it from the Store
Buy: 100 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: N/A
Fatigue: N/A

Description: Just plain old water.
How to get it: Buy it from Kai in the Snack Shack.
Buy: 0 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: +  0

Baked Corn
Description: Made with fresh Corn. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: Buy it from Kai in the Snack Shack.
Buy: 250 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  3

Description: Some delicios-looking spaghetti
How to get it: Buy it from Kai in the Snack Shack.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  5

Description: Savory Italian Pizza. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: Buy it from Kai in the Snack Shack.
Buy: 200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 30
Fatigue: -  3

Description: Crushed ice with syrup.
How to get it: Buy it from Kai in the Snack Shack.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: - 20

Description: Just plain old water.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 08:00am to 01:00pm & 
03:00pm to 09:00pm
Buy: 0 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: +  0

Box Lunch
Description: Sold only at the Hotel in the afternoon.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 08:00am to 01:00pm & 
03:00pm to 06:00pm
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: +100
Fatigue: - 20

Description: Made with fresh vegetables. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 08:00am to 01:00pm & 
03:00pm to 06:00pm
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: - 30

Apple Pie
Description: A traditional dessert. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 08:00am to 01:00pm & 
03:00pm to 06:00pm
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 50
Fatigue: -  3

Cheese Cake
Description: Made with fresh Cheese.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 08:00am to 01:00pm & 
03:00pm to 06:00pm
Buy: 250 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 40
Fatigue: -  3

Description: A delicious treat. To eat or use as a gift.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 08:00am to 01:00pm & 
03:00pm to 06:00pm
Buy: 200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: + 20
Fatigue: -  3

Mt. Grape Wine
Description: A wine made with Wild Grapes.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 06:00pm to 09:00pm.
Buy: 500 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: +  1
Fatigue: - 40

Pineapple Juice
Description: Freshly squeezed Pineapple. To drink or use as a gift.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 06:00pm to 09:00pm.
Buy: 300 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: - 30

Description: Freshly squeezed.
How to get it: Buy it from Doug at the inn from 06:00pm to 09:00pm.
Buy: 200 G
Sell: N/A
Store: N/A
Stamina: +  3
Fatigue: - 20

|10.0 Tools                                                                   |

  In this section, I will only mention the Tools that you use on your Farm &
can be upgrated, which are: Sickle, Axe, Hoe, Hammer, Watering Can & Fishing

  In the next chart, I'll explain how much Stamina (S) & Fatigue (F) you use
when you charge your tool to the max level, having upgrated certain tool to
that level...

             |Normal |Cooper |Silver | Gold  |Mystrile|Blessed|Mythic |
             | S | F | S | F | S | F | S | F | S  | F | S | F | S | F |
|Sickle      |- 2| 0 |- 3| 0 |- 5| 0 |- 7| 0 |- 10| 0 |-20| 0 |-35| 0 |
|Hoe         |- 2| 0 |- 3| 0 |- 4| 0 |- 5| 0 |-  7| 0 |-10| 0 |-40| 0 |
|Axe         |- 2| 0 |- 4| 0 |- 5| 0 |- 8| 0 |- 10| 0 |-20| 0 |-10| 0 |
|Hammer      |- 2| 0 |- 4| 0 |- 5| 0 |- 8| 0 |- 10| 0 |-15| 0 |-20| 0 |
|Watering Can|- 2| 0 |- 4| 0 |- 6| 0 |- 8| 0 |- 10| 0 |-20| 0 |-30| 0 |
|Fishing Rod |- 2| 0 |- 2| 0 |- 2| 0 |- 2| 0 |-  2| 0 |- 2| 0 |- 2| 0 |

  Note: You'll use -2 Stamina when you refill the Watering Can, no matter how
much water it had nor what level is it.

  Since the Cursed tools makes you to gain Fatigue, the next chart is only when
you have equipped this cursed tools & charge it to a cartain level.

             |Normal |Cooper |Silver | Gold  |Mystril| Cursed |
             | S | F | S | F | S | F | S | F | S | F | S  | F |
|Sickle      |-10|+10|-15|+10|-25|+10|-35|+10|-50|+10|-100|+10|
|Hoe         |-10|+10|-15|+10|-20|+10|-25|+10|-35|+10|-100|+10|
|Axe         |-10|+10|-20|+10|-25|+10|-40|+10|-50|+10|-100|+10|
|Hammer      |-10|+10|-20|+10|-25|+10|-40|+10|-50|+10|-100|+10|
|Watering Can|-10|+10|-20|+10|-30|+10|-40|+10|-50|+10|-100|+10|
|Fishing Rod |- 2|+10|- 2|+10|- 2|+10|- 2|+10|- 2|+10|-  2|+10|

  In then next chart, I'll mention how much exp. is needed to upgrade
certain tool (Any tool can be upgraded with the same amount of exp.)

  You'll always get 50 exp. by using ANY leveled tool charged or not, so only
use the tool w/o charging to lose less Stamina.

  |Cooper|Silver| Gold |Mistril|
  | 6,000|18,000|36,000| 65,535|

  Note: For the Watering Can, you must have water, otherwise you can't use it
& you won't get exp.

|11.0 Mining                                                                  |

  One of the activities you can do in this game is to mine in order to find
some ores & other useful stuff.

  There are 2 places where you can mine, the Spring Mine, which is located next
to the HG pond & above from the Spa, & the Winter Mine, which you can only 
reach on winter because you have to cross the lake that is next to the Mother's
Hill unless you obtain the teleport stone & warp there.

  Each mine consist of 255 floors, but getting to the bottom will take you lots
of time an patience, because in some floors there are no stairs going down, 
if that happens then you have to do the "save & reload" trick. You have to 
bring at least your Hammer, to break the rocks; & the Hoe, to dig for the

  In the next charts I'll mention what can you find in each mine. Note that in
some items, you have to do something before the item can appear.

- Spring Mine

|   Item                    | Found at...                           | Where  |
|   Black Grass             | Any floor                             | Ground |
|   Bag of Money            | Any floor                             | Ground |
|   Junk Ore                | Any floor                             | Rocks  |
|   Cooper Ore              | Any floor                             | Rocks  |
|   Silver Ore              | Any floor                             | Rocks  |
|   Gold Ore                | Floor   3 & below                     | Rocks  |
|   Mystrile Ore            | Floor   5 & below                     | Rocks  |
|   Adamantite              | Floor  10 & below                     | Rocks  |
|   Orichalc                | Floor  10 & below                     | Rocks  |
| * Mythic Stone            | Floor  60 & HG jewel floors           | Rocks  |
|   Power Berry             | Floor 100                             | Ground |
|   Recipe for French Fries | Floor 255                             | Ground |
|   Teleport Stone          | Floor 255 (From the 3rd year & on)    | Rocks  |
|   Harvest Goddess Jewels  | Floor 60, 102, 123, 152, 155, 171,    | Rocks  |
|                           |       198, 202 & 222                  |        |
|   Gem of the Goddess      | When you gather ALL 9 HG Jewels       | Event  |

* The Mythic Stones will ONLY appear once you have ALL your tools upgrated to

- Winter Mine (AKA Lake Mine)

|    Item                   | Found at...                           | Where  |
|   Black Grass             | Any floor                             | Ground |
|   Bag of Money            | Any floor                             | Ground |
|   Amethyst                | Any floor but 50, 100, 150 & 200      | Rocks  |
|   Agate                   | Any floor but 50, 100, 150 & 200      | Rocks  |
|   Fluorite                | Any floor but 50, 100, 150 & 200      | Rocks  |
|   Peridot                 | Any floor but 50, 100, 150 & 200      | Rocks  |
|   Topaz                   | Any floor but 50, 100, 150 & 200      | Rocks  |
|   Ruby                    | Any floor but 50, 100, 150 & 200      | Rocks  |
|   Emerald                 | Floors that ends in 5 (5,15,25,etc)   | Rocks  |
|   Moon Stone              | Floors that ends in 8 (8,18,28,etc)   | Rocks  |
|   Sand Rose               | Floors that ends in 9 (9,19,29,etc)   | Rocks  |
|   Diamond                 | Floors that ends in 0 (10,20,30,etc)  | Rocks  |
|   Pink Diamond            | Floors 30,70,90,110,130,170,190,255   | Rocks  |
|   Alexandrite             | Floors 50, 100, 150, 200, 251 & bellow| Rocks  |
|   Kappa Jewels            | Floors 0, 40, 60, 80, 120, 140, 160,  | Rocks  |
|                           |        180 & 255                      |        |
|   Gem of the Kappa        | When you gather ALL 9 Kappa Jewels    | Event  |
|   Power Berry             | Floor 19                              | Ground |
| * Cursed Fishing Rod      | Floor 29                              | Ground |
| * Cursed Hoe              | Floor 39                              | Ground |
| * Cursed Axe              | Floor 49                              | Ground |
| * Cursed Hammer           | Floor 59                              | Ground |
| * Cursed Watering Can     | Floor 69                              | Ground |
| * Cursed Sickle           | Floor 79                              | Ground |

* The cursed tools will ONLY appear once you have ALL your tools upgrated to

|12.0 Fishing                                                                 |

Name: The name of the stuff that you can catch with the fishing rod.
Season: In what season you can catch it. (Sp = Spring, Su = Summer, Fa = Fall
  Wi = Winter)
Rod Level: At what level does the fishing rod needs to be upgrated/charged to
  catch stuff. (1 = Basic, 2 = Copper, 3 = Silver, 4 = Gold, 5 = Mystrile,
  6 = Cursed/Blessed, 7 = Mythic)
Size: The size of what you fished. (sm = small, Me = Medium, LA = Large,
  King = King Fish)
Location: The location of the stuff you fished. (Sea, Lake, Down = Downstream
  Up = Upstream, HG = Harvest Goddess Pond)

Sea: Is where you can find Kai's Seaside Lodge, Zack's House & the Seaside
Lake: Is the lake in which the Winter mine is held, also is where Kappa lives.
Downstream: Is the river that passes in front of your house.
Upstream: Is behind the bridge that connects to Mother's Hill.
Harvest Goddess Pond: Is next to the spring mine & spa, also is where the
Harvest Goddess lives.

Note: The more affection you have with the Harvest Goddess, the easier will be
to catch with the fishing rod.

 Name             Season       Rod Level       Size            Location
Pirate Fortune     Su                  6,7      N/A     Sea
Fossil of Fish        Fa               6,7      N/A     Sea
Power Berry              Wi          5          N/A     Sea
Message Bottle  Sp                   5          N/A     Sea
Empty Can       Sp,Su,Fa,Wi  1,2,3,4,5,6,7      N/A     Sea,Lake,HG,Up,Down
Branch          Sp,Su,Fa,Wi  1,2,3,4,5,6,7      N/A     Sea,Lake,HG,Up,Down
Fish Bones      Sp,Su,Fa,Wi  1,2,3,4,5,6,7      N/A     Sea,Lake,HG,Up,Down
Boots           Sp,Su,Fa,Wi  1,2,3,4,5,6,7      N/A     Sea,Lake,HG,Up,Down
 Name             Season       Rod Level       Size            Location
Rock Trout      Sp       Wi      3            sm,Me     Sea
Scad            Sp,Su,Fa         3            sm,Me     Sea
Fatminnow       Sp,Su,Fa,Wi  1                sm            Lake    Up
Cherry Salmon   Sp,Su,Fa     1                sm,Me         Lake    Up
Pigfish         Sp,Su            3            sm,Me     Sea
Sardine         Sp,Su,Fa,Wi  1                sm,Me     Sea
Mountain Trout  Sp,Su,Fa           4          sm,Me,LA              Up
Whitefish       Sp,Su,Fa,Wi    2              sm,Me              HG    Down
Eel                Su,Fa             5              LA                 Down
Bitterling      Sp,Su,Fa,Wi  1                sm                       Down
Bonito          Sp,Su,Fa             5              LA  Sea
Fluke           Sp,   Fa,Wi        4             Me,LA  Sea
Filefish        Sp,      Wi    2              sm,Me     Sea
Golden Carp     Sp,Su,Fa     1                sm                 HG    Down
Silver Carp     Sp,Su,Fa       2              sm,Me              HG    Down
Kelp Bass       Sp,   Fa,Wi        4                LA  Sea
Bighead         Sp,Su,Fa,Wi          5              LA                 Down
Salmon             Su,Fa           4             Me,LA                 Down
Mackerel        Sp,   Fa,Wi        4             Me,LA  Sea
Needlefish      Sp               3            sm,Me     Sea
Sp. Mackerel    Sp,      Wi          5              LA  Sea
Saury Pike            Fa         3            sm,Me     Sea
Dorado          Sp,Su,Fa             5              LA  Sea
Red Snaper      Sp,Su,Fa             5              LA  Sea
Cod             Sp,      Wi        4             Me,LA  Sea
Roach           Sp    Fa     1                sm                       Down
Brown Hakeling  Sp,Su    Wi  1                sm,Me                    Down
Rainbow Trout   Sp,Su,Fa,Wi          5              LA      Lake    Up
Herring         Sp,Su    Wi  1                sm,Me     Sea
Silver Carp     Sp,Su,Fa,Wi          5              LA                 Down
Sandfish        Sp       Wi  1                sm        Sea
Flounder        Sp,Su,Fa,Wi          5              LA  Sea
Blowfish        Sp,      Wi        4             Me,LA  Sea
Black Bass      Sp,Su,Fa           4             Me,LA      Lake,HG,Up,Down
Yellowtail      Sp,Su    Wi          5              LA  Sea
Bluegill        Sp,Su,Fa     1                sm,Me         Lake,HG,Up,Down
Crucian Carp    Sp,Su,Fa,Wi        4             Me,LA      Lake,HG
Greenling       Sp       Wi      3            sm,Me     Sea
Tuna            Sp,Su,Fa,Wi          5              LA  Sea
Ocean Sunfish   Sp,Su,Fa             5              LA  Sea
Lionfish        Sp,Su,Fa,Wi    2              sm,Me     Sea
Rockfish        Sp    Fa       2              sm,Me     Sea
L. Salmon       Sp    Fa       2              sm,Me                 Up
Snakehead          Su,Fa             5           Me,LA           HG    Down
Lake smelt      Sp       Wi  1                sm                 HG    Down
 Name             Season       Rod Level       Size            Location
Jp. Huchen      Sp,Su,Fa               6,7     King     Downstream
Monkfish        Sp       Wi            6,7     King     Sea
Catfish                  Wi            6,7     King     Hot Springs
Carp            Sp,Su,Fa               6,7     King     Lake
Coelacanth               Wi            6,7     King     Winter Mine
Squid           Sp,Su,Fa               6,7     King     Sea


Rock Trout         35 cm   Scad               40 cm   Fatminnow          14 cm
Cherry Salmon      24 cm   Pigfish            40 cm   Sardine            25 cm
Mountain Trout     49 cm   Whitefish          34 cm   Eel                
Bitterling         15 cm   Bonito             80 cm   Fluke              56 cm
Filefish           28 cm   Golden Carp        17 cm   Silver Carp        27 cm
Kelp Bass          64 cm   Bighead            92 cm   Salmon             
Mackerel           39 cm   Needlefish         39 cm   Sp. Mackerel       95 cm
Saury Pike            cm   Dorado         1 m 55 cm   Red Snaper         88 cm
Cod                38 cm   Roach              10 cm   Brown Hakeling     25 cm
Rainbow Trout  1 m 00 cm   Herring            27 cm   Silver Carp        85 cm
Sandfish           12 cm   Flounder           60 cm   Blowfish           49 cm
Black Bass         50 cm   Yellowtail         99 cm   Bluegill           25 cm
Crucian Carp       50 cm   Greenling          40 cm   Tuna           2 m 50 cm
Ocean Sunfish  2 m 44 cm   Lionfish           30 cm   Rockfish           30 cm
L. Salmon          30 cm   Snakehead             cm   Lake smelt         15 cm
Jp. Huchen                 Monkfish                   Catfish            
Carp                       Coelacanth                 Squid              

|13.0 The Townsfolk                                                           |

  (Note: This section is far from getting completed)...

- Anna

  Dob: Fall 23
  Lives: Basil's House (Next to the Library)
  Family: Basil (Husband), Mary (Daughter)

  She is enjoying the country living but a little bored because Basil is 
always busy studying. Good at baking.

- Barley

  Dob: Spring 17
  Lives: Yodel Farm
  Family: May (Granddaughter), Joanna (Daughter)

  His daughter Joanna left to the city, then returned with her daughter, May.
However, she then left May with Barley before leaving again. Barley loves May
very much, so he worries about her. 

- Basil

  Dob: Summer 11
  Family: Mary (Daughter), Anna (Wife)

  He's a scientist, and books written by him are at Mary's Library. He came
to Mineral Town with his family to study the flora there.

- Carter

  Dob: Fall 20
  Lives: Church
  Family: N/A

  He is a priest who lives at the Church. He came to Mineral Town to spread 
the gospel, but seems not to preach very much lately. He can lift curses 
from Tools, but wants to help people in other ways, too.

- Doug

  Dob: Winter 11
  Lives: Doug's Inn
  Family: Ann (Daughter)

  He runs a bar, restaurant and inn called "Doug's Inn". He always worries
about Ann, whom he raised alone. He still can't forget Ann's mom, who died.

- Duke

  Dob: Winter 15
  Family: Aja (Daugher), Manna (Wife)

  He runs Aja Winery. He liked drinking to begin with, but ever since Aja
left he's been drinking too much. He's a bully to everyone (except Manna, 
of course).

- Ellen

  Dob: Winter 13
  Family: Elli (Granddaughter), Stu (Grandson)

  She lives in a house on the north side of Mineral Town. She can't walk 
very well because of sickness. She used to be a midwife. She worries about

- Gotz

  Dob: Fall 2
  Family: N/A

  He's a woodcutter who lives alone in the woods. Both his daughter and wife
died on the mountain years ago.

- Harris

  Dob: Summer 4
  Family: Mayor Thomas (Father)

  He is a policeman, and lives on the north side. He's in charge of keeping
the peace in town. He's in love with Aja, who lives in the city.

- Jeff

  Dob: Winter 29
  Lives: Supermarket
  Family: Karen (Daughter), Sasha (Wife)

  He runs the Supermarket. He can never stand up to people, so he always 
lets everyone buy on credit. So, he suffers from ulcers. He's been picked
on by Duke from childhood.

- Lillia

  Dob: Fall 27
  Lives: Poultry Farm
  Family: Popuri (Daughter), Rick (Son), Rod (Husband)

  She runs the Poultry Farm. When Lillia took sick long ago, Rod went off 
to find medicine to heal her. She's cheerful and easygoing.

- Manna

  Dob: Fall 11
  Family: Aja (Daughter), Duke (Husband)

  She loves to talk and gossip about others. She always hopes that Aja will
come back home.

- May

  Dob: Winter 26
  Lives: Yodel Farm
  Family: Joanna (Mother), Barley (Grandfather)

  She lives in Yodel Farm. May is a very sweet little girl, whom everybody
loves. She hopes everyday for her mom to come back.

- Mayor Thomas

  Dob: Summer 25
  Family: Harris (Son)

  He is a Mayor, and lives in a house on the north side. A photographer 
named Kano used to live with him, but no more. He believes in serving the
townspeople as well as he can. He takes Ellen an Apple Pie every Sunday. He 
wants everybody in his town to be friendly to each other.

- Saibara

  Dob: Spring 11
  Family: Gray (Nephew)

  He's a blacksmith. He's a stubborn old man, but he takes great pride in
his work. He's training his nephew Gray.

- Sasha

  Dob: Spring 30
  Lives: Supermarket
  Family: Karen (Daughter), Jeff (Husband)

  She runs the Supermarket. Unlike her husband, she is confident and 
assertive. She loves her husband, but has to look after him.

- Stu

  Dob: Fall 5
  Family: Elli (Sister), Ellen (Grandmother)

  He lives in a house on the north side of Mineral Town. Stu loves to play 
jokes on people, but he's also a cry-baby. Still, the townspeople all like

- Won

  Dob: Winter 19
  Family: N/A

  He's a wandering salesman who just appeared in Mineral Town. For some 
reason, he lives at Zack's house, where he also runs his shop. He comes to
the farm once in a while to sell his wares.

- Zack

  Dob: Summer 29
  Family: N/A

  He owns a house in Mineral Beach. There's someone else staying there too...
The wandering salesman Won stays there as well. He comes and picks up things
from your Shipment box everyday (except holidays). He also delivers what you
buy on the TV Shopping Network.

- Ann

  Dob: Summer 17/ Summer 22
  Lives: Doug's Inn
  Family: Doug (Father)

  She always helps out her dad at Doug's Inn. She has no confidence in 
herself at all when it comes to love. Maybe because she's a tom-boy.

- Elli

  Dob: Spring 16/ Spring 20
  Family: Stu (Brother), Ellen (Grandmother)

  She wants to become a Nurse, and works at the Clinic. Elli believes in hard
work, maybe because she's had to raise her brother after her parents died. 
She can be very strict.

- Harvest Goddess

  Dob: Spring 8/ Spring 9
  Lives: Spring on Mother's Hill
  Family: N/A

  She lives in the spring on Mother's Hill. She'll appear if you throw an
offering into her spring. She's in charge of communications, and hates 
having to appear whenever someone throws an offering into her spring. 

- Karen

  Dob: Fall 15/ Fall 23
  Lives: Supermarket
  Family: Sasha (Mother), Jeff (Father)

  Her father runs the Supermarket. She takes after her mother, so she likes
to help folks. She likes to drink and dance, but can't cook at all. 

- Mary

  Dob: Winter 20/ Winter 25
  Family: Anna (Mother), Basil (Father)

  She works at the Library. She loves books, and even writes novels herself.
She's not very interested in romance at all.

- Popuri

  Dob: Summer 3/ Summer 10
  Lives: Pultry Farm
  Family: Rick (Brother), Lillia (Mother), Rod (Father)

  She lives at the Poultry Farm. She is still childish, and can be moody too.
Her dream is to go live in a big city, and she hates it when Rick babies her.

- Cliff

  Dob: Summer 6
  Lives: Doug's Inn
  Family: N/A

  He likes to hang out at the Church so much you'd think he lives there. He
left his family before arriving in Mineral Town. At first he spent all his 
time in confessional, but now he's beginning to make more friends. 

- Doctor (Tim)

  Dob: Fall 17
  Lives: Mineral Clinic
  Family: N/A

  He runs the Mineral Clinic. At the Clinic, Elli works as a 
nurse-in-training. He seems cool and aloof, but is passionate about his
patients. He's tempted to go study medicine in the city, but doesn't want
to leave them behind.

- Gray

  Dob: Winter 6
  Lives: Doug's Inn
  Family: Saibara (Uncle)

  He is a blacksmith's apprentice. He came to Mineral Town to apprentice
with his uncle. He hated it at first, but then began to like it. He's very
prideful, but with a good heart.

- Kai

  Dob: Winter 6
  Lives: N/A
  Family: N/A

  He runs Kai's Beach House during the Summer. He comes from the city to 
spend Summers in Mineral Beach. He's popular with women and children, but
men don't like his attitude much.

- Rick

  Dob: Summer 27
  Lives: Pultry Farm
  Family: Popuri (Sister), Lillia (Mother), Rod (Father)

  He lives at the Poultry Farm. He loves his sister very much, and is quite
protective of her. He also has a fierce temper.

- Gourmet Guy

  Dob: (Spring 21/ Spring 20) <-- Only in HM:FoMT fg
  Lives: N/A
  Family: N/A

  His birthday is... unknown. He's the judge of the Cooking Festival. More 
than anything else, he loves to eat. He knows everything about food.

- Kappa

  Dob: (Spring 8/ Spring 9) <-- Only in HM:FoMT fg
  Lives: Lake on Mother's Hill
  Family: N/A

  His birthday is... unknown. He likes Cucumbers a lot. He also gets upset
when he gets caught up in the hooks when people fish in the lake.

- Van/Ban/Lu

  Dob: Spring 19
  Lives: N/A
  Family: N/A

  You can only see him if you connect this game with HM:AWL (Harvest Moon: 
A Wonderful Life). You'll Find him at the Inn on Wednesdays.

- Luu/Ruby

  Dob: Spring 19?
  Lives: Forgotten Valley
  Family: Tim (Husband), Rokku (SP?) (Son)

  You can only see her if you connect this game with HM:AWL (Harvest Moon: 
A Wonderful Life). You'll Find her at the Inn on Sundays.

- Louis

  Dob: Spring 2
  Lives: N/A
  Family: N/A

  He studies insects, and came to Mineral Town to write about Bees. (You won't
see him on Mineral Town)

- Greg

  Dob: Spring 29
  Lives: N/A
  Family: N/A

  He loves fishing, and Fishing Rods in particular. (You won't see him on 
Mineral Town)

- Kano

  Dob: Winter 2
  Lives: N/A
  Family: N/A

  He takes photographs of Mineral Town to show people living in harmony with
Nature. (You won't see him on Mineral Town)

|14.0 Printer Friendly Calendar                                               |

Calendar with all of the events. If you want, you can copy and paste this and
print it for easy access!

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                                                       |
|  YEAR:                                                SEASON: SPRING  |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          |
| New Years |  Louis'   |           |  Bold's   |           |           |
| Festival  | Birthday  |           | Birthday  |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         |
|           | Harvest   |           |           | Saibara's |           |
|           | Goddess's |           |           | Birthday  |           |
|           | Birthday  |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         |
|           |  Spring   |  Staid's  |  Elli's   | Barley's  |  Spring   |
|           |  Thanks-  | Birthday  | Birthday  | Birthday  |  Horse    |
|           |  giving   |           |           |           |  Racing   |
|           | Festival  |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|19         |20         |21         |22         |23         |24         |
| Lillia's  |           |           | Cooking   |           |           |
| Birthday  |           |           | Festival  |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|Van's B-day|           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|25         |26         |27         |28         |29         |30         |
|           |  Aqua's   |           |           |  Greg's   | Sasha's   |
|           | Birthday  |           |           | Birthday  | Birthday  |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                                                       |
|  YEAR:                                                SEASON: SUMMER  |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          |
|  Beach    |           | Popuri's  | Harris's  |           |  Cliff's  |
|   Day     |           | Birthday  | Birthday  |           | Birthday  |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         |
|  Chicken  |           |           |           | Basil's   |           |
| Festival  |           |           |           | Birthday  |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         |
|           |           |           | Timid's   |  Ann's    |           |
|           |           |           | Birthday  | Birthday  |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|19         |20         |21         |22         |23         |24         |
|           |    Cow    |           |   Kai's   |           | Fireworks |
|           |  Festival |           | Birthday  |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|25         |26         |27         |28         |29         |30         |
| Mayor     |           |           |           |  Zack's   |           |
| Thomas's  |           |           |           | Birthday  |           |
| Birthday  |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                                                       |
|  YEAR:                                                SEASON: AUTUMN  |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          |
|           |  Gotz's   |  Music    |           |   Stu's   |           |
|           | Birthday  | Festival  |           | Birthday  |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         |
|           |           |  Harvest  |  Hoggy's  |  Manna's  |           |
|           |           | Festival  | Birthday  | Birthday  |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         |
| Festival  |  Chef's   |  Karen's  |           | Doctor's  |  Fall     |
|    at     | Birthday  | Birthday  |           | Birthday  |  Horse    |
| Mother's  |           |           |           |           |  Race     |
|   Hill    |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|19         |20         |21         |22         |23         |24         |
|           |  Carter's |  Sheep    |           | Anna's    |           |
|           | Birthday  | Festival  |           |  Birthday |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|25         |26         |27         |28         |29         |30         |
|           |           |  Rick's   |           |           | Pumpkin   |
|           |           | Birthday  |           |           | Festival  |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|                                                                       |
|  YEAR:                                                SEASON: WINTER  |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          |
|           |  Kano's   |           |           |           |  Gray's   |
|           | Birthday  |           |           |           | Birthday  |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         |
|           |           |           |           | Doug's    |           |
|           |           |           |           | Birthday  |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         |
|           |Valentine's|  Duke's   |           |           |           |
|           |   Day     | Birthday  |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|19         |20         |21         |22         |23         |24         |
|  Won's    |  Mary's   |           | Nappy's   |           |  Starry   |
| Birthday  | Birthday  |           | Birthday  |           | Festival  |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|
|25         |26         |27         |28         |29         |30         |
| Stocking  |  May's    |           |           |  Jeff's   |    New    |
| Festival  | Birthday  |           |           | Birthday  |    Year   |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|           |           |           |           |           |           |
|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _|

|14.1 Spring Events |

  | New Years Festival |

    Date: Spring 1
    Where: Rose Square

  | Spring Thanksgiving |

    Date: Spring 14
    Time: Almost any
    Where: various

    About: In this day, girls will apreciate cookies & chocolate cookies, so
  you must look for them to give them any of this 2 presents. 

    Extra: Girls affection will rised by + 1000 points.

    Note: In this case, if you give a normal present & then some cookies, it
  will still give you + 1000 points a part from the other item value. Also, the
  HG still wont like cookies but Karen will do.

  | Spring Horse Race |

    Date: Spring 18
    Time: 10:00 am - 5:59 pm
    Where: Rose Square

    About: There will be 3 races & you can bet money to get medals to later
  trade them for items. If your horse wins the race, you'll get a power berry.

    Extra: If you win, Rick, Barley, May, Saibara, Duke, Manna, Thomas, Harris
Jeff, Sasha, Doug & Zack's affection will rise +20 points each. If you lose,
nothing will happen.

    Note: You'll be taken to your house after the event ends & the time will
be set at 6:00 pm, no matter when you entered.

  | Cooking festival |

    Date: Spring 
    Time: 10:00 AM - 11:59 AM (Announcement)
          12:00 PM - 05:59 PM (Judging)
    Where: Rose Square

    About: You'll have to prepare a dish in order to win the festival, for
the 1st 5 years the topic will be Juices, Sweets, Bread, Noodles & Rice
respectively, then it can be any of those mentioned before.

    Extra: If you win, Rick, Doctor, Lillia, Manna, Thomas, Sasha, Carter,
Doug, Gotz & Zack's affection will rise +20 points each. If you lose, nothing
will happen.

    Note: Items that can participate: Every cooked item but (Bodigizer,
Turbojolt & Seasonal Suns); Bread & Rice Cake can also enter.

- JUICES: Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Veggie Juice, Veggie Latte, Mixed Juice,
Mixed Latte, Strawberry Milk, Tomato Juice, Pineapple Juice, Hot Milk, 
Grape Juice, Relaxation Tea, Failure (2)

- SWEETS: Pumpkin Pudding, Sweet Potatoes, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Cheese Cake,
Apple Pie, Apple Soufflé, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Ice Cream, Cake,
Chocolate Cake, Pudding, Moon Dumplings, Pancakes, Candied Potato, 
Roasted Rice Cake, Failure (4)

- BREAD: Bread, Sandwich, Jam Bun, Dinner Roll, Raising Bread, Curry Bread,
Toast, French Toast, Failure (5)

- NOODLES: Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, (Red) Fried Noodles,
Failure (6)

- RICE: Curry Rice, Fried Rice, Omelet Rice, Mushroom Rice, Bamboo Rice,
Truffle Rice, Chirashi Sushi, Toasted Rice Ball, Tempura Rice, Egg over Rice,
Rice Gruel, Rice Ball

|14.2 Summer Events |

  | Beach Day |

    Date: Summer 1
    Time: 10:00 AM - 05:59 PM
    Where: Mineral Beach

    About: You'll participate with your dog to catch the frisbee. Before you
start, don't forget to check the metal post that is beside the bench to know
how far you'll need to throw the frisbee & win the 1st place. You'll have 2
oportunities, just try to throw the frisbee where the bar change its color,
otherwise you won't win no matter how big is the green section of the bar.

    The 1st time you win, you'll get a power berry, which increases your 
stamina +10 points.

    Extra: If you win, Sasha, Jeff, Thomas, Kai & Zack's affection will rise
+20 points each. If you lose, nothing will happen.

    Note: If you have the Beach Cottage you can enter it & you won't return to
your Farm House when the event has finished.

  | Chicken Festival |

    Date: Summer 7
    Time: 10:00 AM - 05:59 PM
    Where: Rose Square


  | Cow festival |

    Date: Summer 20
    Time: 10:00 AM - 05:59 PM
    Where: Rose Square


  | Fireworks |

    Date: Summer 24
    Time: 06:00 PM - 08:59 PM
    Where: Mineral Beach


|14.3 Autumn Events |

  | Music Festival |

    Date: Autumn 03


  | Ann's Mom's memorial |

    Date: Autumn 05


  | Harvest Festival |

    Date: Autumn 09
    Where: Rose Square


  | Festival at Mother's Hill |

    Date: Autumn 13


  | Fall Horse Race |

    Date: Autumn 18
    Where: Rose Square


  | Sheep festival |

    Date: Autumn 21
    Where: Rose Square


  | Pumpkin Festival |

    Date: Autumn 30


|14.4 Winter Events |

  | Thomas' Winter Request |

    Date: Winter 2


  | Valentine's Day |

    Date: Winter 14


  | Starry Festival |

    Date: Winter 24


  | Stocking Festival |

    Date: Winter 25


  | New Year |

    Date: Winter 30


|15.0 Wife Selection                                                          |

  Another task of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is to find the girl of 
your dreams and marry her.  Sometimes this is rather difficult to do, because 
you may not know her taste, schedule, ect. I highly advise you to woo your wife
early in the game, so you aren't rushing to do it in the later years.

  Many people asked who the easiest person to woo is. Although Mary seems the 
easiest, this may not be the case. All of the girls have their strong points 
and their weak points. For instance, Karen is very expensive, but has a very 
easy schedule to track.

  When marrying, you must have the following things:

1) The girl must have a Red Heart
2) You must own the Big Bed
3) You must have seen all of the heart events (The HG doesn't have this events)
4) 2nd house extension

  The Heart colors go in this order:

  All the girls affection will start from 0 points & you'll have to raise it
in order to marry someone, here's a table of how many points does a girl has
when she has certain heart, still you have to guess a little because you can't
see the exact value :(

  The Point system works out according to this:

              Black Heart  =      0 -->  9,999 points
              Purple Heart = 10,000 --> 19,999 points
              Blue Heart   = 20,000 --> 29,999 points
              Green Heart  = 30,000 --> 39,999 points
              Yellow Heart = 40,000 --> 49,999 points
              Orange Heart = 50,000 --> 59,999 points
              Red Heart    = 60,000 --> 65,535 points

  The are 4 different event with each girl, this are called heart events, you
can see them if you meet certain conditions. The 4 events will appear only if
the girl you want has the same color as the event of higher. The colors are:

              Black, Purple, Blue & Yellow

  If you want to see an event you must have the girl's affection in the same
color or above, you also need to see the events in order, i.e. you can't see
Ann's purple heart event if you haven't seen her black event, or you can't
see a Yellow heart event if you don't have her at yellow or above.

NOTE: If you want to see a Blue event you must need an empty slot in your item
section in the rucksack. Also, to see a Blue & Yellow events you need to buy 
the large rucksack. (The one with 8 slots available + the main one)

  If you show an animal to the girls, this will be taken as if you gave a item,
here's the affection they will have:

            Ann    Elli    Karen   Mary    Popuri   Goddess
 Puppy      100     100     100     100      500     ???
 Dog        100     100     100     100    -2500     ???
 Chick      100                                      ???
 Chicken    100                                      ???

  Don't know if you can ever show your dog to the H.G., maybe when you're 
about to marry her. Never try to show your dog when it's all grown up to 
Popuri, because her affection will be dropped a lot & for the chicks & 
chickens you need to be married because you can't take them out of the farm.

|15.1 Ann                                                                     |


Days: Every day
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 07:00am = Locked in the Inn
07:00am - 07:30am = Walking to Mother's Hill
07:30am - 10:00am = At Mother's Hill
10:00am - 10:30am = Returning to Inn
10:30am - 01:00pm = 2nd floor of the Inn 
01:00pm - 04:00pm = 1st floor of the Inn
04:00pm - 07:00pm = 2nd floor of the Inn
07:00pm - 10:00pm = 1st floor of Inn
10:00pm - End Day = Locked in the Inn

Days: Every Day
Weather: Raining/Snowing

06:00am - 07:00pm = Locked in the Inn
07:00pm - 10:00pm = First floor of the Inn
10:00pm - End Day = Locked in the Inn

Other Information

Home: The Inn
Parent/s: Doug
Birthday: Summer 17
Alternate Birthday: Summer 22
Rival: Cliff
Extra Relationship Point: Buy anything from the Inn (Even water) 
                          +200 points (only once)

Heart Events

Black Heart Event- 

  Days: Any day but Mon, Sat
  Time: 10:40 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Doug's Inn
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  Sounds Great: +3000 points
  I really couldn't: -2000 points

Purple Heart Event- 

  Days: Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun
  Time: 10:40 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Doug's Inn
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  I like Cleaning: +3000 points
  I hate Cleaning: -2000 points

Blue Heart Event-

  Days: Mon, Fri
  Time: 12:00 pm - 06:59 pm
  Where: Doug's Inn
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  Take her to the clinic: +3000 points
  I... I don't know...!: -0 points

Yellow Heart Event-

  Days: Any day but Mon, Fri
  Time: 10:40 am - 06:59 pm
  Where: Doug's Inn
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  I like her: +3000 points
  Only as a friend: -0 points

Tastes of the items

Special Items (800 points)
  Band-Aid, Cake, Cheese Fondue, Pancakes, Queen of the Night, Truffle Rice.

Favorite items (500 points)
  Apple Pie, Baked Sweet Potato, Bamboo Rice, Buckwheat Noodles, Cheese Cake,
Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Curry Bread, Curry Rice, Diamond, Fried Noodles,
Fried Rice, Ice Cream, Mushroom Rice, Omelet, Omelet rice, Perfume, Pink
Diamond, Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Rice Cake, Roasted Rice Cake, Salad,
Sandwich, Savory pancake, Spa-Boiled Egg, Stew, Stir fry, Strawberry Smoothie,
Sushi, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Noodles.

Liked items (300 points)
  Amethyst, Apple Soufle, Apples, Boiled Egg, Bracelet, Bread, Broach,
Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat Flour, Candied Potato, Cookies, Corn flakes, Curry
Noodles, Cheeses, Chocolate Cookies, Dinner Roll, Dress, Earrings, Egg Over
Rice, Eggs, Emerald, Facial Pack, French fries ,French Toast, Fried Noodles,
Fruit Juice, Grape Juice ,Greens, Happy Eggplant, Jam Bun, Large Fish,
Mayonnaises, Milks, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Mountain Stew,
Muffin Mix, Necklace, Noodles, Picked Turnip, Pickes, Pineapple, Pineapple
Juice, Pizza, Popcorn, Raisin Bread, Recipe for French Fries, Recipe for 
Ketchup, Relaxation Tea, Rice ball, Rice Gruel, Ruby, Sahimi Mix, Sashimi,
Scrambled Eggs, Skin Lotion, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Sunblock, Sweet 
potatoes, Tempura, Tempura Rice, Toast, Toasted Rice Ball, Tomato, Tomato
Juice, Topaz, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte.

Normal items (100 points)
  Apple Jam, Autumn Sun, Baked Corn, Ball, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic Grass,
Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn ,Cucumber, Curry Powder, Eggplant, Elli Leaves,
Fish Sticks, Flower, Fruit Latte, Grape Jam, Green Pepper ,Grilled Fish, Honey,
Hot Milk, Ketchup, Medium Fish ,Moon Drop Grass ,Moon Dumplings, Mushroom, Oil,
Onion, Peridot, Pink Cat Gras, Potato Potato Pancakes, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Stew,
Red Magic Grass, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Small Fish ,Spinach, Spring Sun,
Summer Sun, Sweet Potato, Toy Flower, Truffle, Turnip, Wild Grape Wine, Wild
Grapes, Wine, Winter Sun, Wools, Yarns.

Dislike items (-500 points)
  Black Grass, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Failures, Green Grass,
Indigo Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, White Grass.

Hated items (-800 points)
  Adamantite Ore, Agate, Alexandrite, Animal Fodder, Boots, Branches,
Chicken Feed, Copper Ore, Empty Can, Fish Bones, Fluorite, Fossil of Ancient
Fish, Gold Ore, Golden Lumber, Junk Ore, Lumber, Moon Stone, Mythic Stone, 
Mythrile Ore, Orichalc Ore, Pirate Treasure, Poisonous Mushroom, Red Grass,
Sand Rose, Silver Ore, Stones, Weeds, Yellow Grass.

|15.2 Elli                                                                    |


Days: Every day but Wednesday
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 09:00am = Locked In The Clinic 
09:00am - 04:00am = Behind The Counter In The Clinic 
04:00pm - End Day = Locked In The Clinic ::

Days: Wednesday
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 09:00am = Locked In The Clinic 
09:00am - 09:30am = Walking To Ellen's House 
09:30am - 01:00pm = Locked In Ellen's House 
01:00pm - 01:20pm = Walking To Supermarket 
01:20pm - 04:00pm = Supermarket 
04:00pm - 04:10pm = Walking To Ellen's House 
04:10pm - 07:00pm = Ellen's House 
07:00pm - 07:20pm = Walking To The Clinic 
07:20pm - End Day = Locked In The Clinic 

Days: Every day but Wednesday
Weather: Raining/Snowing

06:00am - 09:00am = Locked In The Clinic 
09:00am - 04:00pm = Behind The Counter In The Clinic 
04:00pm - End Day = Locked In The Clinic 

Days: Wednesday
Weather: Raining/Snowing

06:00am - 09:00am = Locked In The Clinic 
09:00am - 09:30am = Walking To Ellen's House 
09:30am - 01:00pm = Locked In Ellen's House 
01:00pm - 01:20pm = Walking To Supermarket 
01:20pm - 04:00pm = Supermarket 
04:00pm - 04:10pm = Walking To Ellen's House 
04:10pm - 07:00pm = Ellen's House 
07:00pm - 07:20pm = Walking To The Clinic 
07:20pm - End Day = Locked In The Clinic 

Other Information

Home: Hospital
Birthday: Spring 16
Alt. Birthday: Spring 20
Rival: Doctor
Extra Relationship Point: Buy anything from her OR get examinated by the 
                          Doctor + 200 points (only once, both will not get
                          you + 400)

Heart Events

Black Heart Event-

  Days: Any day but Mon, Wed
  Time: 09:00 am - 06:59 pm
  Where: Mineral Clinic
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  Sure I do: -2000 points
  Not really: +3000 points

Purple Heart Event-

  Days: Sat, Sun, Thu
  Time: 09:00 am - 06:59 pm
  Where: Mineral Clinic
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  You'll make a great nurse: +3000 points
  Hmm...: -2000 points

Blue Heart Event-

  Days: Wed
  Time: 09:30 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Ellen's House
  Weather: Sunny

  Sorry, no: -2000 points
  Sure, I'll do it: + 3000 points

Yellow Heart Event-

  Days: Wed
  Time: 09:00 am - 10:40 am
  Where: Mineral Beach
  Weather: Sunny

  You've spoiled him: -2000 points
  You're doing a great job: +3000 points

Tastes of the items

Special items (800 points)
  Band-Aid, Hot Milk, Moon Dumplings, Queen of the Night, Red Magic Grass.

Favorite items (500 points)
  Blue Magic Grass, Bracelet, Broach, Diamond, Dress, Earrings, Elli Leaves,
Facial Pack, Milks, Muffin Mix, Necklace, Perfume, Pink Cat Grass, Pink 
Diamond, Recipe for French Fries, Recipe for Ketchup, Skin Lotion, Strawberry,
Strawberry Smoothie, Sunblock, Toy Flower, White Grass.

Liked items (300 points)
  Amethyst, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Cake, Candied 
Potato, Cheese Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Cookies,
Emerald, Fish Sticks, French Toast, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Greens, Grilled
Fish, Ice Cream, Indigo Grass, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Mixed Latte, Mountain
Stew, Pancakes, Popcorn, Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Purple Grass, Relaxation 
Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Rice Cake, Roasted Rice Cake, Ruby, Sahimi Mix,
Salad, Sandwich, Sashimi, Small Fish, Strawberry Jam, Sweet Potatoes, Topaz,
Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte.

Normal items (100 points)
  Adamantite Ore, Agate, Alexandrite, Apple Souffle, Apples, Autumn Sun,
Baked Corn, Baked Sweet Potato, Ball, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Shoot, Bodigizer,
Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Bread, Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat Flour, Buckwheat
Noodles, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese Fondue, Cheeses, Copper Ore, Corn
Flakes, Cucumber, Curry Bread, Curry Noodles, Curry Powder, Curry Rice, Dinner
Roll, Egg Over Rice, Eggplant, Eggs, Flower, Fluorite, French Fries, Fried
Noodles, Fried Noodles, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold Ore, Green Grass, Happy
Eggplant, Honey, Jam Bun, Mayonnaises, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Moon Drop 
Grass, Moon Stone, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Mythic Stone, Mythrile Ore, 
Noodles, Oil, Orange Grass, Orichalc Ore, Peridot, Pickled Turnip, Pickles,
Pineapple, Pineapple Juice, Pizza, Potato, Potato Pancakes, Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Stew, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Rice Ball, Rice Gruel, Sand Rose, Savory
Pancake, Silver Ore, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Spring Sun, Stew, Summer Sun,
Sushi, Sweet Potato, Tempura, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Noodles,
Tempura Rice, Toast, Toasted Rice Ball, Tomato, Truffle, Truffle Rice, 
Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Turnip, Wild Grapes, Winter Sun, Wools, Yarns.

Dislike items (-500 points)
  Corn, Fried Rice, Green Pepper, Junk Ore, Ketchup, Omelet, Omelet Rice, 
Onion, Scrambled Eggs, Stir Fry, Tomato Juice, Wild Grape Wine, Wine, Yellow

Hated items (-800 points)
  Animal Fodder, Boots, Branches, Chicken Feed, Empty Can, Failures, Fish
Bones, Fossil of Ancient Fish, Golden Lumber, Lumber, Pirate Treasure,
Poisonous Mushroom, Stones, Weeds.

|15.3 Karen                                                                   |


Days: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 08:00am = Store (closed)
08:00am - 10:00am = Bench outside Store
10:00am - 01:00pm = Store - backroom
01:00pm - 04:00pm = Store - front
04:00pm - 05:00pm = Store - backroom
05:00pm - 06:00pm = Store - backroom
06:00pm - 07:00pm = Store (closed)
07:00pm - 08:00pm = Walking to Beach
08:00pm - 10:00pm = Mineral Beach
10:00pm - 11:00pm = Walking to Store
11:00pm - End Day = Store (closed)

Days: Tuesday
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 08:00am = Store (closed)
08:00am - 10:00am = Bench outside Store
10:00am - 01:00pm = Store (closed)
01:00pm - 02:00pm = Walking to Hot Springs
02:00pm - 04:00pm = Hot Springs
04:00pm - 05:00pm = Walking to Store
05:00pm - 07:00pm = Store (closed)
07:00pm - 07:30pm = Walking to Inn
07:30pm - 10:00pm = Doug's Inn
10:00pm - 10:30pm = Walking to Store
10:30pm - End Day = Store (closed)

Days: Sunday
Weather: Sunny/Rainy

06:00am - 07:00pm = Store (closed)
07:00pm - 07:30pm = Walking to Inn
07:30pm - 10:00pm = Doug's Inn
10:00pm - 10:30pm = Walking to Store
10:30pm - End Day = Store (closed)

Days: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
Weather: Rainy

06:00am - 08:00am = Store (closed)
08:00am - 10:00am = Store - front
10:00am - 01:00pm = Store - backroom
01:00pm - 04:00pm = Store - front
04:00pm - 05:00pm = Store - backroom
05:00pm - 06:00pm = Store - backroom
06:00pm - End Day = Store (closed)

Days: Tuesday
Weather: Rainy

06:00am - 01:00pm = Store (closed)
01:00pm - 02:00pm = Walking to Gotz's
02:00pm - 04:00pm = Gotz's house
04:00pm - 05:00pm = Walking to Store
05:00pm - 07:00pm = Store (closed)
07:00pm - 07:30pm = Walking to Inn
07:30pm - 10:00pm = Doug's Inn
10:00pm - 10:30pm = Walking to Store
10:30pm - End Day = Store (closed)

Other Information

Home: Grocery Store
Parent/s: Jeff, Sasha
Birthday: Autumn 15
Alt. Birthday: Autumn 23
Rival: Rick
Extra Relationship Point: Buy anything from the grocery store.
                          +???  points (multiple)

Heart Events

Black Heart Event-

  Days: Wed, Fri
  Time: 10:00 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Supermarket
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  I could use some help: +3000 points
  No problem: - 0 points

Purple Heart Event-

  Days: Mon, Thu, Sat 
  Time: 10:00 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Supermarket
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  Moon drop seeds: +3000 points
  Pink cat seeds: -2000 points

Blue Heart Event-

  Days: Wed, Fri
  Time: 10:00 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Supermarket
  Weather: Sunny

  I'd be glad to: +3000 points
  Sorry, I'm busy: -2000 points

Yellow Heart Event-

  Days: Mon, Thu, Sat
  Time: 10:00 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Supermarket
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  Sure: +3000 points
  No, thanks: - 2000 points

Tastes of the items

Special items (800 points)

  Band-Aid, French Fries, Pizza, Popcorn, Queen of the Night

Favorite items (500 points)

  Bamboo Shoot, Cheeses, Diamond, Perfume, Pink Diamond, Sashimi, Tempura, 
Tempura Rice, Truffle, Wild Grape Wine, Wine.

Liked items (300 points)

  Amethyst, Baked Corn, Blue Magic Grass, Bracelet, Broach, Butter,
Cheese Fondue, Corn, Cucumber, Dress, Earrings, Egg Over Rice, Eggplant, Eggs,
Emerald, Facial Pack, Fried Noodles, Green Pepper, Greens, Grilled Fish,
Happy Eggplant, Mayonnaises, Miso Soup, Moon Drop Grass, Necklace,
Pickled Turnip, Pickles, Pink Cat Grass, Potato, Potato Pancakes, Pumpkin,
Pumpkin Stew, Red Magic Grass, Ruby, Salad, Scrambled Eggs, Skin Lotion,
Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Stir Fry, Sunblock, Sweet Potato, Topaz, Toy Flower.

Normal items (100 points)

  Autumn Sun, Ball, Bamboo Rice, Boiled Egg, Bread, Buckwheat Noodles, Cabbage,
Carrot, Corn Flakes, Curry Bread, Curry Noodles, Curry Powder, Curry Rice,
Dinner Roll, Fish Sticks, Flour, French Toast, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice,
Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Hot Milk, Ketchup, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Milks,
Mixed Juice, Moon Dumplings, Mountain Stew, Muffin Mix, Mushroom, Mushroom 
Rice, Noodles, Oil, Omelet, Omelet Rice, Onion, Peridot, Pineapple, Pineapple
Juice, Pudding, Recipe for Ketchup, Relaxation Tea, Relaxation Tea Leaves,
Rice Ball, Rice Cake, Rice Gruel, Roasted Rice Cake, Sandwich, Sashimi Mix,
Savory Pancake, Small Fish, Spring Sun, Stew, Strawberry, Summer Sun, Sushi,
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Toast, Toasted Rice Ball, Tomato,
Tomato Juice, Truffle Rice, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Wild
Grapes, Winter Sun.

Dislike items (-500 points)

  Agate, Apples, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Apple Soufflé, Baked Sweet Potato, 
Black Grass, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat
Flour, Cake, Candied Potato, Cheese Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate
Cookies, Cookies, Elli Leaves, Fluorite, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Green Grass,
Honey, Ice Cream, Indigo Grass, Jam Bun, Mixed Latte, Orange Grass, Pancakes,
Pumpkin Pudding, Purple Grass, Raisin Bread, Red Grass, Strawberry Jam,
Strawberry Smoothie, Sweet Potatoes, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, White Grass,
Yellow Grass.

Hated items (-800 points)

  Adamantite Ore, Alexandrite, Animal Fodder, Boots, Branches, Chicken Feed,
Copper Ore, Empty Can, Failures, Fish Bones, Fossil of Ancient Fish, Gold Ore,
Golden Lumber, Junk Ore, Lumber, Moon Stone, Mystrile Ore, Mythic Stone,
Orichalc Ore, Pirate Treasure, Poisonous Mushroom, Recipe for French Fries,
Sand Rose, Silver Ore, Stones, Weeds, Wools, Yarns.

|15.4 Mary                                                                    |


Days: Every day but Monday
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 10:00am = Locked In Her House 
10:00am - 10:10am = Walking To Library 
10:10am - 04:00pm = Library 
04:00pm - 06:00pm = Locked In Library 
06:00pm - 06:10pm = Walking To Her House 
06:10pm - 07:00pm = Her House 
07:00pm - End Day = Locked In Her House 

Days: Monday
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 07:00am = Locked In Her House 
07:00am - 07:30am = Walking To Mother's Hill 
07:30am - 10:00am = Mother's Hill (Flower Patch Above Winter Mine) 
10:00am - 11:30am = Walking To Her House 
11:30am - 01:00pm = Her House 
01:00pm - 01:20pm = Walking To The Supermarket 
01:20pm - 04:00pm = The Supermarket 
04:00pm - 04:20pm = Walking To Her House 
04:20pm - 07:00pm = Her House 
07:00pm - End Day = Locked In Her House

Days: Every day but Monday
Weather: Rainy

06:00am - 10:00am = Locked In Her House 
10:00am - 10:10am = Walking To Library 
10:10am - 04:00pm = Library 
04:00pm - 06:00pm = Locked In Library 
06:00pm - 06:10pm = Walking To Her House 
06:10pm - 07:00pm = Her House 
07:00pm - End Day = Locked In Her House 

Days: Monday
Weather: Rainy

06:00am - 10:00am = At her House (Downstairs)
01:00pm - 01:20pm = Walking To The Supermarket 
01:20pm - 04:00pm = The Supermarket 
04:00pm - 04:20pm = Walking To Her House 
04:20pm - 10:00pm = At her House (Downstairs)
10:00pm - End Day = Locked In Her House 

Other Information

Home: Basil's House
Parent/s: Basil, Anna
Birthday: Winter 20
Alt. Birthday: Winter 25
Rival: Gray
Extra Relationship Point: Visit her at the library.
                          + 200 points (only once)

Heart Events

Black Heart Event-

  Days: Any day but Mon
  Time: 10:00 am - 03:59 pm
  Where: Mary's Library
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  Can I help?: + 3000 points
  Be careful: - 0 points

Purple Heart Event-

  Days: Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun
  Time: 10:00 am - 03:59 pm
  Where: Mary's Library
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  I'd be glad to: + 3000 points
  Sorry, I don't want to: - 2000 points

Blue Heart Event-

  Days: Mon
  Time: 12:00 pm - 04:59 pm
  Where: Peak of Mother's Hill
  Weather: Sunny

  Sometimes: +3000 points
  Never: -2000 points

Yellow Heart Event-

  Days: Mon
  Time: 11:30 pm - 12:59 pm
  Where: Basil's House
  Weather: Sunny/Rainy/Snowy

  I can't think of anything: -2000 points
  How about a farm story?: +3000 points
  How about Basil's job?: -0 points

Tastes of the items

Special items (800 points)

  Band-Aid, Perfume, Queen of the Night, Relaxation Tea, Vegetable Juice,
Vegetable Latte.

Favorite items (500 points)

  Bamboo Shoot, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate
Cookies, Diamond, Elli Leaves, Grape Juice, Muffin Mix, Pink Diamond, Poisonous
Mushroom, Raisin Bread, Recipe for French Fries, Recipe for Ketchup Red Grass,
Relaxation Tea Leaves, Truffle, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, White Grass, Wild

Liked items (300 points)

  Amethyst, Apples, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Apple Soufflé, Bamboo Rice, Bracelet,
Broach, Cheeses, Cheese Cake, Cheese Fondue, Dress, Earrings, Emerald, Facial
Pack, Grape Jam, Green Pepper, Honey, Indigo Grass, Jam Bun, Mayonnaises, Moon
Dumplings, Mushroom Rice, Necklace, Orange Grass, Pineapple, Pineapple Juice,
Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pudding, Pumpkin Stew, Purple Grass, Ruby, Skin Lotion,
Spinach, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Smoothie, Sunblock, Tomato, Tomato Juice,
Topaz, Truffle Rice, Wools, Yarns, Yellow Grass.

Normal items (100 points)

  Adamantite Ore, Agate, Alexandrite, Autumn Sun, Baked Corn, Baked Sweet
Potato, Blue Magic Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boiled Egg, Bread, 
Buckwheat Flour, Buckwheat Noodles, Cabbage, Cake, Candied Potato, Carrot,
Cookies, Copper Ore, Corn, Corn Flakes, Cucumber, Curry Noodles, Curry Powder,
Dinner Roll, Egg Over Rice, Eggplant, Eggs, Fish Sticks, Flour, Fluorite,
French Fries, French Toast, Fried Noodles, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte, Gold Ore,
Green Grass, Greens, Grilled Fish, Hot Milk, Ice Cream, Ketchup, Large Fish,
Medium Fish, Milks, Miso Soup, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Moon Drop Grass, Moon
Stone, Mountain Stew, Mushroom, Mystrile Ore, Mythic Stone, Noodles, Oil,
Omelet, Omelet Rice, Onion, Orichalc Ore, Pancakes, Peridot, Pink Cat Grass,
Pizza, Popcorn, Potato, Potato Pancakes, Pudding, Red Magic Grass, Rice Ball,
Rice Cake, Rice Gruel, Roasted Rice Cake, Salad, Sand Rose, Sandwich, Sashimi,
Sashimi Mix, Scrambled Eggs, Silver Ore, Small Fish, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spring
Sun, Stew, Stir Fry, Strawberry, Summer Sun, Sushi, Sweet Potato, Sweet 
Potatoes, Tempura, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Tempura Rice,
Toast, Toasted Rice Ball, Toy Flower, Turnip, Wild Grape Wine, Wine, Winter Sun

Dislike items (-500 points)

  Animal Fodder, Buckwheat Chips, Butter, Chicken Feed, Curry Bread, Curry 
Rice, Failures, Fried Rice, Happy Eggplant, Junk Ore, Lumber, Pickled Turnip,
Pickles, Savory Pancake.

Hated items (-800 points)

  Ball, Boots, Branches, Empty Can, Fish Bones, Fossil of Ancient Fish, Golden
Lumber, Pirate Treasure, Stones, Weeds.

|15.5 Popuri                                                                  |


Days: Every day but Sunday
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 07:00am = Locked In The Poultry Farm 
07:00am - 07:30am = Walking To Hot Springs 
07:30am - 10:00am = Hot Springs 
10:00am - 10:30am = Walking To The Poultry Farm 
11:00am - 07:00pm = The Poultry Farm 
07:00pm - End Day = Locked In The Poultry Farm 

Days: Sunday
Weather: Sunny

06:00am - 09:00am = Locked In The Poultry Farm 
09:00am - 10:10am = Walking To The Church 
10:10am - 01:00pm = The Church 
01:00pm - 01:20pm = Walking To Rose Square 
01:20pm - 04:00pm = Rose Square 
04:00pm - 04:50pm = Walking To The Poultry Farm 
04:50pm - 07:00pm = The Poultry Farm 
07:00pm - End Day = Locked In The Poultry Farm 

Days: Every day but Sunday
Weather: Rainy

06:00am - 11:00am = Locked In The Poultry Farm 
11:00am - 07:00pm = The Poultry Farm 
07:00pm - End Day = Locked In The Poultry Farm 

Days: Sunday
Weather: Rainy

06:00am - 09:00am = Locked In The Poultry Farm 
09:00am - 10:10am = Walking To The Church 
10:10am - 04:00pm = The Church 
04:00pm - 05:20pm = Walking To The Poultry Farm 
05:20pm - 07:00pm = The Poultry Farm 
07:00pm - End Day = Locked In The Poultry Farm 

Other Information

Home: Poultry Farm
Parent/s: Lillia
Birthday: Summer 3
Alt. Birthday: Summer 10
Rival: Kai
Extra Relationship Point: Buy anything from Lillia
                          +200 points (only once)

Heart Events

Black Heart Event-

  Days: Wed
  Time: 11:20 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Coming out from Saibara's Blacksmith shop
  Weather: Sunny

  Yes, I do: +3000 points
  No, I don't: -2000 points

Purple Heart Event-

  Days: Any day but Sat, Sun
  Time: 06:00 am - 11:59 am
  Where: Coming out from your house in the farm
  Weather: Sunny

  I'm too busy now!: -2000 points
  Sure: +3000 points

Blue Heart Event-

  Days: Sun
  Time: 10:00 am - 12:59 am
  Where: Church
  Weather: Sunny

  Sure, I'll play: +3000 points
  Sorry, I've got work: -0 points

Yellow Heart Event-

  Days: Any day but Tue, Sun
  Time: 11:20 am - 12:59 pm
  Where: Poultry Farm
  Weather: Sunny

  I agree with Popuri: + 3000 points
  I agree with Rick: - 2000 points
  Poor Lillia: + 3000 points

Tastes of the items

Special items (800 points)
  Band-Aid, Omelet, Omelet Rice, Queen of the Night, Scrambled Eggs

Favorite items (500 points)
  Apples, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Apple Soufflé, Boiled Egg, Bracelet, Broach,
Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Cookies, Diamond, Dress,
Earrings, Egg Over Rice, Facial Pack, Fruit Juice, Eggs, Ice Cream, Necklace,
Pancakes, Perfume, Pink Diamond, Pudding, Relaxation Tea, Sandwich, Skin 
Lotion, Strawberry, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Smoothie, Sunblock.

Liked items (300 points)
  Amethyst, Baked Corn, Bamboo Rice, Bread, Candied Potato, Emerald, Flour,
French Fries, French Toast, Grape Jam, Grape Juice, Honey, Hot Milk, Ketchup,
Mayonnaises, Milks, Pineapple, Pineapple Juice, Pink Cat Grass, Popcorn,
Pumpkin Pudding, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Ruby, Sashimi Mix, Savory Pancake, 
Stew, Sweet Potatoes, Toast, Topaz, Toy Flower, Yarns

Normal items (100 points)
  Adamantite Ore, Autumn Sun, Baked Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Magic
Grass, Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat Noodles, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese
Cake, Cheese Fondue, Cheeses, Corn, Corn Flakes, Cucumber, Curry Bread,
Curry Noodles, Curry Powder, Curry Rice, Dinner Roll, Elli Leaves ,Fish
Sticks, Fried Noodles, Fried Noodles, Fried Rice, Fruit Latte, Greens,
Grilled Fish ,Jam Bun, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Miso Soup, Moon Drop Grass,
Moon Dumplings, Mountain Stew, Muffin Mix, Mushroom, Mushroom Rice, Noodles,
Oil, Onion, Peridot, Pickles, Pizza, Potato, Potato Pancakes, Raisin Bread,
Red Magic Grass, Rice Ball, Rice Gruel, Salad, Sashimi, Small Fish,
Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Spring Sun, Stir Fry, Summer Sun, Sushi, Sweet
Potato, Tempura, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Tempura Rice,
Toasted Rice Ball, Tomato, Truffle, Truffle Rice, Weeds, Wild Grapes, Winter
Sun, Wools

Dislike items (-500 points)
  Agate, Alexandrite, Ball, Buckwheat Flour, Copper Ore, Eggplant, Fluorite,
Gold Ore, Green Pepper, Happy Eggplant, Junk Ore, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte,
Moon Stone, Mystrile Ore, Mythic Stone, Orichalc Ore, Pickled Turnip, Pumpkin,
Pumpkin Stew, Rice Cake, Roasted Rice Cake, Sand Rose, Silver Ore, Tomato
Juice, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte

Hated items (-800 points)
  Animal Fodder, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Boots,
Branches, Chicken Feed, Empty Can, Failures, Fish Bones, Fossil of Ancient
Fish, Golden Lumber, Green Grass, Indigo Grass, Lumber, Orange Grass, Pirate
Treasure, Poisonous Mushroom, Purple Grass, Recipe for French Fries, Recipe
for Ketchup, Red Grass, Stones, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, White Grass, Wild
Grape Wine, Wine, Yellow Grass

|15.6 Harvest Goddess                                                         |


Days: Everyday
Weather: Sunny/Raining/Snowing

She passes all the days in her pond.

Other Information

Home: Harvest Pond (Near Hot Springs)
Parent/s: ???
Birthday: Spring 8
Alt. Birthday: Spring 9
Rival: None
Extra Relationship Point:

 N --> (10,000)*(10)^(0 to 5)

- Use the Pedometer N times
- Fish N fishes
- Ship N items
- Dig down to floors 100, 200 or 255 of ANY mine (just once in any mine)
- Found ALL the H.G. Jewels
- Finish the fishing list
- Ship 1 or more of every item shippable (Complete the list)

Heart Events

She doesn't have any Heart Event

Tastes of the items

Special items (800 points)

Favorite items (500 points)
  Pineapple, Strawberry

Liked items (300 points)
  Blue Magic Grass, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucmber, Eggplant, Eggs, 
Green Pepper, Milks, Moon Drop Grass, Onion, Pink Cat Grass, Potato, Pumpkin,
Red Magic Grass, Spinach, Tomato, Toy Flower, Turnip, Relaxation Tea Leaves.

Normal items (100 points)
  Apples, Autumn Sun, Bamboo Shoot, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Cheeses,
Green Grass, Honey, Indigo Grass, Large Fish, Mayonnaises, Medium Fish,
Mushroom, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Red Grass, Small Fish, Spa-Boiled Egg,
Spring Sun, Summer Sun, Truffle, White Grass, Wild Grapes, Winter Sun, WoolS,
YarnS, Yellow Grass

Unaffective items (0 points)
  Album 1 - 15, Book from H.G., Certificate of R-P-S, Invitation, Photo,
Plant Enciclopedia, Band-Aid, Queen of the Night.

Dislike items (-500 points)
  EVERY cooked item BUT Farm items, EVERY item found on mines, Failures,
Girls accesories, Items bought BUT Golden Lumber, Poisonous Mushroom,
Recipe for French Fries & Ketchup.

Hated items (-800 points)
  Boots, Empty Can, Fish Bones, Golden Lumber, Fossil of Ancient Fish, Pirate

  If you just want to give an item to a girl but don't know who is gonna 
appreciate it better, then look at the next chart, it contains all the items 
that you can give to any girl, except for HG, which I haven't finished yet.

 Name                       Ann    Elli    Karen   Mary    Popuri 
Adamantite Ore             -800     100    -800     100     100
AEPFE Apple                 300     100    -500     300     500
Agate                      -800     100    -500     100    -500
Alexandrite                -800     100    -800     100    -500
Amethyst                    300     300     300     300     300
Animal Fodder              -800    -800    -800    -500    -800
Apple                       300     100    -500     300     500
Apple Jam                   100     300    -500     300     500
Apple Pie                   500     300    -500     300     500
Apple Soufflé               300     100    -500     300     500
Autumn Sun                  100     100     100     100     100
Baked Corn                  100     100     300     100     300
Baked Sweet Potato          500     100    -500     100     100
Ball                        100     100     100    -800    -500
Bamboo Rice                 500     100     100     300     300
Bamboo Shoot                100     100     500     500     100
Band-Aid                    800     800     800     800     800
Black Grass                -500     300    -500     500    -800
Blue Grass                 -500     300    -500     500    -800
Blue Magic Grass            100     500     300     100     100
Bodigizer                  -500     100    -500     100    -800
Bodigizer XL               -500     100    -500     100    -800
Boiled Egg                  300     100     100     100     500
Boots                      -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Bracelet                    300     500     300     300     500
Branches                   -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Bread                       300     100     100     100     300
Broach                      300     500     300     300     500
Buckwheat Chips             300     100    -500    -500     100
Buckwheat Flour             300     100    -500     100    -500
Buckwheat Noodles           500     100     100     100     100
Butter                      100     100     300    -500     100
Cabbage                     100     100     100     100     100
Cake                        800     300    -500     100     500
Candied Potato              300     300    -500     100     300
Carrot                      100     100     100     100     100
Cheese (G)                  300     100     500     300     100
Cheese (L)                  300     100     500     300     100
Cheese (M)                  300     100     500     300     100
Cheese (P)                  300     100     500     300     100
Cheese (S)                  300     100     500     300     100
Cheese (X)                  300     100     500     300     100
Cheese Cake                 500     300    -500     300     100
Cheese Fondue               800     100     300     300     100
Chicken Feed               -800    -800    -800    -500    -800
Chocolate                   500     300    -500     500     500
Chocolate Cake              500     300    -500     500     500
Chocolate Cookies           300     300    -500     500     500
Cookies                     300     300    -500     100     500
Copper Ore                 -800     100    -800     100    -500
Corn                        100    -500     300     100     100
Corn Flakes                 300     100     100     100     100
Cucumber                    100     100     300     100     100
Curry Bread                 500     100     100    -500     100
Curry Noodles               300     100     100     100     100
Curry Powder                100     100     100     100     100
Curry Rice                  500     100     100    -500     100
Diamond                     500     500     500     500     500
Dinner Roll                 300     100     100     100     100
Dress                       300     500     300     300     500
Earrings                    300     500     300     300     500
Egg Over Rice               300     100     300     100     500
Eggplant                    100     100     300     100    -500
Elli Leaves                 100     500    -500     500     100
Emerald                     300     300     300     300     300
Empty Can                  -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Facial Pack                 300     500     300     300     500
Failure                    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800
Failure                    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800
Failure                    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800
Failure                    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800
Failure                    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800
Failure                    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800
Fish Bones                 -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Fish Sticks                 100     300     100     100     100
Flour                       100     100     100     100     300
Fluorite                   -800     100    -500     100    -500
Fossil of Ancient Fish     -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
French Fries                300     100     800     100     300
French Toast                300     300     100     100     300
Fried Noodles               300     100     300     100     100
Fried Noodles               500     100     100     100     100
Fried Rice                  500    -500     100    -500     100
Fruit Juice                 300     100     100     100     500
Fruit Latte                 100     100     100     100     100
Gold Ore                   -800     100    -800     100    -500
Golden Egg                  300     100     300     100     500
Golden Lumber              -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Good Quality Egg            300     100     300     100     500
Grape Jam                   100     300    -500     300     300
Grape Juice                 300     300    -500     500     300
Green Grass                -500     100    -500     100    -800
Green Pepper                100    -500     300     300    -500
Greens                      300     300     300     100     100
Grilled Fish                100     300     300     100     100
Happy Eggplant              300     100     300    -500    -500
High Quality Egg            300     100     300     100     500
HMSGB Apple                 300     100    -500     300     500
Honey                       100     100    -500     300     300
Hot Milk                    100     800     100     100     300
Ice Cream                   500     300    -500     100     500
Indigo Grass               -500     300    -500     300    -800
Jam Bun                     300     100    -500     300     100
Junk Ore                   -800    -500    -800    -500    -500
Ketchup                     100    -500     100     100     300
Large Fish                  300     300     100     100     100
Lumber                     -800    -800    -800    -500    -800
Mayonnaise (G)              300     100     300     300     300
Mayonnaise (L)              300     100     300     300     300
Mayonnaise (M)              300     100     300     300     300
Mayonnaise (P)              300     100     300     300     300
Mayonnaise (S)              300     100     300     300     300
Mayonnaise (X)              300     100     300     300     300
Medium Fish                 100     300     100     100     100
Milk (G)                    300     500     100     100     300
Milk (L)                    300     500     100     100     300
Milk (M)                    300     500     100     100     300
Milk (P)                    300     500     100     100     300
Milk (S)                    300     500     100     100     300
Milk (X)                    300     500     100     100     300
Miso Soup                   300     100     300     100     100
Mixed Juice                 300     100     100     100    -500
Mixed Latte                 300     300    -500     100    -500
Moon Drop Grass             100     100     300     100     100
Moon Dumplings              100     800     100     300     100
Moon Stone                 -800     100    -800     100    -500
Mountain Stew               300     300     100     100     100
Muffin Mix                  300     500     100     500     100
Mushroom                    100     100     100     100     100
Mushroom Rice               500     100     100     300     100
Mystrile Ore               -800     100    -800     100    -500
Mythic Stone               -800     100    -800     100    -500
Necklace                    300     500     300     300     500
Noodles                     300     100     100     100     100
Oil                         100     100     100     100     100
Omelet                      500    -500     100     100     800
Omelet Rice                 500    -500     100     100     800
Onion                       100    -500     100     100     100
Orange Grass               -500     100    -500     300    -800
Orichalc Ore               -800     100    -800     100    -500
P Egg                       300     100     300     100     500
Pancakes                    800     300    -500     100     500
Perfume                     500     500     500     800     500
Peridot                     100     100     100     100     100
Pickled Turnip              300     100     300    -500    -500
Pickles                     300     100     300    -500     100
Pineapple                   300     100     100     300     300
Pineapple Juice             300     100     100     300     300
Pink Cat Grass              100     500     300     100     300
Pink Diamond                500     500     500     500     500
Pirate Treasure            -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Pizza                       300     100     800     100     100
Poisonous Mushroom         -800    -800    -800     500    -800
Popcorn                     300     300     800     100     300
Potato                      100     100     300     100     100
Potato Pancakes             100     100     300     100     100
Pudding                     500     300     100     100     500
Pumpkin                     100     100     300     300    -500
Pumpkin Pudding             500     300    -500     300     300
Pumpkin Stew                100     100     300     300    -500
Purple Grass               -500     300    -500     300    -800
Queen of the Night          800     800     800     800     800
Raisin Bread                300     100    -500     500     100
Recipe for French Fries     300     500    -800     500    -800
Recipe for Ketchup          300     500     100     500    -800
Red Grass                  -800     100    -500     500    -800
Red Magic Grass             100     800     300     100     100
Regular Quality Egg         300     100     300     100     500
Relaxation Tea              300     300     100     800     500
Relaxation Tea Leaves       100     300     100     500     300
Rice Ball                   300     100     100     100     100
Rice Cake                   500     300     100     100    -500
Rice Gruel                  300     100     100     100     100
Roasted Rice Cake           500     300     100     100    -500
Ruby                        300     300     300     300     300
Salad                       500     300     300     100     100
Sand Rose                  -800     100    -800     100    -500
Sandwich                    500     300     100     100     500
Sashimi                     300     300     500     100     100
Sashimi Mix                 300     300     100     100     300
Savory Pancake              500     100     100    -500     300
Scrambled Eggs              300    -500     300     100     800
Silver Ore                 -800     100    -800     100    -500
Skin Lotion                 300     500     300     300     500
Small Fish                  100     300     100     100     100
Spa-Boiled Egg              500     100     300     100     100
Spinach                     100     100     300     300     100
Spring Sun                  100     100     100     100     100
Stew                        500     100     100     100     300
Stir Fry                    500    -500     300     100     100
Stones                     -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Strawberry                  300     500     100     100     500
Strawberry Jam              300     300    -500     300     500
Strawberry Smoothie         500     500    -500     300     500
SUGDW Apple                 300     100    -500     300     500
Summer Sun                  100     100     100     100     100
Sunblock                    300     500     300     300     500
Sushi                       500     100     100     100     100
Sweet Potato                100     100     300     100     100
Sweet Potatoes              300     300    -500     100     300
Tempura                     300     100     500     100     100
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles   500     100     100     100     100
Tempura Noodles             500     100     100     100     100
Tempura Rice                300     100     500     100     100
Toast                       300     100     100     100     300
Toasted Rice Ball           300     100     100     100     100
Tomato                      300     100     100     300     100
Tomato Juice                300    -500     100     300    -500
Topaz                       300     300     300     300     300
Toy Flower                  100     500     300     100     300
Truffle                     100     100     500     500     100
Truffle Rice                800     100     100     300     100
Turbojolt                  -500     100    -500     500    -800
Turbojolt XL               -500     100    -500     500    -800
Turnip                      100     100     100     100    -500
Vegetable Juice             300     300     100     800    -500
Vegetable Latte             300     300     100     800    -500
Weeds                      -800    -800    -800    -800     100
White Grass                -500     500    -500     500    -800
Wild Grape Wine             100    -500     500     100    -800
Wild Grapes                 100     100     100     500     100
Wine                        100    -500     500     100    -800
Winter Sun                  100     100     100     100     100
Wool (G)                    100     100    -800     300     100
Wool (L)                    100     100    -800     300     100
Wool (M)                    100     100    -800     300     100
Wool (P)                    100     100    -800     300     100
Wool (S)                    100     100    -800     300     100
Wool (X)                    100     100    -800     300     100
X Egg                       300     100     300     100     500
Yarn (G)                    100     100    -800     300     300
Yarn (L)                    100     100    -800     300     300
Yarn (M)                    100     100    -800     300     300
Yarn (P)                    100     100    -800     300     300
Yarn (S)                    100     100    -800     300     300
Yarn (X)                    100     100    -800     300     300
Yellow Grass               -800    -500    -500     300    -800

|16.0 Sprites                                                                 |

  Here's a list of the points that you need to have in order to have certain #
of hearts with the Harvest Sprites.

 0 hearts        0 -->  24 points
 1 heart        25 -->  49 points
 2 hearts       50 -->  74 points
 3 hearts       75 -->  99 points
 4 hearts      100 --> 124 points
 5 hearts      125 --> 149 points
 6 hearts      150 --> 174 points
 7 hearts      175 --> 199 points
 8 hearts      200 --> 224 points
 9 hearts      225 --> 249 points
10 hearts      250 --> 255 points

|17.0 Power Berries                                                           |

  There are 10 Red Power berries & 1 Blue Berry. The red power berries will 
increase the stamina gauge by 10 points. You will start with 150 of stamina &
can be increased up to 250. With the blue berry, you can now work when is 
raining & you won't get as fatigated as before.

PB #1  Dig your field with the hoe and you may found it. (You have to dig a 
clear space). It's random, so it can be in any spot.

PB #2  Have +900 medals in the Horse Races & you can buy it from Tomas. (The 
medals that you won will be keep it for further races, so don't worry if you 
can't buy it on the 1st year).

PB #3  When your horse grows, participate and win the Horse Races & your price
will be a power berry.

PB #4  Throw 1 harvested item to the Goddess Pond, do this 10 days and the H.G.
will give it to you. (The days doen't have to be in a row forcelly).

PB #5  Have the Mithril fishing rod (or better), and fish in the mineral beach
in winter & you may fish it.

PB #6  Once you have your house upgraded 2 times, you can purchase a berry in 
the TV Shopping Network (Saturdays) for 10,000 G.

PB #7  If you parcitipate & win the Frisbee Contest (Summer 1), the price will
be a power berry.

PB #8  Dig down to the 100th floor in the Spring Mine, then just start diggin
the ground & you may found it

PB #9  In winter, when the Lake is frozen, cross the path & you'll find the 
winter mine; don't enter, just go to the back of the entrance & press A button
to grab the hidden power berry

PB #10 In the Winter mine, get to the 19th floor & start diggin hoping to find

   BB  You can get this berry if you throw a Cucumber in the lake at Mother's
Hill throw a total of 10, 1 per day, & Kappa will give you the Blue Berry.

Note: You can grab the berries in the order you want, of course some of them
will be easier to grab in the begining and some of them need to be later. It
doesn't matter if you didn't get a berry in the 1st year, you can get them in 
any year.

|18.0 Tips                                                                    |

  Wrapped items are 125% of their normal value. Giving gifts in B-days worth 
500% of their value & if you do both is 625%, which is a lot. (Just be careful
that giving items that people don't like will affect the same way)

  Don't give more than 1 gift to a GIRL, further items will only affect 
indirectly & will affect like the extra relationship points, which means that
it will affect until the next day & wont affect much, +100 points at 1st. BUT
if you max out that counter it will affect +3000 points, takes like +250 items
to happen. So, only recommendable if you want to spend unnecesary money...
(I still have to work this a little bit...)

  You can give more that 1 gift to ANYONE else, but the value will be 1/3 of
the normal value (so, you can make a sprite to from 1 to 10 hearts in 1 day
same happens with the villagers).

  Extra relationship points will only work if you talk to the girl in any time
of that day, the points will be added in the next morning.

  In events that stop the time (doesn't show it), you can uncurse the Axe &
Fishing Rod by using it 255 times in total, since your Stamina & Fatigue won't
be affected, but don't try to get exp. to level any tool, because that won't

  Try going to the church to confess, if you're forgiven then something will
happen (look at section 20.0 for more info), if you aren't forgiven nothing
will happen.

  Try to bring the Basket on the Horse Festival, that way you can store lots
of broaches & then sell them for lots of money. Just trade 18 tickets for a

  Try to plant the best seasonal crop to get max profit (Look on section 9.0)

  More tips to come in the next update.

|19.0 Codes                                                                   |

  The codes consist in two parts, one is the address and the other one is the
value of the address. In every code you need to change the value in order to
have the effect that you want. I will give you both, the address & the value &
also explain what happens if you put certain # in the value.

  The codes are for Visual Boy Advance (VBA), they could also work for
Codebreaker only if the value of the code has 4 or 8 digits & instead of
starting the code with a 0XXXXXXX change it to a 8XXXXXXX. If the value only
has 2 digits you may add 00XX & the code may also work in Codebreaker. also 
you need a Master Code for CB in order to meke them work, here's the MC:

  CodeBreaker Master Code

        0000E882 000A
        100D1BF8 0007

Note: You don't need the MC while playing with the VBA, just use it if you 
aren't playing with the VBA

  To make it a VBA code you need to add : (colon) after the address & then the
value of the address. The codebreaker codes doesn't need the :, just put the
value after the code (without a space).

  To input the code in the VBA go to the Menu Bar, Cheats --> Cheat list...
In the bottom of the page you'll see Code..., press it and then input the

  You can also change the value of the code with the memory viewer. To see the
memory in the VBA search in the Menu Bar, go to Tools --> Memory Viewer,
then type the address and press GO. You can change the display settings with
the 8, 16 & 32 bit buttons (what is 2,4 or 8 digits).

  The codes have 2 stages, than means that one code will be moved away some
spaces if certain conditions are presented, this don't affect the values.

Stage 1 = Never load the game with battery (Just Save States)
Stage 2 = Loaded the game with battery = (Stage 1 + 2834 hex)

         020041B0  is the code in Stage 1 for your name, and
        [020069E4] is the same code for the name, but this time is for Stage 2.

NOTE: All Stage 2 codes have [Brackets], so there's no confusion, I hope (^.^)

NOTE 2: The XX's or ??'s that are in the values are used for different things,
this are explained in the same section that you found the address code.
Remember that the values doesn't change for Stage 1 to Stage 2

NOTE 3: If a code doesn't work that may be because isn't in that address, so
use the memory viewer, put a code for a name (so you can see the name in the
right part of the screen),and look how far away it was, then just add or
substrack the number of bits to know any code.


| 19.1 Changing Names                                                         |

  If you want to change the names of you & your animals you can do 2 things,
the 1st one is by using the memory viewer, and the 2nd one is via codes, I
recommend using the memory viewer because it's by far easier than just putting
the code.
  Each name has a space for 12 characters max & each code will give you 4
character. So if you want a name with 5 characters you need to use Code 1 &
Code 2.
  If you want to use codes, change any value of this section with the table
that follows this one.

| To Who                     Code 1    Code 2    Code 3       Value           |
| Your Name                 020041B0, 020041B4, 020041B8     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020069E4][020069E8][020069EC]                     |
| Your Nick Name            020041C0, 020041C4, 020041C8     XXXXXXXX         |
|(When you're married)     [020069F4][020069F8][020069FC]                     |
| Your Son's Name           020042C4, 020042C8, 020042CC     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02006AF0][02006AF4][02006AF8]                     |
| Property Name             020025EC, 020025F0, 020025F4     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02004E20][02004E24][02004E28]                     |
| AWL Player                020047C8  020047CC  020047D0     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02006FFC][02007000][02007004]                     |
| AWL Player's son          020047D8  020047DC  020047E0     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [0200000C][02000010][02000014]                     |
| AWL Farm                  020047B8  020047BC  020047C0     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02006FEC][02006FF0][02006FF4]                     |
| Horse Name                02002608, 0200260C, 02002610     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02004E3C][02004E40][02004E44]                     |
| Dog's Name                02004250, 02004254, 02004258     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02006A84][02006A88][02006A8C]                     |
| Chicken # 1 Name          02002A0C, 02002A10, 02002A14     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005240][02005244][02005248]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken # 2 Name          02002A3C, 02002A40, 02002A44     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005270][02005274][02005278]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken # 3 Name          02002A6C, 02002A70, 02002A74     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020052A0][020052A4][020052A8]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken # 4 Name          02002A9C, 02002AA0, 02002AA4     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020052D0][020052D4][020052D8]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken # 5 Name          02002ACC, 02002AD0, 02002AD4     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005300][02005304][02005308]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken # 6 Name          02002AFC, 02002B00, 02002B04     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005330][02005334][02005338]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken # 7 Name          02002B2C, 02002B30, 02002B34     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005360][02005364][02005368]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken # 8 Name          02002B5C, 02002B60, 02002B64     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005390][02005394][02005398]                     |
| Barn Animal # 1 Name      02002C00, 02002C04, 02002C08     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005434][02005438][0200543C]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 2 Name      02002C3C, 02002C40, 02002C44     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005470][02005474][02005478]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 3 Name      02002C78, 02002C7C, 02002C80     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020054AC][020054B0][020054B4]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 4 Name      02002CB4, 02002CB8, 02002CBC     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020054E8][020054EC][020054F0]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 5 Name      02002CF0, 02002CF4, 02002CF8     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005524][02005528][0200552C]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 6 Name      02002D2C, 02002D30, 02002D34     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005560][02005564][02005568]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 7 Name      02002D68, 02002D6C, 02002D70     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [0200559C][020055A0][020055A4]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 8 Name      02002DA4, 02002DA8, 02002DAC     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020055D8][020055DC][020055E0]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal # 9 Name      02002DE0, 02002DE4, 02002DE8     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005614][02005618][0200561C]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #10 Name      02002E1C, 02002E20, 02002E24     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005650][02005654][02005658]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #11 Name      02002E58, 02002E5C, 02002E60     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [0200568C][02005690][02005694]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #12 Name      02002E94, 02002E98, 02002E9C     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020056C8][020056CC][020056D0]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #13 Name      02002ED0, 02002ED4, 02002ED8     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005704][02005708][0200570C]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #14 Name      02002F0C, 02002F10, 02002F14     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [02005740][02005744][02005748]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #15 Name      02002F48, 02002F4C, 02002F50     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [0200577C][02005780][02005784]                     |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #16 Name      02002F84, 02002F88, 02002F8C     XXXXXXXX         |
|                          [020057B8][020057BC][020057C0]                     |

 Naming Manually

  If you want to change the names with the code you need to put the name in
series of 4 letters (8 characters) but backwards. Example, the word Harvester,
you separate it in groups of 4 letters from left to right. If there's space 
for more letters just fill them with 00. Put each letter in the value.


 H  a  r  v      e  s  t  e      r END END END
48 61 72 76     65 73 74 65     72  00  00  00

  Then you change the order of the letters, beginning with the 4th and ending
with the 1st letter.

 v  r  a  H       e  t  s  e  END END END   r
76 72 61 48      65 74 73 65   00  00  00  72

 And the values are: 76726148, 65747365, 00000072

  The 1st 2 digits are the value & the next character is the result

 41  A       42  B       43  C       44  D       45  E       46  F
 47  G       48  H       49  I       4A  J       4B  K       4C  L
 4D  M       4E  N       4F  O       50  P       51  Q       52  R
 53  S       54  T       55  U       56  V       57  W       58  X
 59  Y       5A  Z
 6F  o       B6  White Star          B7  Black Star          25  %
 61  a       62  b       63  c       64  d       65  e       66  f
 67  g       68  h       69  i       6A  j       6B  k       6C  l
 6D  m       6E  n       6F  o       70  p       71  q       72  r
 73  s       74  t       75  u       76  v       77  w       78  x
 79  y       7A  z
 27  '       2E  .       A5  ·       2A  *       00  END of the Name
 30  0       31  1       32  2       33  3       34  4       35  5
 36  6       37  7       38  8       39  9
 2B  +       2D  -       78  x       7E  ¯       2F  /       3C  <
 3E  >       28  (       29  )       A2  Opening Board
 A3  Closing Board       26  &       21  !       3F  ?
 B1  Women's symbol      B2  Men's symbol        B3  Musical Note
 B4  Heart
 20  Space   22  "       23  #       24  $       2C  ,       3A  :
 3B  ;       3D  =       40  @       5B  [       5C  ¥       5D  ]
 5E  ^       5F  _       60  ´       7B  {       7C  |       7D  }

| 19.2 Changing Houses                                                        |

  In this section you'll be able to change your House & Cottage Houses.

UPGRADES IN THE HOUSE  020027xx --> xx goes from CC to D3
                      [020050xx --> xx goes from 00 to 07]

(So there are 8 diferent codes in total)

Note: Don't try to put any other value that the ones mentioned here, because 
your house may dissapear & the only way to fix this is by returning the values
to their normal status

 CC = Upgrades of the house (House, Mail, Dog house, Windows)
[00]    00 --> Not upgraded
        01 --> 1st upgrade
        02 --> 2nd upgrade

 CD = Record Player, Shelf, Refrigerator, Bathroom, Vase, Carpet
[01]    00 --> Nothing
        01 --> Bathroom
        02 --> Refrigerator
        03 --> Bathroom + Refrigerator
        04 --> Shelf
        05 --> Bathroom + Shelf
        06 --> Refrigerator + Shelf
        07 --> Bathroom + Refrigerator + Shelf
        08 --> Record Player
        09 --> Bathroom + Record Player
        0A --> Refrigerator + Record Player
        0B --> Bathroom + Refrigerator + Record Player
        0C --> Shelf + Record Player
        0D --> Bathroom + Shelf + Record Player
        0E --> Refrigerator + Shelf + Record Player
        0F --> Bathroom + Refrigerator + Shelf + Record Player

       +40 --> + Vase
       +60 --> + Carpet
       +80 --> Same

  Here's a table, just to see the sequence, that's all

o = you have it
X = you don't have it

| Name          |00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  0A  0B  0C  0D  0E  0F
| Bathroom      | x   o   x   o   x   o   x   o   x   o   x   o   x   o   x   o
| Refrigerator  | x   x   o   o   x   x   o   o   x   x   o   o   x   x   o   o
| Shelf         | x   x   x   x   o   o   o   o   x   x   x   x   o   o   o   o
| Record Player | x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o

 CE = Inside the Vase (Don't try to change this one or you'll mess it up)
[02]    2F --> Nothing

 CF = Mirror, Clock, Sock
[03]    C1 to CF --> Mirror
        D0 to D7 --> Clock
        D8 to DF --> Mirror + Clock
        E0 to E7 --> Sock
        E8 to EF --> Sock + Mirror
        F0 to F7 --> Sock + Clock
        F8 to FF --> Sock + Mirror + Clock

 D0 = Kitchen, Fireplace lighted, Filling the Sock
[04]    00 to 3F --> none
        40 to 7F --> Fireplace lighted
        80 to BF --> Kitchen
        C0 to FF --> Kitchen + Fireplace lighted

     + <20 --> Sock Empty
     + >20 --> Sock Full

 D1 = Utensils

(Seasoning set = A, Oven = B, Rolling pin = C, Whisk = D, Mixer = E, Pot = F,
Frying pan = G, Knife = H)

0 = You don't have it
1 = You DO have it

·················           ······························
 A B C D E F G H             Binary   Decimal Hexadecimal
·················           ······························
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0             00000000     0       00
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1             00000001     1       01
 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0             00000010     2       02
 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0             00000100     4       04
 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0             00001000     8       08
 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0             00010000    16       10
 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0             00100000    32       20
 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0             01000000    64       40
 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0             10000000   128       80
·················            11111111   255       FF

  So, if you want certain Utensils, just add in Binary the 1's in the left 
table, example: I want a,b,e,h. that would be:

 00000001    (Knife)
 00001000    (Mixer)
 01000000    (Rolling Pin)
 10000000    (Seasoning Set)

Now separate the number in groups of 4 (that would be 2 groups). 1100 & 1001.
Then, use the next chart to convert from binary to hexadecimal:

0000 is 0 in hex     0001 is 1 in hex     0010 is 2 in hex     0011 is 3 in hex
0100 is 4 in hex     0101 is 5 in hex     0110 is 6 in hex     0111 is 7 in hex
1000 is 8 in hex     1001 is 9 in hex     1010 is A in hex     1011 is B in hex
1100 is C in hex     1101 is D in hex     1110 is E in hex     1111 is F in hex

And finally change the numbers 1100 & 1001 and you'll have C & 9; just join 
them and the number you got is C9

 D2 = Not sure if this byte is used for the house, just don't use it

 D3 = Not sure if this byte is used for the house, just don't use it

|                              020027XX  --> | CC  CD  CE  CF  D0  D1  D2  D3 |
|                             [020050XX] --> |[00][01][02][03][04][05][06][07]|
| Have nothing, When you begin               | 00  80  2F  C1  17  00  00  20 |
| Not upgraded, Have all you can             | 00  C8  2F  F8  17  22  20  00 |
|  1st upgrade, Have all you can             | 01  F8  AF  F8  80  FF  20  00 |
|  2nd upgrade, Have everything              | 02  7F  2F  F8  C0  FF  00  00 |

 020025D8:XX = Town, Mountain & Seaside Cottages

                   | 00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07 |
| Mountain Cottage |  x   o   x   o   x   o   x   o |    o = you have it
| Town Cottage     |  x   x   o   o   x   x   o   o |    x = you don't have it
| Seaside Cottage  |  x   x   x   x   o   o   o   o |

(If you add 08, then the results will be the same).

| 19.3 Changing Time, Season & Weather                                        |

  If you want to be somewhere at certain time, you can't wait until the next
Spring or the weather is bad, use this codes to change whatever you want.

Set Hour

  Don't change the time inside a house where you normally can't be at that time
because you'll get stuck & need to change the time again in a normal hour.


| Hour | 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 |
| AM   | 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B |
| PM   | 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 |

         00 = 12 midnight
         0C = 12 noon
Freeze minutes at ___:??


| Min. | 00 10 20 30 40 50 |
| Code |    79 7A 7B 7C 7D |

Set the Weather

  If you change the weather to a rainy day after you leave your house at 6:00
AM hoping that you don't need to water the ground that will not happen, but if
there is a storm or a blizzard & you change the weather to other thing, you can
now get out of your house.


          00 = Sunny
          01 = Rainy
          02 = Snowy
          03 = Stormy   (Can't leave the house)
          04 = Blizzard (Can't leave the house)

Tomorrow Forecast (Use the #'s above)


Set Year & Day

  If you want to be in a special day like an event you can use this codes to
change the day or year; if you had a event like the cooking festival and you
go to sleep and then change the day to yesterday, then the event won't happen
  Even though that there isn't a day 31 nor 32, with the codes you can be in
that day... So, if you want a day, for example Autumn 10, the value is 26


          ?? --> Day      (+80 hex = The same result)
            XX --> Year

   Day # | 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  |
| Spring | 00  04  08  0C  10  14  18  1C  20  24  28  2C  30  34  38  3C  |
| Summer | 01  05  09  0D  11  15  19  1D  21  25  29  2D  31  35  39  3D  |
| Autumn | 02  06  0A  0E  12  16  1A  1E  22  26  2A  2E  32  36  3A  3E  |
| Winter | 03  07  0B  0F  13  17  1B  1F  23  27  2B  2F  33  37  3B  3F  |

   Day # | 17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30 | 31  32  |
| Spring | 40  44  48  4C  50  54  58  5C  60  64  68  6C  70  74 | 78  7C  |
| Summer | 41  45  49  4D  51  55  59  5D  61  65  69  6D  71  75 | 79  7D  |
| Autumn | 42  46  4A  4E  52  56  5A  5E  62  66  6A  6E  72  76 | 7A  7E  |
| Winter | 43  47  4B  4F  53  57  5B  5F  63  67  6B  6F  73  77 | 7B  7F  |

| 19.4 Animals                                                                |

  In this section you can change the Happiness, Year, Championship, etc. of
every animal you can get. The code for the cows & sheeps are the same, so you
need to know the position of your animal if you want to change a specific
animal, just look in the Farm Map if all of your barn animals are inside the
barn, they will be sorted by the day you got it.

  The ??? that the value has before the Max hearts are used to determine the
age of the animals, it can go from 000 up to 3FF, that is +8 years.

  1 year  = 078, 2 years = 0F0, 3 years = 168, 4 years = 1E0,
  5 years = 258, 6 years = 2D0, 7 years = 348, 8 years = 3C0

  If you add 400, then the animal will have a crown, meaning that has already
won the contest. For making the Horse all growned up put 078 or more & for the
dog put 03C or more; with this you can now be in the contest.

  With the code of the days 'till produce Milk/Wool, you can make a cow milk
nonstop if you fix the value to 0.

|  Animal     Code                    Value                                   |
| Chicken #1  02002A1C  [02005250]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002A20  [02005254]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken #2  02002A4C  [02005280]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002A50  [02005284]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken #3  02002A7C  [020052B0]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002A80  [020052B4]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken #4  02002AAC  [020052E0]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002AB0  [020052E4]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken #5  02002ADC  [02005310]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002AE0  [02005314]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken #6  02002B0C  [02005340]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002B10  [02005344]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken #7  02002B3C  [02005370]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002B40  [02005374]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|                                                                             |
| Chicken #8  02002B6C  [020053A0]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002B70  [020053A4]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
| Barn Animal #1                                                              |
|             02002C10  [02005444]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002C14  [02005448]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002C2C  [02005460]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #2                                                              |
|             02002C4C  [02005480]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002C50  [02005484]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002C68  [0200549C]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #3                                                              |
|             02002C88  [020054BC]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002C8C  [020054C0]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002CA4  [020054D8]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #4                                                              |
|             02002CC4  [020054F8]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002CC8  [020054FC]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002CE0  [02005514]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #5                                                              |
|             02002D00  [02005534]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002D04  [02005538]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002D1C  [02005550]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #6                                                              |
|             02002D3C  [02005570]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002D40  [02005574]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002D58  [0200558C]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #7                                                              |
|             02002D78  [020055AC]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002D7C  [020055B0]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002D94  [020055C8]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #8                                                              |
|             02002DB4  [020055E8]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002DB8  [020055EC]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002DD0  [02005604]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #9                                                              |
|             02002DF0  [02005624]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002DF4  [02005628]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002E0C  [02005640]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #10                                                             |
|             02002E2C  [02005660]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002E30  [02005664]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002E48  [02005670]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #11                                                             |
|             02002E68  [02005690]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002E6C  [02005694]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002E84  [020056B8]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #12                                                             |
|             02002EA4  [020056D8]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002EA8  [020056DC]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002EC0  [020056F4]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #13                                                             |
|             02002EE0  [02005714]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002EE4  [02005718]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002EFC  [02005730]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #14                                                             |
|             02002F1C  [02005750]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002F20  [02005754]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002F38  [0200576C]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #15                                                             |
|             02002F58  [0200578C]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002F5C  [02005790]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002F74  [020057A8]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
|                                                                             |
| Barn Animal #16                                                             |
|             02002F94  [020057C8]    001F5???   Max Hearts                   |
|             02002F98  [020057CC]    FFFF001C   Happy                        |
|             02002FB0  [020057E4]    000X       Days 'till produce Milk/Wool |
| Horse                                                                       |
|             02002618  [02004E4C]    001F5???   Horse Max Hearts             |
| Dog                                                                         |
|             02004260  [02006A94]    001F5???   Dog's Max Hearts             |

Max Food For Chicken
              020029E9  [0200521D]    FF
              020029EA  [0200521E]    FF

Max food for Barn Animals
              02002BC9  [020053FD]    F0
              02002BCA  [020053FE]    FF
              02002BCB  [020053FF]    1F

| 19.5 Spring mine & Winter mine                                              |

Mine Level

  In order to put this codes you need to be in the mine (doesn't matter which)
then find a stair going down (by digging), and when it ask you to go down, 
put the code & then remove it, so the game won't freeze, if that happens just
press a + b buttons or any combination that calls another screen to unfreeze 
the game.



 0200   8:XXXX

          0034 -> 0133 = Lv0 -> 255 for the Spring mine

 Lv 1   = 0035
 Lv 10  = 003E
 Lv 100 = 0098
 Lv 255 = 0133

          0134 -> 0233 = Lv0 -> 255 for the Winter mine.

 Lv 1   = 0135
 Lv 10  = 013E
 Lv 100 = 0198
 Lv 255 = 0233

Spring Mine (Goddess Gems)      Winter Mine (Kappa Gems)

 Floor  60 = 0070                Floor   0 = 0134
 Floor 102 = 009A                Floor  40 = 015C
 Floor 123 = 00AF                Floor  60 = 0170
 Floor 152 = 00CC                Floor  80 = 0184
 Floor 155 = 00CF                Floor 120 = 01AC
 Floor 171 = 00DF                Floor 140 = 01C0
 Floor 190 = 00F2                Floor 160 = 01D4
 Floor 202 = 00FE                Floor 180 = 01E8
 Floor 222 = 0112                Floor 255 = 0233

  To get the level you want, make the value one less than the level you want.
Ex. To get to level 255 of the winter mine the value is 0232 instead of 0233.

| 19.6 Goddess TV Games                                                       |

  TV "Guess the number higher or lower" quiz mini-game. Just play, activate the
code, and lose. Also works for the Rock-Paper-Scissors game in the Cottage
House. If you set the value more than 64 then you'll NOT win the Book from H.G.


Your Farm:

          00 - 01 = Nothing
               02 = Random piece of colored grass
          03 - 09 = Buckwheat Flour
          0A - 0E = Relaxation Tea Leaves
          0F - 13 = Suntan Lotion
          14 - 18 = Skin Lotion
          19 - 1D = Facial Pack
          1E - 27 = Perfume
          28 - 31 = Dress
          32 - 3B = Golden Lumber
          3C - 45 = Fossil of Ancient Fish
          46 - 4F = Pirate Treasure
          50 - 59 = Recipe for Ketchup
          5A - 63 = Recipe for French Fries
               64 = Book from Harvest Goddess

Cottage House:

          00 - 01 = Nothing
               02 = White Grass
          03 - 09 = Mochi or soba noodless
          0A - 13 = Elli Grass
          14 - 1D = Alexandrite
          1E - 27 = Pink Diamond
          28 - 31 = Mythic Stone
          32 - 3B = Record # 15
          3C - 45 = Record # 14
          46 - 4F = Record # 13
          50 - 59 = Record # 12
          5A - 63 = Record # 11
               64 = Certificate of R-P-S

| 19.7 Fishing List                                                           |

  Since there's a lot of fish I don't know the size of each fish but you can
put whatever you want, but try to be less than FF --> 2m 55cm, anyway nothing
happens if you pass the regular size of the fish...

Name                    Code       Results         Code       Maximum Size
Pirate Fortune          02005258   XXXXXXXX        0200525C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007A8C]                 [02007A90]
Fossil of Fish          02005260   XXXXXXXX        02005264   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007A94]                 [02007A98]
Power Berry             02005268   XXXXXXXX        0200526C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007A9C]                 [02007AA0]
Message Bottle          02005270   XXXXXXXX        02005274   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AA4]                 [02007AA8]
Empty Can               02005278   XXXXXXXX        0200527C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AAC]                 [02007AB0]
Branch                  02005280   XXXXXXXX        02005284   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AB4]                 [02007AB8]
Fish Bones              02005288   XXXXXXXX        0200528C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007ABC]                 [02007AC0]
Boots                   02005290   XXXXXXXX        02005294   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AC4]                 [02007AC8]
Rock Trout              02005298   XXXXXXXX        0200529C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007ACC]                 [02007AD0]
Scad                    020052A0   XXXXXXXX        0200529A   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AD4]                 [02007AD8]
Fatminnow               020052A8   XXXXXXXX        020052AC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007ADC]                 [02007AE0]
Cherry Salmon           020052B0   XXXXXXXX        020052B4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AE4]                 [02007AE8]
Pigfish                 020052B8   XXXXXXXX        020052BC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AEC]                 [02007AF0]
Sardine                 020052C0   XXXXXXXX        020052C4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AF4]                 [02007AF8]
Mountain Trout          020052C8   XXXXXXXX        020052CC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007AFC]                 [02007B00]
Whitefish               020052D0   XXXXXXXX        020052D4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B04]                 [02007B08]
Eel                     020052D8   XXXXXXXX        020052DC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B0C]                 [02007B10]
Bitterling              020052E0   XXXXXXXX        020052E4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B14]                 [02007B18]
Bonito                  020052E8   XXXXXXXX        020052EC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B1C]                 [02007B20]
Fluke                   020052F0   XXXXXXXX        020052F4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B24]                 [02007B28]
Filefish                020052F8   XXXXXXXX        020052FC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B2C]                 [02007B30]
Golden Carp             02005300   XXXXXXXX        02005304   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B34]                 [02007B38]
Silver Carp             02005308   XXXXXXXX        0200530C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B3C]                 [02007B40]
Kelp Bass               02005310   XXXXXXXX        02005314   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B44]                 [02007B48]
Bighead                 02005318   XXXXXXXX        0200531C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B4C]                 [02007B50]
Salmon                  02005320   XXXXXXXX        02005324   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B54]                 [02007B58]
Mackerel                02005328   XXXXXXXX        0200532C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B5C]                 [02007B60]
Needlefish              02005330   XXXXXXXX        02005334   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B64]                 [02007B68]
Sp. Mackerel            02005338   XXXXXXXX        0200533C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B6C]                 [02007B70]
Saury Pike              02005340   XXXXXXXX        02005344   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B74]                 [02007B78]
Dorado                  02005348   XXXXXXXX        0200534C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B7C]                 [02007B80]
Red Snaper              02005350   XXXXXXXX        02005354   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B84]                 [02007B88]
Cod                     02005358   XXXXXXXX        0200535C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B8C]                 [02007B90]
Roach                   02005360   XXXXXXXX        02005364   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B94]                 [02007B98]
Brown Hakeling          02005368   XXXXXXXX        0200536C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007B9C]                 [02007BA0]
Rainbow Trout           02005370   XXXXXXXX        02005374   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BA4]                 [02007BA8]
Herring                 02005378   XXXXXXXX        0200537C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BAC]                 [02007BB0]
Silver Carp             02005380   XXXXXXXX        02005384   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BB4]                 [02007BB8]
Sandfish                02005388   XXXXXXXX        0200538C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BBC]                 [02007BC0]
Flounder                02005390   XXXXXXXX        02005394   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BC4]                 [02007BC8]
Blowfish                02005398   XXXXXXXX        0200539C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BCC]                 [02007BD0]
Black Bass              020053A0   XXXXXXXX        020053A4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BD4]                 [02007BD8]
Yellowtail              020053A8   XXXXXXXX        020053AC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BDC]                 [02007BE0]
Bluegill                020053B0   XXXXXXXX        020053B4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BE4]                 [02007BE8]
Crucian Carp            020053B8   XXXXXXXX        020053BC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BEC]                 [02007BF0]
Greenling               020053C0   XXXXXXXX        020053C4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BF4]                 [02007BF8]
Tuna                    020053C8   XXXXXXXX        020053CC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007BFC]                 [02007C00]
Ocean Sunfish           020053D0   XXXXXXXX        020053D4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C04]                 [02007C08]
Lionfish                020053D8   XXXXXXXX        020053DC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C0C]                 [02007C10]
Rockfish                020053E0   XXXXXXXX        020053E4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C14]                 [02007C18]
L. Salmon               020053E8   XXXXXXXX        020053EC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C1C]                 [02007C20]
Snakehead               020053F0   XXXXXXXX        020053F4   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C24]                 [02007C28]
Lake smelt              020053F8   XXXXXXXX        020053FC   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C2C]                 [02007C30]
Jp. Huchen              02005400   XXXXXXXX        02005404   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C34]                 [02007C38]
Monkfish                02005408   XXXXXXXX        0200540C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C3C]                 [02007C40]
Catfish                 02005410   XXXXXXXX        02005414   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C44]                 [02007C48]
Carp                    02005418   XXXXXXXX        0200541C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C4C]                 [02007C50]
Coelacanth              02005420   XXXXXXXX        02005424   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C54]                 [02007C58]
Squid                   02005428   XXXXXXXX        0200542C   XXXXXXXX
                       [02007C5C]                 [02007C60]

| 19.8 Affection Codes                                                        |

These codes are for how much the villagers and girls like you...

02004338  [02006B6C]    XX = Rick
020043A4  [02006BD8]    XX = Gray
020044B0  [02006CE4]    XX = Doctor
020044F0  [02006D24]    XX = Cliff
02004530  [02006D64]    XX = Kai

02004324  [02006B58]    XX = Lillia
02004364  [02006B98]    XX = Barley
02004378  [02006BAC]    XX = May
0200438C  [02006BC0]    XX = Saibara
020043B8  [02006BEC]    XX = Duke
020043CC  [02006C00]    XX = Manna
020043E0  [02006C14]    XX = Basil
020043F4  [02006C28]    XX = Anna
02004420  [02006C54]    XX = Thomas
02004434  [02006C68]    XX = Harris
02004448  [02006C7C]    XX = Ellen
0200445C  [02006C90]    XX = Stu
02004470  [02006CA4]    XX = Jeff
02004484  [02006CB8]    XX = Sasha
020044DC  [02006D10]    XX = Carter
02004504  [02006D38]    XX = Doug
02004544  [02006D78]    XX = Gotz
0200455C  [02006D90]    XX = Zack
02004570  [02006DA4]    XX = Won

020045C4  [02006DF8]    XX = Lou (Ban)
020045DC  [02006E10]    XX = Lu (Rubi)

020045F0  [02006E24]    XX = Staid
02004614  [02006E48]    XX = Nappy
02004638  [02006E6C]    XX = Bold
0200465C  [02006E90]    XX = Chef
02004680  [02006EB4]    XX = Aqua
020046A4  [02006ED8]    XX = Hoggy
020046C8  [02006EFC]    XX = Timid

02004358  [02006B8C]    XXXX = Popuri
02004414  [02006C48]    XXXX = Mary
020044A4  [02006CD8]    XXXX = Karen
020044D0  [02006D04]    XXXX = Elli
02004524  [02006D58]    XXXX = Ann
020045A4  [02006DD8]    XXXX = Goddess

  The villagers all have a max affection of 255 points = FF, and the girls all
have a max affection of 65535 points = FFFF

  If you change the view to 32 bits & change the affection of the girl like
this: 02004524 ?xxFXXXX = Ann (or just add 4 digits)
  then Ann will be married to you, but you have to change your husband name
manually with the code at the beginning. It works with every girl you can 

  The first digit (?), I don't know what it does (maybe is for the Heart event
counter), then the 2 following digits (xx), are for the affection of your
rival, the 4th digit (F), if you set it to E or F then you'll marry that girl
& the last 4 digits are for the affection from you to her.

  The heart rank for the girls goes this way:

Black Heart  =      0 -->  9,999 points              0000 --> 270F
Purple Heart = 10,000 --> 19,999 points              2710 --> 4E1F
Blue Heart   = 20,000 --> 29,999 points              4E20 --> 752F
Green Heart  = 30,000 --> 39,999 points              7530 --> 9C3F
Yellow Heart = 40,000 --> 49,999 points              9C40 --> C34F
Orange Heart = 50,000 --> 59,999 points              C350 --> EA5F
Red Heart    = 60,000 --> 65,535 points              EA60 --> FFFF

| 19.9 The sprites                                                            |

  With this codes you can make the sprites work anytime you like, if you put
the code after you leave the house & then put the code hope for they to work if
they normally won't work you will loose a day.

02004602 [02006E36]    XX = Staid
02004626 [02006E5A]    XX = Nappy
0200464A [02006E7E]    XX = Bold
0200466E [02006EA2]    XX = Chef
02004692 [02006EC6]    XX = Aqua
020046B6 [02006EEA]    XX = Hoggy
020046DA [02006F0E]    XX = Timid

                 7 days  6 days  5 days  4 days  3 days  2 days  1 days  0 days
Animal Husbandry    1E      1A      16      12      0E      0A      06      02
Watering            1D      19      15      11      0D      09      05      01
Harvest             1C      18      14      10      0C      08      04      00
Nothing     1F      1B      17      13      0F      0B      07      03

  If you add 20, 40, 60, 80, A0, C0 or E0 to any value, the code will also work
the same.

  WORK Experience (up to FF)


020045FC  [02006E30]    XX  Harvest
020045FD  [02006E31]    XX  Watering
020045FE  [02006E32]    XX  Animal husbandry


02004620  [02006E54]    XX  Harvest
02004621  [02006E55]    XX  Watering
02004622  [02006E56]    XX  Animal husbandry


02004644  [02006E78]    XX  Harvest
02004645  [02006E79]    XX  Watering
02004646  [02006E7A]    XX  Animal husbandry


02004668  [02006E9C]    XX  Harvest
02004669  [02006E9D]    XX  Watering
0200466A  [02006E9E]    XX  Animal husbandry


0200468C  [02006EC0]    XX  Harvest
0200468D  [02006EC1]    XX  Watering
0200468E  [02006EC2]    XX  Animal husbandry


020046B0  [02006EE4]    XX  Harvest
020046B1  [02006EE5]    XX  Watering
020046B2  [02006EE6]    XX  Animal husbandry


020046D4  [02006F08]    XX  Harvest
020046D5  [02006F09]    XX  Watering
020046D6  [02006F0A]    XX  Animal husbandry

  Note: You still need to play the Watering game to increase the # of times
that you can water the seeds...

| 19.10 Storing items                                                         |

  If you want a special item in your bag or anywhere else, these codes will be
very handy for you. The items are in the next section.

  There are only listed 12 codes for the Fridge, Cabinet & Tool Box, you can
hold up to 64 items, but having 64 codes would take a log space, if you need
to fill his spaces just change the position of the items & put the code again

Main Tool in bag    0200420C [02006A40]      01XX
Main Item in bag    02004204 [02006A38]  XXXXXXXX (Don't know how it works)

            Fridge     Cabinet/Shelf   Tool Box     Bag (Tools)   Bag (Items)
Item  1   020027D4 XX   020028D4 XX   02002958 XX   02004238 XX   02004214 XXXX
      #   020027D7 XX   020028D5 XX   02002959 XX   02004239 XX   -------------

Item  2   020027D8 XX   020028D6 XX   0200295A XX   0200423A XX   02004218 XXXX
      #   020027DB XX   020028D7 XX   0200295B XX   0200423B XX   -------------

Item  3   020027DC XX   020028D8 XX   0200295C XX   0200423C XX   0200421C XXXX
      #   020027DF XX   020028D9 XX   0200295D XX   0200423D XX   -------------

Item  4   020027E0 XX   020028DA XX   0200295E XX   0200423E XX   02004220 XXXX
      #   020027E3 XX   020028DB XX   0200295F XX   0200423F XX   -------------

Item  5   020027E4 XX   020028DC XX   02002960 XX   02004240 XX   02004224 XXXX
      #   020027E7 XX   020028DD XX   02002961 XX   02004241 XX   -------------

Item  6   020027E8 XX   020028DE XX   02002962 XX   02004242 XX   02004228 XXXX
      #   020027EB XX   020028DF XX   02002963 XX   02004243 XX   -------------

Item  7   020027EC XX   020028E0 XX   02002964 XX   02004244 XX   0200422C XXXX
      #   020027EF XX   020028E1 XX   02002965 XX   02004245 XX   -------------

Item  8   020027F0 XX   020028E2 XX   02002966 XX   02004246 XX   02004230 XXXX
      #   020027F3 XX   020028E3 XX   02002967 XX   02004247 XX   -------------

Item  9   020027F4 XX   020028E4 XX   02002968 XX   -----------   -------------
      #   020027F7 XX   020028E5 XX   02002969 XX   -----------   -------------

Item 10   020027F8 XX   020028E6 XX   0200296A XX   -----------   -------------
      #   020027FB XX   020028E7 XX   0200296B XX   -----------   -------------

Item 11   020027FC XX   020028E8 XX   0200296C XX   -----------   -------------
      #   020027FF XX   020028E9 XX   0200296D XX   -----------   -------------

Item 12   02002800 XX   020028EA XX   0200296E XX   -----------   -------------
      #   02002803 XX   020028EB XX   0200296F XX   -----------   -------------

| 19.11 Item Codes                                                            |

  With the Item codes you can have any item that exist in the game (except for
the items that Doug & Kai sells & you just eat it...)

  Wrapped Present = 125% of Normal Present (Even bad items), add +2 in the 
value to any item that you want to wrap, so the item will now wrapped.


  This items are for the Fridge & Bag items.

Fridge      --> 00 to AA
Bag (items) --> 0000 to AA00

 Name                  Value     Ann    Elli    Karen   Mary    Popuri  Goddess
Turnip                  0000     100     100     100     100    -500     300
Potato                  0100     100     100     300     100     100     300
Cucumber                0200     100     100     300     100     100     300
Strawberry              0300     300     500     100     100     500     500
Cabbage                 0400     100     100     100     100     100     300
Tomato                  0500     300     100     100     300     100     300
Corn                    0600     100    -500     300     100     100     300
Onion                   0700     100    -500     100     100     100     300
Pumpkin                 0800     100     100     300     300    -500     300
Pineapple               0900     300     100     100     300     300     500
Eggplant                0A00     100     100     300     100    -500     300
Carrot                  0B00     100     100     100     100     100     300
Sweet Potato            0C00     100     100     300     100     100     300
Spinach                 0D00     100     100     300     300     100     300
Green Pepper            0E00     100    -500     300     300    -500     300
Regular Quality Egg     0F00     300     100     300     100     500     300
Good Quality Egg        1000     300     100     300     100     500     300
High Quality Egg        1100     300     100     300     100     500     300
Golden Egg              1200     300     100     300     100     500     300
P Egg                   1300     300     100     300     100     500     300
X Egg                   1400     300     100     300     100     500     300
Spa-Boiled Egg          1500     500     100     300     100     100     100
Mayonnaise (S)          1600     300     100     300     300     300     100
Mayonnaise (M)          1700     300     100     300     300     300     100
Mayonnaise (L)          1800     300     100     300     300     300     100
Mayonnaise (G)          1900     300     100     300     300     300     100
Mayonnaise (P)          1A00     300     100     300     300     300     100
Mayonnaise (X)          1B00     300     100     300     300     300     100
Milk (S)                1C00     300     500     100     100     300     300
Milk (M)                1D00     300     500     100     100     300     300
Milk (L)                1E00     300     500     100     100     300     300
Milk (G)                1F00     300     500     100     100     300     300
Milk (P)                2000     300     500     100     100     300     300
Milk (X)                2100     300     500     100     100     300     300
Cheese (S)              2200     300     100     500     300     100     100
Cheese (M)              2300     300     100     500     300     100     100
Cheese (L)              2400     300     100     500     300     100     100
Cheese (G)              2500     300     100     500     300     100     100
Cheese (P)              2600     300     100     500     300     100     100
Cheese (X)              2700     300     100     500     300     100     100
Apple                   2800     300     100    -500     300     500     100
Honey                   2900     100     100    -500     300     300     100
Bamboo Shoot            2A00     100     100     500     500     100     100
Wild Grapes             2B00     100     100     100     500     100     100
Mushroom                2C00     100     100     100     100     100     100
Poisonous Mushroom      2D00    -800    -800    -800     500    -800    -500
Truffle                 2E00     100     100     500     500     100     100
Blue Grass              2F00    -500     300    -500     500    -800     100
Green Grass             3000    -500     100    -500     100    -800     100
Red Grass               3100    -800     100    -500     500    -800     100
Yellow Grass            3200    -800    -500    -500     300    -800     100
Orange Grass            3300    -500     100    -500     300    -800     100
Purple Grass            3400    -500     300    -500     300    -800     100
Indigo Grass            3500    -500     300    -500     300    -800     100
Black Grass             3600    -500     300    -500     500    -800     100
White Grass             3700    -500     500    -500     500    -800     100
Queen of the Night      3800     800     800     800     800     800    Nothing
Bodigizer               3900    -500     100    -500     100    -800    -500
Bodigizer XL            3A00    -500     100    -500     100    -800    -500
Turbojolt               3B00    -500     100    -500     500    -800    -500
Turbojolt XL            3C00    -500     100    -500     500    -800    -500
Wine                    3D00     100    -500     500     100    -800    -500
Grape Juice             3E00     300     300    -500     500     300    -500
Rice Ball               3F00     300     100     100     100     100    -500
Bread                   4000     300     100     100     100     300    -500
Oil                     4100     100     100     100     100     100    -500
Flour                   4200     100     100     100     100     300    -500
Curry Powder            4300     100     100     100     100     100    -500
Muffin Mix              4400     300     500     100     500     100    -500
Chocolate               4500     500     300    -500     500     500    -500
Relaxation Tea Leaves   4600     100     300     100     500     300     300
SUGDW Apple             4700     300     100    -500     300     500     100
HMSGB Apple             4800     300     100    -500     300     500     100
AEPFE Apple             4900     300     100    -500     300     500     100
Buckwheat Flour         4A00     300     100    -500     100    -500    -500
Wild Grape Wine         4B00     100    -500     500     100    -800    -500
Salad                   4C00     500     300     300     100     100    -500
Curry Rice              4D00     500     100     100    -500     100    -500
Stew                    4E00     500     100     100     100     300    -500
Miso Soup               4F00     300     100     300     100     100    -500
Stir Fry                5000     500    -500     300     100     100    -500
Fried Rice              5100     500    -500     100    -500     100    -500
Savory Pancake          5200     500     100     100    -500     300    -500
Sandwich                5300     500     300     100     100     500    -500
Fruit Juice             5400     300     100     100     100     500    -500
Vegetable Juice         5500     300     300     100     800    -500    -500
Mixed Juice             5600     300     100     100     100    -500    -500
Fruit Latte             5700     100     100     100     100     100    -500
Vegetable Latte         5800     300     300     100     800    -500    -500
Mixed Latte             5900     300     300    -500     100    -500    -500
Strawberry Smoothie     5A00     500     500    -500     300     500    -500
Strawberry Jam          5B00     300     300    -500     300     500    -500
Tomato Juice            5C00     300    -500     100     300    -500    -500
Pickled Turnip          5D00     300     100     300    -500    -500    -500
French Fries            5E00     300     100     800     100     300    -500
Pickles                 5F00     300     100     300    -500     100    -500
Ketchup                 6000     100    -500     100     100     300    -500
Popcorn                 6100     300     300     800     100     300    -500
Corn Flakes             6200     300     100     100     100     100    -500
Baked Corn              6300     100     100     300     100     300    -500
Pineapple Juice         6400     300     100     100     300     300    -500
Pumpkin Pudding         6500     500     300    -500     300     300    -500
Pumpkin Stew            6600     100     100     300     300    -500    -500
Happy Eggplant          6700     300     100     300    -500    -500    -500
Sweet Potatoes          6800     300     300    -500     100     300    -500
Baked Sweet Potato      6900     500     100    -500     100     100    -500
Greens                  6A00     300     300     300     100     100    -500
Scrambled Eggs          6B00     300    -500     300     100     800    -500
Omelet                  6C00     500    -500     100     100     800    -500
Omelet Rice             6D00     500    -500     100     100     800    -500
Boiled Egg              6E00     300     100     100     100     500    -500
Hot Milk                6F00     100     800     100     100     300    -500
Butter                  7000     100     100     300    -500     100    -500
Cheese Cake             7100     500     300    -500     300     100    -500
Cheese Fondue           7200     800     100     300     300     100    -500
Apple Pie               7300     500     300    -500     300     500    -500
Apple Jam               7400     100     300    -500     300     500    -500
Apple Soufflé           7500     300     100    -500     300     500    -500
Mushroom Rice           7600     500     100     100     300     100    -500
Bamboo Rice             7700     500     100     100     300     300    -500
Truffle Rice            7800     800     100     100     300     100    -500
Sushi                   7900     500     100     100     100     100    -500
Jam Bun                 7A00     300     100    -500     300     100    -500
Dinner Roll             7B00     300     100     100     100     100    -500
Raisin Bread            7C00     300     100    -500     500     100    -500
Grape Jam               7D00     100     300    -500     300     300    -500
Curry Bread             7E00     500     100     100    -500     100    -500
Sashimi                 7F00     300     300     500     100     100    -500
Grilled Fish            8000     100     300     300     100     100    -500
Sashimi Mix             8100     300     300     100     100     300    -500
Pizza                   8200     300     100     800     100     100    -500
Noodles                 8300     300     100     100     100     100    -500
Curry Noodles           8400     300     100     100     100     100    -500
Tempura Noodles         8500     500     100     100     100     100    -500
Fried Noodles           8600     500     100     100     100     100    -500
Buckwheat Noodles       8700     500     100     100     100     100    -500
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles 8800   500     100     100     100     100    -500
Fried Noodles           8900     300     100     300     100     100    -500
Buckwheat Chips         8A00     300     100    -500    -500     100    -500
Cookies                 8B00     300     300    -500     100     500    -500
Chocolate Cookies       8C00     300     300    -500     500     500    -500
Tempura                 8D00     300     100     500     100     100    -500
Ice Cream               8E00     500     300    -500     100     500    -500
Cake                    8F00     800     300    -500     100     500    -500
Chocolate Cake          9000     500     300    -500     500     500    -500
Relaxation Tea          9100     300     300     100     800     500    -500
Toast                   9200     300     100     100     100     300    -500
French Toast            9300     300     300     100     100     300    -500
Pudding                 9400     500     300     100     100     500    -500
Mountain Stew           9500     300     300     100     100     100    -500
Moon Dumplings          9600     100     800     100     300     100    -500
Rice Cake               9700     500     300     100     100    -500    -500
Roasted Rice Cake       9800     500     300     100     100    -500    -500
Elli Leaves             9900     100     500    -500     500     100    -500
Failure                 9A00    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Failure                 9B00    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Failure                 9C00    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Failure                 9D00    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Failure                 9E00    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Failure                 9F00    -500    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Small Fish              A000     100     300     100     100     100     100
Medium Fish             A100     100     300     100     100     100     100
Large Fish              A200     300     300     100     100     100     100
Toasted Rice Ball       A300     300     100     100     100     100    -500
Tempura Rice            A400     300     100     500     100     100    -500
Egg Over Rice           A500     300     100     300     100     500    -500
Rice Gruel              A600     300     100     100     100     100    -500
Pancakes                A700     800     300    -500     100     500    -500
Fish Sticks             A800     100     300     100     100     100    -500
Candied Potato          A900     300     300    -500     100     300    -500
Potato Pancakes         AA00     100     100     300     100     100    -500

  This Items are for the Cabinet/Shelf & Bag Items

Cabinet     --> 00 to 5E
Bag (Items) --> 0001 to 5E01

Moon Drop Grass         0001     100     100     300     100     100     300
Pink Cat Grass          0101     100     500     300     100     300     300
Blue Magic Grass        0201     100     500     300     100     100     300
Red Magic Grass         0301     100     800     300     100     100     300
Toy Flower              0401     100     500     300     100     300     300
Wool (S)                0501     100     100    -800     300     100     100
Wool (M)                0601     100     100    -800     300     100     100
Wool (L)                0701     100     100    -800     300     100     100
Wool (G)                0801     100     100    -800     300     100     100
Wool (P)                0901     100     100    -800     300     100     100
Wool (X)                0A01     100     100    -800     300     100     100
Yarn (S)                0B01     100     100    -800     300     300     100
Yarn (M)                0C01     100     100    -800     300     300     100
Yarn (L)                0D01     100     100    -800     300     300     100
Yarn (G)                0E01     100     100    -800     300     300     100
Yarn (P)                0F01     100     100    -800     300     300     100
Yarn (X)                1001     100     100    -800     300     300     100
Junk Ore                1101    -800    -500    -800    -500    -500    -500
Copper Ore              1201    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Silver Ore              1301    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Gold Ore                1401    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Mystrile Ore            1501    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Orichalc Ore            1601    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Adamantite Ore          1701    -800     100    -800     100     100    -500
Moon Stone              1801    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Sand Rose               1901    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Pink Diamond            1A01     500     500     500     500     500    -500
Alexandrite             1B01    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Mythic Stone            1C01    -800     100    -800     100    -500    -500
Diamond                 1D01     500     500     500     500     500    -500
Emerald                 1E01     300     300     300     300     300    -500
Ruby                    1F01     300     300     300     300     300    -500
Topaz                   2001     300     300     300     300     300    -500
Peridot                 2101     100     100     100     100     100    -500
Fluorite                2201    -800     100    -500     100    -500    -500
Agate                   2301    -800     100    -500     100    -500    -500
Amethyst                2401     300     300     300     300     300    -500
Harvest Goddess Jewel   2501     Can't Give
Kappa Jewel             2601     Can't Give
Jewel of Truth          2701     Can't Give
Spring Sun              2801     100     100     100     100     100     100
Summer Sun              2901     100     100     100     100     100     100
Autumn Sun              2A01     100     100     100     100     100     100
Winter Sun              2B01     100     100     100     100     100     100
Bracelet                2C01     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Necklace                2D01     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Earrings                2E01     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Broach                  2F01     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Weeds                   3001    -800    -800    -800    -800     100    -500
Stones                  3101    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -500
Branches                3201    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -500
Recipe for French Fries 3301     300     500    -800     500    -800    -500
Recipe for Ketchup      3401     300     500     100     500    -800    -500
Ball                    3501     100     100     100    -800    -500        
Pirate Treasure         3601    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Fossil of Ancient Fish  3701    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Empty Can               3801    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Boots                   3901    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Fish Bones              3A01    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Karen's Wine            3B01     Can't Give
Popuri's Mud Ball       3C01     Can't Give
Ann's Music Box         3D01     Can't Give
Mary's Great Book       3E01     Can't Give
Elli's Pressed Flower   3F01     Can't Give
Album 1                 4001     Can't Give                                0
Album 2                 4101     Can't Give                                0
Album 3                 4201     Can't Give                                0
Album 4                 4301     Can't Give                                0
Album 5                 4401     Can't Give                                0
Album 6                 4501     Can't Give                                0
Album 7                 4601     Can't Give                                0
Album 8                 4701     Can't Give                                0
Album 9                 4801     Can't Give                                0
Album 10                4901     Can't Give                                0
Album 11                4A01     Can't Give                                0
Album 12                4B01     Can't Give                                0
Album 13                4C01     Can't Give                                0
Album 14                4D01     Can't Give                                0
Album 15                4E01     Can't Give                                0
Band-Aid                4F01     800     800     800     800     800    Nothing
Book from H.G.          5001     Can't Give                                0
Perfume                 5101     500     500     500     800     500    -500
Photo                   5201     Can't Give                                0
Plant Encyclopedia      5301     Can't Give                                0
Invitation              5401     Can't Give                                0
Dress                   5501     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Facial Pack             5601     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Skin Lotion             5701     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Sunblock                5801     300     500     300     300     500    -500
Lumber                  5901    -800    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Golden Lumber           5A01    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800    -800
Animal Fodder           5B01    -800    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Chicken Feed            5C01    -800    -800    -800    -500    -800    -500
Certificate of R-P-S    5D01     Can't Give                                0
Frisbee                 5E01     Can't Give

  This items are for the Tool Box & Tool Bag

Tool Box --> 00 to 50
Tool Bag --> 00 to 50

Sickle                    00              Copper Sickle             01
Silver Sickle             02              Gold Sickle               03
Mystrile Sickle           04              Cursed Sickle             05
Blessed Sickle            06              Mythic Sickle             07

Hoe                       08              Copper Hoe                09
Silver Hoe                0A              Gold Hoe                  0B
Mystrile Hoe              0C              Cursed Hoe                0D
Blessed Hoe               0E              Mythic Hoe                0F

Axe                       10              Copper Axe                11
Silver Axe                12              Gold Axe                  13
Mystrile Axe              14              Cursed Axe                15
Blessed Axe               16              Mythic Axe                17

Hammer                    18              Copper Hammer             19
Silver Hammer             1A              Gold Hammer               1B
Mystrile Hammer           1C              Cursed Hammer             1D
Blessed Hammer            1E              Mythic Hammer             1F

Watering Can              20              Copper Watering Can       21
Silver Watering Can       22              Gold Watering Can         23
Mystrile Watering Can     24              Cursed Watering Can       25
Blessed Watering Can      26              Mythic Watering Can       27

Fishing Rod               28              Copper Fishing Rod        29
Silver Fishing Rod        2A              Gold Fishing Rod          2B
Mystrile Fishing Rod      2C              Cursed Fishing Rod        2D
Blessed Fishing Rod       2E              Mythic Fishing Rod        2F

Cow Miracle Potion        30              Sheep Miracle Potion      31

Turnip Seeds              32              Potato Seeds              33
Cucumber Seeds            34              Strawberry Seeds          35
Cabbage Seeds             36              Tomato Seeds              37
Corn Seeds                38              Onion Seeds               39
Pumpkin Seeds             3A              Pineapple Seeds           3B
Eggplant Seeds            3C              Carrot Seeds              3D
Sweet Potato Seeds        3E              Spinach Seeds             3F
Green Pepper Seeds        40              Grass Seeds               41
Moon Drop Seeds           42              Pink Cat Seeds            43
Magic Seeds               44              Toy Flower Seeds          45

Brush                     46              Milker                    47
Shears                    48              Bell                      49
Animal Medicine           4A              Blue Feather              4B

Pedometer                 4C              Teleport Stone            4D
Gem of the Goddess        4E              Gem of the Kappa          4F
Gem of the Truth          50

| 19.12 Shipping items codes                                                  |

  With this codes you will have 9999 of any item you can ship, so the next 
item you ship the goddess appears, you can change the value to any other 
number, just don't change the 8 at the beginning, because the 8 is used to 
let the item appear in the shipping list. 

  The max item shipped that you can have is 1,000,000,000 or BB9ACA00. If you 
just want to have the list completed just put 80000000

|  Code                 Value           Item                  |
| 02002630 [02004E64]  8000270F        Turnip                 |
| 02002634 [02004E68]  8000270F        Potato                 |
| 02002638 [02004E6C]  8000270F        Cucumber               |
| 0200263C [02004E70]  8000270F        Cabbage                |
| 02002640 [02004E74]  8000270F        Strawberries           |
| 02002644 [02004E78]  8000270F        Tomato                 |
| 02002648 [02004E7C]  8000270F        Corn                   |
| 0200264C [02004E80]  8000270F        Onion                  |
| 02002650 [02004E84]  8000270F        Pineapple              |
| 02002654 [02004E88]  8000270F        Pumpkin                |
| 02002658 [02004E8C]  8000270F        Eggplant               |
| 0200265C [02004E90]  8000270F        Carrot                 |
| 02002660 [02004E94]  8000270F        Sweet Potato           |
| 02002664 [02004E98]  8000270F        Green Pepper           |
| 02002668 [02004E9C]  8000270F        Spinach                |
| 0200266C [02004EA0]  8000270F        Regular Quality Egg    |
| 02002670 [02004EA4]  8000270F        Good Quality Egg       |
| 02002674 [02004EA8]  8000270F        High Quality Egg       |
| 02002678 [02004EAC]  8000270F        Golden Egg             |
| 0200267C [02004EB0]  8000270F        P Egg                  |
| 02002680 [02004EB4]  8000270F        X Egg                  |
| 02002684 [02004EB8]  8000270F        Spa-Boiled Egg         |
| 02002688 [02004EBC]  8000270F        Mayonnaise (s)         |
| 0200268C [02004EC0]  8000270F        Mayonnaise (m)         |
| 02002690 [02004EC4]  8000270F        Mayonnaise (l)         |
| 02002694 [02004EC8]  8000270F        Mayonnaise (g)         |
| 02002698 [02004ECC]  8000270F        Mayonnaise (p)         |
| 0200269C [02004ED0]  8000270F        Mayonnaise (x)         |
| 020026A0 [02004ED4]  8000270F        Milk (s)               |
| 020026A4 [02004ED8]  8000270F        Milk (m)               |
| 020026A8 [02004EDC]  8000270F        Milk (l)               |
| 020026AC [02004EE0]  8000270F        Milk (g)               |
| 020026B0 [02004EE4]  8000270F        Milk (p)               |
| 020026B4 [02004EE8]  8000270F        Milk (x)               |
| 020026B8 [02004EEC]  8000270F        Cheese (s)             |
| 020026BC [02004EF0]  8000270F        Cheese (m)             |
| 020026C0 [02004EF4]  8000270F        Cheese (l)             |
| 020026C4 [02004EF8]  8000270F        Cheese (g)             |
| 020026C8 [02004EFC]  8000270F        Cheese (p)             |
| 020026CC [02004F00]  8000270F        Cheese (x)             |
| 020026D0 [02004F04]  8000270F        Apple                  |
| 020026D4 [02004F08]  8000270F        SUGDW Apple            |
| 020026D8 [02004F0C]  8000270F        HMSGB Apple            |
| 020026DC [02004F10]  8000270F        AEPFE Apple            |
| 020026E0 [02004F14]  8000270F        Honey                  |
| 020026E4 [02004F18]  8000270F        Bamboo Shoots          |
| 020026E8 [02004F1C]  8000270F        Wild Grapes            |
| 020026EC [02004F20]  8000270F        Mushroom               |
| 020026F0 [02004F24]  8000270F        Poisonous Mushroom     |
| 020026F4 [02004F28]  8000270F        Truffle                |
| 020026F8 [02004F2C]  8000270F        Blue Grass             |
| 020026FC [02004F30]  8000270F        Green Grass            |
| 02002700 [02004F34]  8000270F        Red Grass              |
| 02002704 [02004F38]  8000270F        Yellow Grass           |
| 02002708 [02004F3C]  8000270F        Orange Grass           |
| 0200270C [02004F40]  8000270F        Purple Grass           |
| 02002710 [02004F44]  8000270F        Indigo Grass           |
| 02002714 [02004F48]  8000270F        Black Grass            |
| 02002718 [02004F4C]  8000270F        White Grass            |
| 0200271C [02004F50]  8000270F        Chocolate              |
| 02002720 [02004F54]  8000270F        Relax Tea Leaves       |
| 02002724 [02004F58]  8000270F        Small Fish             |
| 02002728 [02004F5C]  8000270F        Medium Fish            |
| 0200272C [02004F60]  8000270F        Large Fish             |
| 02002730 [02004F64]  8000270F        Pirate Treasure        |
| 02002734 [02004F68]  8000270F        Fossil of Fish         |
| 02002738 [02004F6C]  8000270F        Red Magic Grass        |
| 0200273C [02004F70]  8000270F        Wool (s)               |
| 02002740 [02004F74]  8000270F        Wool (m)               |
| 02002744 [02004F78]  8000270F        Wool (l)               |
| 02002748 [02004F7C]  8000270F        Wool (g)               |
| 02002748 [02004F80]  8000270F        Wool (p)               |
| 0200274C [02004F84]  8000270F        Wool (x)               |
| 02002750 [02004F88]  8000270F        Yarn (s)               |
| 02002754 [02004F8C]  8000270F        Yarn (m)               |
| 02002758 [02004F90]  8000270F        Yarn (l)               |
| 0200275C [02004F94]  8000270F        Yarn (g)               |
| 02002760 [02004F98]  8000270F        Yarn (p)               |
| 02002764 [02004F9C]  8000270F        Yarn (x)               |
| 02002768 [02004FA0]  8000270F        Bracelet               |
| 0200276C [02004FA4]  8000270F        Necklace               |
| 02002770 [02004FA8]  8000270F        Earrings               |
| 02002774 [02004FAC]  8000270F        Broach                 |
| 02002778 [02004FB0]  8000270F        Junk ore               |
| 0200277C [02004FB4]  8000270F        Copper                 |
| 02002780 [02004FB8]  8000270F        Silver                 |
| 02002784 [02004FBC]  8000270F        Gold                   |
| 02002788 [02004FC0]  8000270F        Mystrile               |
| 0200278C [02004FC4]  8000270F        Orichalc               |
| 02002790 [02004FC8]  8000270F        Adamantite             |
| 02002794 [02004FCC]  8000270F        Mythic Stone           |
| 02002798 [02004FD0]  8000270F        Pink Diamond           |
| 0200279C [02004FD4]  8000270F        Alexandrite            |
| 020027A0 [02004FD8]  8000270F        Moon Stone             |
| 020027A4 [02004FDC]  8000270F        Sand Rose              |
| 020027A8 [02004FE0]  8000270F        Diamond                |
| 020027AC [02004FE4]  8000270F        Emerald                |
| 020027B0 [02004FE8]  8000270F        Ruby                   |
| 020027B4 [02004FEC]  8000270F        Topaz                  |
| 020027B8 [02004FF0]  8000270F        Peridot                |
| 020027BC [02004FF4]  8000270F        Fluorite               |
| 020027C0 [02004FF8]  8000270F        Agate                  |
| 020027C4 [02004FFC]  8000270F        Amethys                |

| 19.13 Other codes                                                           |

  In this section I put all the codes that are so small that couldn't had 
there own space.

Money Code         02004080   XXXXXXXX (up to 3B9ACA00 --> $ 1,000,000,000)

Horse Race Medals  020065AC   XXXX     (up to 270F --> 9999 medals)

Frisbee Record     02004274   XXXX     (up to 03E7 --> 99m 90cm)

Confession         020047A1   XX       (00 --> Haven't confessed)

Power Berries      020041F4   ?X

? --> If you have the Blue Berry
X --> # of Red Berries (Normally up to 10=A, but you can have 15=F)

  If ? is even, then you don't have the blue berry; if ? is odd, then you'll
have the blue berry (The # doesn't matter)

 020041F5  [02006A29]    XX --> Stamina    (7D to 00)     +80 = same
 020041F6  [02006A2A]    XX --> Fatigue    (00 to 64)     +80 = same


020041DC [02006A10]   XXXX????       Hoe
020041E0 [02006A14]   XXXX????       Sickle
020041E4 [02006A18]   XXXX????       Axe
020041E8 [02006A1C]   XXXX????       Hammer
020041EC [02006A20]   XXXX????       Water Can
020041F0 [02006A24]   XXXX????       Fishing Rod

  The 1st 4 digits are for the level of the tool & the other 4 digits are for
the Percentage of use. If you just want to change the percentage, instead of
using 8 digits, just put 4

                      XXXX0000 ??? Tool   0 % Used
                      XXXX1770 ??? Tool 100 % Used
                      XXXX4650 ??? Tool 200 % Used
                      XXXX8CA0 ??? Tool 300 % Used
                      XXXXFFFF ??? Tool 400 % Used

Pedometer Code

020041F8 [02006A2C]   XXXXXXXX (Stops at 1,000,000,000), just 1 step before 
the goddess appears

                      00001387         9,999 steps
                      0000C34F        99,999 steps
                      0007A11F       999,999 steps
                      004C4B3F     9,999,999 steps
                      02FAF07F    99,999,999 steps
                      1DCD64FF   999,999,999 steps

Farm Field (43x25 spaces)

Square (1,1)   02002FB4 XXXXXXXX          Square (2,1)  02002FB8 XXXXXXXX
Square (3,1)   02002FBC XXXXXXXX          Square (4,1)  02002FC0 XXXXXXXX
Square (5,1)   02002FC4 XXXXXXXX          Square (6,1)  02002FC8 XXXXXXXX
Square (7,1)   02002FCC XXXXXXXX          Square (8,1)  02002FD0 XXXXXXXX
Square (9,1)   02002FD4 XXXXXXXX          Square (10,1) 02002FD8 XXXXXXXX
Square (11,1)  02002FDC XXXXXXXX          Square (12,1) 02002FE0 XXXXXXXX
Square (13,1)  02002FE4 XXXXXXXX          Square (14,1) 02002FE8 XXXXXXXX
Square (15,1)  02002FEC XXXXXXXX          Square (16,1) 02002FF0 XXXXXXXX
Square (17,1)  02002FF4 XXXXXXXX          Square (18,1) 02002FF8 XXXXXXXX
Square (19,1)  02002FFC XXXXXXXX          Square (20,1) 02003000 XXXXXXXX
Square (21,1)  02003004 XXXXXXXX          Square (22,1) 02003008 XXXXXXXX
Square (23,1)  0200300C XXXXXXXX          Square (24,1) 02003010 XXXXXXXX
Square (25,1)  02003014 XXXXXXXX          Square (26,1) 02003018 XXXXXXXX
Square (27,1)  0200301C XXXXXXXX          Square (28,1) 02003020 XXXXXXXX
Square (29,1)  02003024 XXXXXXXX          Square (30,1) 02003028 XXXXXXXX
Square (31,1)  0200302C XXXXXXXX          Square (32,1) 02003030 XXXXXXXX
Square (33,1)  02003034 XXXXXXXX          Square (34,1) 02003038 XXXXXXXX
Square (35,1)  0200303C XXXXXXXX          Square (36,1) 02003040 XXXXXXXX
Square (37,1)  02003044 XXXXXXXX          Square (38,1) 02003048 XXXXXXXX
Square (39,1)  0200304C XXXXXXXX          Square (40,1) 02003050 XXXXXXXX
Square (41,1)  02003054 XXXXXXXX          Square (42,1) 02003058 XXXXXXXX
Square (43,1)  0200305C XXXXXXXX

Square (1,2)   02003060 XXXXXXXX          Square (2,2)  02003064 XXXXXXXX
Square (1,3)   0200310C XXXXXXXX          Square (2,3)  02003104 XXXXXXXX

Square (43,25) 0200407C XXXXXXXX


                        00000000    Cleared ground
                        00000001    Hoed ground
                        00000002    Hoed ground & watered

                        00000101    Turnip seeds
                        00000105    Potato seeds
                        00000109    Cucumber seeds
                        0000010D    Strawberry seeds
                        00000111    Cabbage seeds
                        00000115    Tomato seeds
                        00000119    Corn seeds
                        0000011D    Onion seeds
                        00000121    Pumpkin seeds
                        00000125    Pineapple seeds
                        00000129    Eggplant seeds
                        0000012D    Carrot seeds
                        00000131    Sweet potato seeds
                        00000135    Spinach seeds
                        00000139    Green pepper seeds
                        0000013D    Moon drop seeds
                        00000141    Pink cat seeds
                        00000145    BLUE Magic seeds
                        00000149    RED  Magic seeds
                        0000014D    Toy flower seeds
                        00000151    Grass seeds

                        00020854    Weeds
                        00020858    Small Rock
                        0002085C    Branches
                        00020860    Lumber
                        00020864    Rotten lumber
                        00020868    Gold lumber

                        0002086C    Lv2 wood (upper left)
                        00020870    Lv2 wood (upper right)
                        00020874    Lv2 wood (lower left)
                        00020878    Lv2 wood (lower right)

                        0002087C    Lv2 stone (upper left)
                        00020880    Lv2 stone (upper right)
                        00020884    Lv2 stone (lower left)
                        00020888    Lv2 stone (lower right)

                        0002088C    Lv3 stone (upper left)
                        00020890    Lv3 stone (upper right)
                        00020894    Lv3 stone (lower left)
                        00020898    Lv3 stone (lower right)
Your Child

020042D4 ???XX??? Child's Age
020042B8 XX Child's affection
02004204 ???
0200426C ???

| 19.14 Text codes                                                            |

  These "Codes" are stageless, it's just to see the text of the game, you need
to see it with the Memory viewer.

082AC140        Begins the text of the game
084F905C        Ends the text of the game

                    TV channels

08412F8C        Card Collector Chisato
08418260        My Dear Princess
08421C21        Dueling Chefs
08424A08        Fairy & Me
0843A1CC        Fishing Hour
0843D1C0        Races in the F-3.14 MGP
08451940        Goddess Rock-Paper-Scissors game
084533C2        New Year's game shop (Guess the #)
0845406A        Mechabot Ultror (Summertime reprise)
0845F181        Program Schedule
0845F640        Fairy & Me... He Said (Reprise)
084686A8        Life on the Farm ADVANCE
0847C7A4        Life on the Farm BEGINNER
0848B65C        Aaron Changes
084B0504        Mineral Town Friends
084B9D68        TV Shopping Network
084BC668        Star Lily, Bandit Girl
084C521C        Mine Research Group

| 19.15 Linking Codes                                                         |

Linking Stars  0200479E XXXX <-- (Up to 0114)

|20.0 Littering                                                               |

  Littering is a very important thing to avoid, in this section I will explain
how to avoid this & also what happens when you litter. Littering isn't just
throwing garbage, but it is throwing anything to the floor; next I will explain
the things that count & also the ones that doesn't count.

DO count as littering

- Throwing at houses that aren't any of yours.
- Throwing at the roads.
- Throwing at the sea.

Do NOT count as littering

- Throwing at the mines.
- Throwing at any of your houses.
- Throwing at any place from your farm.
- Throwing at the garbage can at the plaza.
- Eliminating the item from the bag.

  When you litter, the affection of the townspeople will drop, each time you
litter will affect the same, here's exactly how much:

Girls: -500 points
Other: -5 points

NOTE: When you throw garbage, it will only affect the ones that are currently
on screen (or live in the house) & not just everybody.

  Mineral Town:

- North Side of Mineral Town

    Basil's House, Mary's Library, Ellen's House, Mayor's House, Supermarket,
  Mineral Clinic, Church, Rear of Church, Harvest Sprite's Home, Aja Winery,
  Doug's Inn.

- South Side of Mineral Town

    Saibara the Blacksmith,(Town Cottage), Poultry Farm, Yodel Farm, Rose 

- Mineral Beach
    Kai's Seaside Lodge, Zack's House, (Seaside Cottage).

- Forest

    Woodcuter's House.

- Mother's Hill

    Hot Springs, Spring Mine, Lake Mine, (Mountain Cottage), Peak of Mother's

|21.0 Confessing                                                              |

  You can confess only Mondays & Wednesdays if the weather is sunny & any day
if the weather is raining/snowing, the time you can confess is from 1:00 PM up
to 3:59 PM. You can only confess once per day, so choose carefully.

  When you confess 2 things can happen, if you get forgiven by the H.G. good
things can happen but if you didn't get forgiven nothing will happen. You can
confess even if you didn't do anything bad at all.

  Supossedly, you may have a better luck if you drop to say hi to Carter before
confesing, though I haven't checked...


|I was cruel to my animals|

 +10 points if hearts points < 492 points
  +8 points if hearts points = 492 OR 493 points
  +6 points if hearts points = 494 OR 495 points
  +4 points if hearts points = 496 OR 497 points
  +2 points if hearts points = 498 OR 499 points
  +0 points if hearts points = 500 OR 501 points

|I don't care for animals |

  - Same as "I was cruel to my animals"

|I slept in late          |

  - Stamina: + 0 points
  - Fatigue: - 2 points

|I hardly get any sleep   |

  - Stamina: +10 points
  - Fatigue: - 0 points

|Worked until I collapsed |

  - Stamina: +10 points
  - Fatigue: - 0 points

|I littered in the road   |

  - +2 points to the townspeople, except for girls & Harvest Sprites

|I'm overworking the HS   |

  - +2 points for each H.S.

|Townspeople don't like me|

  - +2 points to the townspeople, except for girls & Harvest Sprites

|I want to marry the HG   |

  - Access for marring the H.G.


  Nothing Happens...

|22.0 Recipe Guide                                                            |

  One of the features of this game is the capacity of cooking your own stuff.
This will have 2 porpuses, one is to give the food you make as a gift & the
other is to participate in a cooking festival which is held on Spring 22 of
every year.

  In order to cook something you need to buy the kitchen & the Utensils from
the shopping network, but before that you need to upgrade at least once your
house, otherwise you can't buy it from the tv.

  There are up to 108 recipes, some of them are easy to make, but in others,
you'll need some stuff that is hard to get, like with the seasonal suns, that
are founded at the last page of the list.

NOTE: When in the ingredients it says i.e. Egg (Any size), means that you can
use either a Regular Quality Egg, Good Quality Egg, High Quality Egg, Golden
Egg, P Egg OR X Egg, but Boiled Egg & Spa-Boiled Egg doesn't count, this 2 are
different. Same goes for Milk, Cheese & Mayonnaise but not for Won's apples, 
I will name it like that ("Won's apples").

Also, it doesn't matter which size you use, because the SR & FR will remain the
same, but if you add more than 1 of the same item (but different size), the SR
& FR may increase & your recipe will have better chances to win the contest.

NOTE 2: Items that has +[ ] means that you can add it to make better the recipe
but is not a must, just for having better results...

NOTE 3: When there's an ( / ) in the recipe, means that it can be any of the 
items but you can improve the recipe adding more than 1 item with the / 
between. Also, there are some recipes that can be made by 2 diferent ways, but
you can't mix both recipes to create a better one. ( Like Mayonnaise (X) )

| Page 1 |

1) Mayonnaise (S)
      Utensils: Whisk, Vinegar
      Ingredients: Regular Quality Egg, Oil

2) Mayonnaise (M)
      Utensils: Whisk, Vinegar
      Ingredients: Good Quality Egg, Oil + [Regular Quality Egg]

3) Mayonnaise (L)
      Utensils: Whisk, Vinegar
      Ingredients: High Quality Egg, Oil + [Regular & Good Quiality Eggs]

4) Mayonnaise (G)
      Utensils: Whisk, Vinegar
      Ingredients: Golden Egg, Oil + [Regular, Good & High Quality Eggs]

5) Mayonnaise (P)
      Utensils: Whisk, Vinegar
      Ingredients: P Egg, Oil + [Regular, Good, High & Golden Quality Eggs]

6) Mayonnaise (X)
      Utensils: Whisk, Vinegar
      Ingredients: X Quality Egg, Oil + [Regular, Good, High, Golden & P Eggs]
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Mayonnaises (S), (M), (L), (G), (P)

7) X Egg
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Regular Quality Egg, Good Quality Egg, High Quality Egg,
                   Golden Egg, P Egg

8) Milk (X)
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Milk (S), Milk (M), Milk (L), Milk (G), Milk (P)

         | Page 2 |

1) Cheese (X)
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Cheese (S), Cheese (M), Cheese (L), Cheese (G), Cheese (P)

2) Wild Grape Juice
      Utensils: Pot
      Ingredients: Wild Grape, Wine, Purple Grass

3) Pickles
      Utensils: Salt, + [Knife, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Cucumber

4) Salad
      Utensils: Knife, + [Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: (Cucumber/Tomato/Carrot/Cabbage) + [Turnip, Potato, Oil]
                   + [Green Pepper, Spinach, Onion]

5) Curry Rice
      Utensils: Pot, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce, Vinegar]
      Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Ball + [Egg (any size), Mushroom, Turnip]
                   + [Bamboo Shoot, Truffle, Tomato, Milk (any size), Apple]
                   + [Cheese (Any size), Won's Apples, Wine, Fish(sml), Onion]
                   + [Grape Juice, Potato, Corn, Pumpkin, Pineapple, Eggplant]
                   + [Carrot, Sweet Potato, Green Pepper, Honey, Wild Grapes]
                   + [Poisonous Mushroom, Grape Juice, Oil?]

6) Stew
      Utensils: Pot, Salt, + [Knife, Sugar, Vinegar, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Flour, Milk (Any size)+ [Corn, Fish(sml), Turnip, Eggplant]
                   + [Sweet Potato, Mushroom, Grape Juice, Wine, Cheese (any)]
                   + [Poisonous Mushroom, Egg (Any size), Tomato, Oil, Apple]
                   + [Won's Apples, Onion, Potato, Bamboo Shoot, Pumpkin]
                   + [Pineapple, Carrot, Spinach, Green Pepper, Honey]
                   + [Wild Grapes, Truffle]

7) Miso Soup
      Utensils: Pot, Miso, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: at least 1 Edible Item... [Mushroom, Poisonous Mushroom]
                   + [Small Fish, Bamboo Shoot, Egg (any size), Sweet Potato]
                   + [Tomato, Onion, Cabbage, Potato, Green Pepper, Truffle]
                   + [Eggplant, Corn, Turnip, Carrot, Spinach, Pumpkin]

8) Stir Fry
      Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan, Soy Sauce + [Salt]
      Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil + [Turnip, Bamboo Shoot, Spinach, Carrot]
                   + [Cucumber, Mushroom]

                  | Page 3 |

1) Fried Rice
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Rice Ball, Oil, Egg (Any size), + [Spa-boiled Egg, Spinach]
                   + [Cabbage, Cucumber, Bamboo Shoots, Eggplant, Corn, Onion]
                   + [Carrot, Green Pepper, Cheese (Any size), Mushroom]
                   + [Poisonous Mushroom, Truffle, Wine]

2) Savory Pancake
      Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife, + [Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Flour, Oil, Cabbage, Egg (Any size) + [Mushroom, Turnip]
                   + [Potato, Cucumber, Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Onion, Pumpkin]
                   + [Eggplant, Carrot, spinach, Mayo (Any size), Truffle]
                   + [Cheese (Any size), Poisonous Mushroom, Milk (any size)]

3) Sandwich
      Utensils: Knife, + [Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Bread, (Tomato/Cucumber/Boiled Egg) + [Butter, Honey, Onion]
                   + [Carrot, Apple, Wild Grapes, Poisonous Mushroom, Mushroom]
                   + [Cheese (Any size), Cabbage, Mayo (Any size), Fish (sml)]
                   + [Potato, Strawberry, Corn, Pineapple, Sweet Potato]
                   + [Truffle, Wine]

4) Fruit Juice
      Utensils: Mixer + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: (Apple/Strawberry), + [Honey, Pineapple, Won's apples]
                   + [Grape Juice, Wild Grapes]

5) Fruit Latte
      Utensils: Mixer, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Milk (Any Size), (Wild Grapes/Apple/Pineapple) + [Honey]
                   + [Strawberry, Fruit Juice, Grape Juice, Won's Apples?] 

6) Veggie Juice
      Utensils: Mixer, + [Knife, Salt, Sugar]
      Ingredients: (Cucumber/Cabbage/Carrot) + [Tomato, Onion, Pumpkin]
                   + [Spinach, Green Peper, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom]
                   + [Truffle]

7) Veggie Latte
      Utensils: Mixer + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Milk (Any size), Veggie Juice OR (Cucumber/Cabbage/Carrot)
                   + [Tomato, Onion, Pumpkin, Spinach, Green Peper, Eggplant]
                   + [Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Truffle]

8) Mixed Juice
      Utensils: Mixer + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Veggie Juice + [Honey, Apple, Strawberry]
                   + [Pineapple, Grape Juice, Wild Grapes, Won's Apples?]
                   + [Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato, Onion, Pumpkin]
                   + [Spinach, Green Pepper, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom]
                   + [Truffle]
      Utensils: Mixer + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: (Cucumber/Cabbage/Carrot), (Apple/Strawberry) + [Honey]
                   + [Pineapple, Won's Apples?, Grape Juice, Wild Grapes]
                   + [Spinach, Green Peper, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom]
                   + [Truffle, Tomato, Onion, Pumpkin]

                           | Page 4 |

1) Mixed Latte
      Utensils: Mixer, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Milk (Any Size), Fruit Juice, Veggie Juice + [Honey]
                   + [Pineapple, Won's Apples?, Grape Juice, Wild Grapes]
                   + [Spinach, Green Peper, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom]
                   + [Truffle, Tomato, Onion, Pumpkin]
      Utensils: Mixer + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Milk (Any Size),(Apple/Strawberry),(Cucumber/Cabbage/Carrot)
                   + [Pineapple, Won's Apples?, Grape Juice, Wild Grapes]
                   + [Spinach, Green Peper, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom]
                   + [Truffle, Tomato, Onion, Pumpkin, Honey]

2) Pickled Turnips
      Utensils: Knife, Vinegar + [Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Turnip

3) French Fries
      Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan, + [Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Potato, Oil + [Ketchup]

4) Strawberry Jam
      Utensils: Pot, Sugar, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Strawberry, + [Honey, Wine]

5) Strawberry Milk
      Utensils: Mixer, + [Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Milk (Any Size), Strawberry + [Honey]

6) Tomato Juice
      Utensils: Mixer, + [Knife, Salt]
      Ingredients: Tomato

7) Ketchup
      Utensils: Mixer, Sugar, Salt, Vinegar
      Ingredients: Tomato, Onion

8) Popcorn
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Salt, Sugar]
      Ingredients: Corn, + [Butter]

                                    | Page 5 |

1) Corn Flakes
      Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven/Frying Pan (But NOT both) + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Corn + [Milk, Strawberry, Apple, Won's Apples, Chocolate]
                   + [Pineapple, Wild Grapes]

2) Baked Corn
      Utensils: Oven, + [Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Corn, + [Butter]

3) Pineapple Juice
      Utensils: Mixer, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Pineapple, + [Honey]

4) Pumpkin Pudding
      Utensils: Pot, Oven, Sugar, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Egg (Any size), Milk (Any size), Pumpkin, + [Honey, Wine]

5) Pumpkin Stew
      Utensils: Pot, Sugar, Soy Sauce, + [Salt, Vinegar, Knife]
      Ingredients: Pumpkin, + [Honey, Grape Juice, Wine]

6) Happy Eggplant
      Utensils: Frying Pan, Sugar, Soy Sauce, Miso, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Eggplant

7) Sweet Potatoes
      Utensils: Pot, Oven, Sugar
      Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Egg (any size), Butter

8) Baked Sweet Potatoes
      Utensils: Oven, + [Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Sweet Potato, + [Butter, Stone]

                                             | Page 6 |

1) Greens
      Utensils: Pot, Soy Sauce, + [Knife, Sugar]
      Ingredients: Spinach, + [Honey]

2) Scrambled Eggs
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Whisk, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Oil, Egg (Any size), + [Mayonnaise (Any size), Butter]

3) Omelet
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Knife, Whisk, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Oil, Egg (Any size), Milk (Any size), + [Cheese (Any size)]
                   + [Mayonnaise (Any size), Green Pepper, Sweet Potato]
                   + [Pumpkin, Spinach, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Truffle]

4) Omelet Rice
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Knife, Whisk, Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Rice Balls, Oil, Egg (Any size), Milk (Any size), 
                   + [Mayonnaise (Any size), Cheese (Any size), Green Pepper]
                   + [Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot]
                   + [Truffle]

5) Boiled Egg
      Utensils: Pot, + [Salt]
      Ingredients: Egg (Any size)

6) Pudding
      Utensils: Oven, Pot, Sugar, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Egg (Any size), Milk (Any size), + [Strawberry, Corn Flakes]
                   + [Pineapple, Apple, Won's Apples?, Wild Grape, Honey]

7) Hot Milk
      Utensils: Pot, + [Sugar]
      Ingredients: Milk (Any size)

8) Butter
      Utensils: Mixer + [Salt]
      Ingredients: Milk (Any size)

                                                      | Page 7 |

1) Cheese Cake
      Utensils: Pot, Whisk, Oven, Sugar, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Egg (Any size), Milk (Any size), Cheese (Any size) 
                   + [Honey, Wine, Strawberry Jam, Apple jam, Grape Jam]

2) Cheese Fondue
      Utensils: Pot, + [Knife, Whisk, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Bread, Cheese (Any size) + [Wine]

3) Apple Pie
      Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin, Oven, Sugar
      Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg (Any size), Apple, + [Won's apples]
                   + [Honey, Wine, Apple Soufflé]

4) Apple Jam
      Utensils: Pot, Sugar, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Apple + [Won's Apples, Honey, Wine]

5) Apple Soufflé
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Sugar]
      Ingredients: Apple

6) Bamboo Rice
      Utensils: None, + [Knife, Pot, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball

7) Grape Jam
      Utensils: Pot, Sugar + [Salt]
      Ingredients: Wild Grape + [Honey, Wine]

8) Grape Juice
      Utensils: Mixer, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Wild Grape, + [Honey]

                                                               | Page 8 |

1) Mushroom Rice
      Utensils: None, + [Knife, Pot, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball

2) Truffle Rice
      Utensils: None, + [Knife, Pot, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Truffle, Rice Ball

3) Sushi
      Utensils: Vinegar + [Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi + [Scrambled Eggs]

4) Jam Bun
      Utensils: None + [Sugar]
      Ingredients: Bread, (Apple Jam/Strawberry Jam/Grape Jam) + [Honey]

5) Dinner Roll
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Bread, Butter + [Honey]

6) Raisin Bread
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Bread, Wild Grape + [Grape Juice, Honey]

7) Curry Bread
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Bread, Oil, Curry Powder + [Honey, Apple, Bamboo Shoots]
                   + [Mushroom, Onion, Eggplant, Turnip, Truffle, Tomato]
                   + [Poisinous Mushroom, Wild Grapes, Grape Juice, Wine]
                   + [Pumpkin, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Green Pepper]

8) Toast
      Utensils: Oven + [Sugar]
      Ingredients: Bread + [Butter, Honey, (Strawberry Jam, Apple Jam]
                   + [Grape Jam]

| Page 9 |

1) French Toast
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Whisk, Sugar]
      Ingredients: Bread, Oil, Egg (Any size) + [Butter]

2) Sashimi
      Utensils: Knife + [Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Medium Fish/Large Fish (At 1st NOT both, but when you make 
                   it, you can put both)

3) Grilled Fish
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Medium Fish, + [Oil]

4) Chirashi Sushi
      Utensils: Knife, Vinegar, + [Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Rice Ball, Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs + [Mushroom?, Cucumber?]
                   + [Carrot?, Bamboo Shoots?, Truffle?]

5) Pizza
      Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven, + [Knife, Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Flour, Ketchup, Cheese (Any size), + [Tomato, Pineapple]
                   + [Mushroom, Fish(sml)?, Green Pepper, Potato, Pumpkin]
                   + [Onion, Eggplant, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Egg (any size)]
                   + [Mayo (any size), Truffle, Corn]

6) Noodles
      Utensils: Knife, Rolling Pin, Pot, + [All Seasoning Set]
      Ingredients: Flour, + [Small Fish, Bamboo Shot, Onion, Egg (Any size)]
                   + [Turnip, Carrot, Eggplant, Cabbage, Sweet Potato]
                   + [Green Pepper, Egg (any size), Mushroom, Truffle]
                   + [Poisonous Mushroom]

7) Curry Noodles
      Utensils: Pot + [All Seasoning Set]
      Ingredients: Noodles, Curry Powder + [Fish(sml), Onion, Bamboo Shoot]
                   + [Egg (Any size), Mushroom, Eggplant, Turnip, Cabbage]
                   + [Carrot, Sweet Potato, Green Pepper, Poisonous Mushroom]
                   + [Truffle]

8) Tempura Noodles
      Utensils: Pot + [Knife?, Salt?, Soy Sauce?, Miso?]
      Ingredients: Tempura, Noodles, + [Onion?, Small Fish?, Truffle?, Carrot?]
                   + [Rice Cake?, Sweet Potatoes, Noodles?, Large Fish?]
                   + [Mushroom?, Eggplant?, Onion?, Bamboo Shoots?, Turnip?]
                   + [Cabbage]
      Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
      Ingredients: Tempura, Flour

         | Page 10 |

1) Fried Noodles
      Utensils: Frying Pan + [All Seasoning Set]
      Ingredients: Noodles, Oil, Egg (Any size) + [Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom]
                   + [Turnip, Cabbage, Onion, Eggplant, Carrot, Green Pepper]
                   + [Sweet Potato, Poisonous Mushroom, Truffle]

2) Buckwheat Noodles
      Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin, + [All Seasoning Set]
      Ingredients: Buckwheat Flour, + [Egg (any size), Fish (sml), Onion]
                   + [Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom?, Carrot?, Turnip?]

3) Noodles with Tempura
      Utensils: Pot + [Salt?, Vinegar?, Soy Sauce?]
      Ingredients: Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura + [Carrot?, Turnip?, Eggplant?]
                   + [Bamboo Shoots?, Fish(sm)?]
      Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin
      Ingredients: Buckwheat Flour, Tempura

4) Fried Noodles
      Utensils: Frying Pan, Salt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce, + [Sugar, Miso]
      Ingredients: Buckwheat Noodles, Oil, Egg (Any size), + [Fish (sml),Onion]
                   + [Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom?, Cabbage?, Carrot?, Turnip?]

5) Buckwheat Chips
      Utensils: Pot, + [Rolling Pin, Soy Sauce, Whisk?]
      Ingredients: Buckwheat Flour

6) Tempura
      Utensils: Frying Pan, + [Whisk, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Flour, Oil, Egg (Any size), + [Turnip, Potato, Cucumber]
                   + [Cabbage, Corn, Onion, Pumpkin, Pineapple, Eggplant]
                   + [Carrot, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Green Pepper, Mushroom]
                   + [Chocolate, Poisonous Mushroom, Truffle]

7) Mountain Stew
      Utensils: Knife, Pot, Sugar, Soy Sauce
      Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Mushroom + [Honey, Truffle, Potato]
                   + [Oil, Poison Mushroom, Fish?]

8) Moon Dumpling
      Utensils: Sugar
      Ingredients: Muffin Mix

                   | Page 11 |

1) Roasted Rice Cake
      Utensils: Oven/Frying Pan (But NOT Both), + [All Seasoning Set]
      Ingredients: Rice Cake, + [Oil, Butter]

2) Toasted Rice Balls
      Utensils: Oven, + [Salt, Soy Sauce, Miso]
      Ingredients: Rice Ball

3) Rice Gruel
      Utensils: Pot, Salt
      Ingredients: Rice Ball + [Every Colored Grass]

4) Tempura Rice
      Utensils: Salt + [Sugar, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Rice Ball, Tempura

5) Egg Over Rice
      Utensils: Pot, + [Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Rice Ball, Egg (Any size) (BUT just one egg)

6) Candied Potato
      Utensils: Pot, + [Sugar, Salt]
      Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Honey

7) Potato Pancakes
      Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan, Salt + [Soy Sauce]
      Ingredients: Potato, Onion, Oil, Flour, Egg (Any size) (Just one egg)

8) Fish Sticks
      Utensils: Mixer, Salt
      Ingredients: Medium Fish/Large Fish (But NOT Both)

                             | Page 12 |

1) Cookies
      Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven, Sugar
      Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg (Any size), + [Honey]

2) Chocolate Cookies
      Utensils: Rolling Pin, Oven, Sugar
      Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Egg (Any size) + [Honey]
      Utensils: None + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Cookies, Chocolate + [Honey, Egg (Any size)]

3) Ice Cream
      Utensils: Pot, Whisk, Sugar
      Ingredients: Milk (Any size), Egg (Any size), + [Honey, Won's Apples]
                   + [Strawberry, Apple, Pineapple, Wild Grapes, Apple jam]
                   + [Strawberry Jam, Grape jam]

4) Cake
      Utensils: Whisk, Oven, Sugar, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Butter, Flour, Egg (Any size) + [Honey, Apple, Won's Apples]
                   + [Strawberry, Pineapple, Wild Grapes, Apple Jam, Grape Jam]
                   + [Strawberry Jam, Wine]

5) Chocolate Cake
      Utensils: Whisk, Oven, Sugar, + [Knife]
      Ingredients: Butter, Flour, Egg (Any size) + Chocolate, + [Honey, Apple]
                   + [Won's Apples, Wine, Strawberry, Pineapple, Wild Grapes]
                   + [Apple Jam, Grape Jam, Strawberry Jam]

6) Pancakes
      Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk, Sugar
      Ingredients: Butter, Oil, Flour, Milk (Any size), Egg (Any size), 
                   + [Honey, Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam]

7) Relaxation Tea
      Utensils: Pot + [Knife, Sugar]
      Ingredients: Relation Tea Leaves, + [Milk (Any size), Colored Grass]
                   + [Wine, Fruit?, Apple?]

8) SUGDW Apple
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Apple, HMSGB Apple, AEPFE Apple

                                        | Page 13 |

1) HMSGB Apple
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Apple, SUGDW Apple, AEPFE Apple

2) AEPFE Apple
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Apple, SUGDW Apple, HMSGB Apple

3) Bodigizer
      Utensils: Pot
      Ingredients: Black Grass, Orange Grass, Honey, Red Magic Grass

4) Bodigizer XL
      Utensils: Mixer
      Ingredients: Bodigizer, Blue Grass

5) Turbojolt
      Utensils: Pot
      Ingredients: White Grass, Orange Grass, Honey, Red Magic Grass

6) Turbojolt XL
      Utensils: Mixer
      Ingredients: Turbojolt, Green Grass

7) Relax Tea Leaves
      Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan
      Ingredients: Weed, Red Grass, Orange Grass, Yellow Grass, Green Grass,
                   Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Indigo Grass

8) Elli Leaves
      Utensils: Knife, Frying Pan, Pot, Oven, All Seasoning Set
      Ingredients: Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, 6 Failured Recipes

                                                  | Page 14 |

1) Spring Sun
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Moondrop Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Toy Flower, Blue Magic
                   Grass, Red Magic Grass

2) Summer Sun
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Fossil of Ancient Fish,
                   Pirate Treasure

3) Autumn Sun
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: X Egg, Mayonnaise (X), Milk (X), Cheese (X), Wool (X), 
                   Yarn (X)

4) Winter Sun
      Utensils: None
      Ingredients: Alexandrite, Diamond, Emerald, Moon Stone, Pink Diamond,
                   Mythic Stone, Sand Rose

|23.0 Frequently Asked Questions                                              |

This Section will definately not be completed anytime soon. If we see a common
question on the message board, then we will put it here.  If you email us with
a good question, it will also get posted here.

Off-Topic Questions

Q:  How can I contact you?
A:  By either or by

Q:  Does thekingofthisgame & samurai goroh are the same guy?
A:  No, we are 2 diferent people, so if you send a question, sent it to both
    so you can have a better/faster answer.

Q:  Is this the best game ever?
A:  Why, yes, yes it is.

Crop Questions

Q:  My crops are green, but I still can't harvest!  What's wrong with my game?
A:  Although your crops are green, the fruit/vegetables probably are not 
    finished yet. Wait a few more days.

Q:  Do I always have to plant seeds in a 3X3 area?
A:  Yes. You can plant a smaller area, but you'll be wasting the seeds. I 
    recommend using this design if you don't use the sprites to help you 
    harvest unless the crops aren't renovables.

   XOX      XXX      XXX      XXX      X = crop
   XXX      OXX      XXO      XXX      O = Empty Space
   XXX      XXX      XXX      XOX

Q:  Where do I need to place to plant the seeds.
A:  First of all you need to create a 3x3 area, dig it with the Hoe, now place
    in the middle & throw the seeds. 

Q:  What happens if I don't water my crops for one day?
A:  Absolutely nothing. You're just behind a day now.

Q:  My crops turned brown!  What's wrong?!
A:  It's a new season.  Sorry, but your crops do not carry onto the next season
    The only crop that does is grass, which lasts through every season except 

Q:  What is the greatest season to invest in crops?
A:  Autumn/Fall. (Sweet Potatoes)

Q:  Do I have to water the grass?
A:  No, the grass will grow at the same rate if you water it or not, so don't
    bother to water it.

Q:  How can I remove the grass that I planted?
A:  1st of all it needs to be at the 1st stage (recently cutted), now you can
    either put something above or use the Hoe to dig it.

Girl Questions

Q:  Why does the girls have 2 B-days dates?
A:  Because you can't have the same b-day as any girl, if you choose your b-day
    as one of the girls, then she will have the alternate one.

Q:  Why doesn't *insert girl name* Blue Heart event show up?!
A:  Because you must own the Large Rucksack & also have an empty space on the
    item side, because you could get a memento item. Also, look at section 
    14.X for the details of the heart events.

Q:  What are the items that you cannot give to any girl?
A:  Albums 1 to 15, Ann's Music Box, Elli's Pressed Flower, Frisbee, Harvest
    Goddess Jewel, Invitation, Jewel of Truth, Kappa Jewel, Karen's Wine,
    Mary's Great Book, Photo, Plant Encyclopedia & Popuri's Mud Ball.

Q:  Why can't I marry *insert girl name*?
A:  Read section 15.0

Q:  Is there any difference if I marry certain girl?
A:  Not at all, you'll see the same events with all the girls, but for the HG,
    they will slightly change from the other girls.

Q:  If I have a girl with a higher color from a heart event, can I still
    trigger it or do I need to lower her affection?
A:  As long as the color of the girl is the same or above, you can trigger the
    color heart event, so there's no need to lower her heart.

Q:  Im on year XX, can I still marry a girl?
A:  As long as you didn't saw the 4 rival heart events, you can wait all you
    want & marry in any year, but for the HG, you need to wait at least 5 years

Festival Questions

Q:  How can I see all of the festivals upcoming in my game?
A:  Just go to your calendar and press the A Button. It will show you all of 
    the festivals for the season you are in.

Q:  The shop/winery/blacksmith/ect. is supposed to be open today! Why isn't it?
A:  During some festivals, everything closes up for that day.

Q:  I forgot to invite Cliff to the Wine Harvest event, can I still make him to
A:  Nope, he'll leave town if you didn't invited him & there's nothing else to
    do to make him stay. He will leave on Winter of the 1st year.

General Questions

Q:  How do I get the fishing rod?
A:  Go to Zack's shop on the beach. You MUST have an open slot in your items.

Q:  How do I upgrade my house?
A:  Go to the house in the forest (south of your farm), you can upgrade the 
    house up to 2 times.

Q:  I can't find Gold Ore in the mine!  What's wrong?
A:  Use your hoe to dig down to level three.  That is the first area where you
    can find gold ore.

Q:  How can I use the Frisbee?
A:  Go to the beach with the dog & the frisbee, then look at the metal post 
    that is beside the bench. The day must be Sunny & the season must not be

Q:  How or where can I get the Band-Aid & Queen of the Night?
A:  You can only get this 2 items with codes.

Q:  Where can I find certain item/tool/etc?
A:  Just look at section 9.0, it contains a extensive info about any item.

Q:  What's the use for the Pedometer?
A:  The only use for this item is to increase the affection of the H.G. when
    you reach (10,000)*(10)^(0 to 5) steps.

Q:  Why can't the shopping network appear if I haven't bought everything?
A:  The reason is that you need to upgrade your house to buy more stuff, when
    this happens, you'll see the Girls Academy School program instead of the
    TV Shopping Network.

Q:  Why is that when I go to the cave I found no stairs going down?
A:  The reason is that there are a randomn # of stairs created in each floor
    &, in my point of view, programmers forgot to consider about excluding the
    0 from the # number generated.

Q:  How do I smash the huge rocks?
A:  You need the cursed/blessed/Mythic Hammer to break this rocks.

Q:  Does the game ever ends?
A:  Nope, you can play it all you want but the year counter will stop at 200.
    BTW, you can see the credits of this game once you get married.

Linking Questions

Q:  How do I link?

  In AWL, run up the path past Vesta's Farm. The Harvest Sprites will stop you
and ask to link. I reffer to this as the Mineral Town Passage. In FOMT, go to 
the Harvest Goddess' (HG) Spring and throw any object, preferably a flower, 
because what you throw in will affect your relationship points with her.

Q:  What are the benefits of linking?


•10 additional records from HM's past that are much better than the two you 
start out with.
•Get better recipes from Ruby
•Forget Valley villagers rate the progress of your Mineral Town every time you 

•Get a record player and 10 records from HM's past.
•Ruby visits and teaches you new recipes.
•Get a Seaside Cottage.
•Mary's Library will begin to hold biographies on the villagers of Forget 
•*RARE* Some villagers, such as Carter and Jeff, might rate how your farm in 
Forget Valley is going.

It may not look like much, but FoMT profits much more from linking than AWL.

Q:  How do I get the records?

Long process:

1. Befriend Van in AWL. You'll know when he's your friend when he turns his 
head as you walk past each other.
2. In FOMT, make sure your next Wednesday has no festivals.
3. Link AWL and FOMT.
4. In FOMT, when that Wednesday rolls around, WALK OUT OF YOUR HOUSE FIRST 
THING IN THE MORNING. You cannot use the Teleport Stone, or you'll lose Van. 
If he appears at your door, (his name is wrong) you can go to the 2nd floor of 
Doug's Inn to visit him every Wednesday.
5. Once you go to Doug's Inn, press A at his "counter." Buy the Record Player 
for 2,000G and Record 1 for 500G. (List of records below.)
6. Now, go behind his "counter" AND TALK TO HIM PERSONALLY. Keep talking to him 
until he says he wants to go back to Forget Valley.
7. Link AWL and FOMT again.
8. When Van comes to Forget Valley, wait until he sets up his stand and buy 
Spring Song for 430G.
9. Now, talk to Van until he mentions about going back to Mineral Town.
10. Link again.
11. On Wednesday in FOMT, buy Record 2 for 500G.
12. Repeat steps 6-12 until you have all the records.

NOTE: Records 9 and 10 are different for each game. AWL will get two songs from 
FOMT and vise-versa.

Q:  What are the records?

Record names and prices: Remember, all records are from past HM games.

R1: Spring Song           (HM Spring Theme)     FOMT -   500 G, AWL - 430 G
R2: Town Spirit           (HM Event Theme)      FOMT -   600 G, AWL - 430 G
R3: Flower Bud Fall       (HM64 Fall Theme)     FOMT -   700 G, AWL - 640 G
R4: 64 Memories           (HM64 Opening Theme)  FOMT -   800 G, AWL - 640 G
R5: Marin Jazz            (BTN Girl Theme)      FOMT -   900 G, AWL - 600 G
R6: Butterfly             (BTN Love Theme)      FOMT - 1,000 G, AWL - 600 G
R7: Summer Memories       (STH Summer Theme)    FOMT - 1,100 G, AWL - 810 G
R8: Joy of Fall           (STH Fall Theme)      FOMT - 1,200 G, AWL - 810 G
R9 of FOMT: Blue Bar      (AWL Bar Night Theme) FOMT - 1,300 G
R9 of AWL: Winter HM      (FOMT Winter Theme)                   AWL - 900 G
R10 of FOMT: Quiet Winter (AWL Record)          FOMT - 1,400 G
R10 of AWL: The Bride     (FOMT Wedding Theme)                  AWL - 900 G

Q:  How do I get Ruby to come to Mineral Town?

Ruby is quite hard, and seems random, but one fact is set in stone: be 
extremely good friends with her in AWL.

1. Once you think that you're good enough friends, link AWL and FOMT.
2. This time, wait until a free Sunday comes by and WALK OUT OF YOUR HOUSE 
FIRST THING. If she's there, ignore what she says and go to the 2nd floor of 
Doug's Inn. She will be there every Sunday, regardless if you've linked for a 
new recipe or not.
3. In the room that Ann likes to hang out in, Ruby should be there. Talk to 
her, and she should teach you a recipe.
4. Link back to AWL.
5. In AWL, keep talking to Ruby until she teaches you a recipe.
6. Link back to FOMT
7. On a Sunday, talk to Ruby and she should teach you another recipe.
8. Repeat steps 4-8.

Q:  What are the recipes?

There are 10 different recipes that Ruby/Lu can give you, which are: 
Wild Grape Juice, Corn Flakes, Buckwheat chips, Mountain Stew, Toasted Rice
Cake, Baked Corn, Antidote, Vegi Juice, Curried bread & Apple Soufflé.

Q:  How do I complete the bios for the Forget-Me-Not Valley villagers?

Like previously stated, Mary's Library in FOMT will get AWL character bios 
after your first link. However, they will probably contain very little at this 
time and Grant, Kate and Sam's bios won't even be there until you link during 
Chapter 2 or later of AWL. In order to complete these bios, befriend the Forget 
Valley villagers and talk to them a lot. If they reveal something about their 
past, it will most likely be added to their bio during the next link. Almost 
every character of AWL has a bio, even MukuMuku, your character and the 
Sprites. However the only two characters who don't get bios are your son and 
Tartan, though they are mentioned in your and Takakura's bio.

Q:  How exactly do I earn link stars? And is there a cheat?

Earning the Link Stars of AWL is easy, though there are only 6 and don't do 
anything. However, FOMT's Link Stars are much harder to get and there are 42
of them. Once you get all 42, the Harvest Goddess will give you the Seaside 
Cottage, which is just an extra house for fun, like the Town Cottage or the 
Mountain Cottage.

Now earning FOMT's Stars seems to depend a lot on your progress of AWL. 
Shipping a lot of stuff seems to help. Growing your first 3rd Generation crop 
also gives you a nice boost in Stars. Basically, getting Stars means doing 
really well in AWL.

Now, as for a cheat, there is one, but it only worked for me once. To do it, 
once the link is finished, reset the GameCube without saving and link again. 
You should get the same number of Stars as last time.

There, that's pretty much everything about linking.

|24.0 Glitches/Typos/Errors                                                   |

This game has it's share of glitches and errors. Below are a list of some of
them. If you know of one that isn't posted here, then email us! 

Error #1 - Freeze Glitch

Watch the television at exactly 4:44pm, and your game will freeze.  It was 
supposed to be like that in the Japanese version, but when converting the game,
they accidentally messed it up.  The only way to fix this is to restart your 

Error #2 - Town Square Mystery

Except for Manna, Sasha, and Lillia, you will not be able to see any other peo-
ple walk through town square. An example is Karen.  Karen is at the beach from
08:00pm to 10:00pm.  Follow her from the store when she leaves.  Mysteriously,
she vanishes when you reach town square and appears at the beach.  Weird, huh?

Error #3 - But, I just want to upgrade my chicken coop!

Go to Gotz and select Upgrade Chicken Coop. The words are cut off, so you can't
see the price or how much wood you need.

You can, however press Select to see the costs.

Typo #1 - Supermarket Mistake

The sign outside of the supermarket says the wrong time. It says 9:00 am to
4:00 pm, when it actually opens at 8:00 am.

Typo #2 - What's that fishing rod?

Before you upgrade your fishing rod, look at the discription.  I can't remember
what it says, but it is really something weird.

Typo #3 - What's a "Sopha"?

Go to the clinic and investigate one of the sofas. Instead of saying "Sofa", it
says "Sopha".  This is another mistake when converting Japanese to English.

typo #4 - But, it's not raining!

While it's snowing(in the winter, of course) talk to Harris.  He talks about
how, even though it's RAINING, he still has to stay on duty. I thought it was
snowing, though!

Typo #5 - Is the Moon out from 5 to 5:30?

If you talk to Zack twice from 5:00 to 5:50 pm (when he's if front of the ship-
ping bin) he'll start to speak in Japanese!! it happens when you're friend of

|25.0 Credits                                                                 |

Version 7 Credits:
Thanks for nintendo2guy for the Linking Questions.

Version 5 Credits:
Thanks to Clara who pointed out something that was missing in the farm house

Version 2 Credits:,,,,

Everyone listed above contributed something to this FAQ, some without knowing
it(the emails).  If you don't want your contribution up for any reason, then 
please email thekingofthisgame at

Version 1 Credits:
As of now, we would just like to thank Natsume for making such a great game.

We would also like to thank CJayC for making GameFAQs.

|26.0 Version Updates                                                         |

       Date            Size                         Update
       ¯¯¯¯            ¯¯¯¯                         ¯¯¯¯¯¯
December 29, 2003      44KBs     We started working on this FAQ.  We added most
                                 of the stuff you are seeing now.

January 12, 2004      101KBs     First submission.  We will be updating a lot,
                                 for the time being.

January 18, 2004      124KBs     I (thekingofthisgame) listed all the emails
                                 I've received so far and added them to the FAQ
                                 list.  I also took any information retrievable
                                 from those emails, and added it to where it n-
                                 eeds to be in the FAQ.  Another thing that was
                                 done was a rearrangement of the codes section,
                                 the list of the opinions of the items for the
                                 first two girls and a new title.  All of this
                                 was done by samurai goroh.

March 04, 2004        251KBs     Now was my time (samurai goroh) to make some
                                 updates, this version has the Item section &
                                 Power Berries added, changed the Beggining
                                 Dialog, House Map & Crop Section in order to 
                                 look nicer, also updated the wife section.
                                 BTW, the version 2.5 just was for a preview...

April 01,2004         287KBs     Since thekingofthisgame changed his e-mail, I
                                 (samurai goroh) made a quick update with the
                                 things that I has writting, now I have 
                                 finished Popuri's Likes & Dislikes, H.G. is
                                 next. I will work on Animals affection & 
                                 selling prices & hope I'll finish for the next
                                 update. Also I completed the heart events for 
                                 everyone, later.

June 12,2004         292KBs      This is just a quick update so you can know
                                 that we will still work in the FAQ.

August 08,2004       313KBs      I haven't worked much in the FAQ, but I added
                                 the recipe list. Hope to have more free time
                                 to finish the other sections.

August 18,2004       319KBs      At last, the fishing section is up, still need
                                 some tests to see if you can catch them with 
                                 different rods.

October 11,2004      329KBs      Worked out on the crop section & actualized 
                                 the improved cooking recipe list, still have
                                 to test some recipes...

November 29,2004     344KBs      Added a few info on some sections that didn't
                                 had anything, also this day is my B-day ^.^
                                 Lots of adds will be in the next update, since
                                 I'll have vacations...

February 01,2005     350KBs      Added the Tool section & updated the Cooking
                                 Recipe section. Also added some general 

Jul 27,2005          369KBs      Well, couldn't add all the stuff I wanted, but
                                 still I added some useful info...

|27.0 Staff of Game                                                           |

Since you don't get to see who the staff is in this game until after you are 
married, I thought I would give you a "sneak peek".  I also know how many of 
you like to look at the staff to see if anyone's familiar. That's why I created 
this section!

Coordinators            Designers               Sound

  Tatsuya Sako            Tuyoshi Yamaue          Ai Yamashita
  Ryou Fukutoyo           Masanobu Huchie
  Daisuke Kondoh          Pochi Yanai
  Daisuke Kawabe          Yoshiko Yakeyama
  Hitoya Yamasaki         Marimo Kawabata
  Shousaku Takeda         Kayoko Isozaki

Programmers             Debuggers               Special Thanks

  Kazutoshi Satoda        Rie Murao               Yasuo Ohno
  Kazumasa Hirata         Anko Kitamura           Hideovuki Mizutani
  Kouhichi Ohashi         Masaki Gamou            Junichi Kutsuzawa
  Itoki Tou                                       Tomio Kanazawa
  Kousei                                          Masato Mizushima
  Niseki Son                                      Makoto Taniguchi
  Minkun Jyo                                      Hisashi Urano

Promotion               Design                  Assistant

  Takuhiro Gotoh          Miki Miyagi             Mariko Ishikawa

Assistant Producer      Test Play               Original Game Design

  Takeshi Ogura           Digital Hearts          Setsuko Miyakoshi
                                                  Tomomi Yamatate

Original Graphic        Character Design        Original Planning & Producer

  Shinichi Hayakawa       Igusa Matsuyama         Yasuhiro Wada
  Shunosuke Ozaki

U.S. Executive Producer U.S. Product Manager    Localization Manager

  Hiro Maekawa            Graham Markay           Sachiko Yamauchi
  Natsume Inc.            Natsume Inc.            Natsume Inc.

|28.0 Copyright                                                               |

This FAQ was created by thekingofthisgame and samurai goroh. The only site 
with permission to host this FAQ is .If you are seeing 
this FAQ from another site, please email us at or at

Under copyright law, this FAQ is not meant to be hosted on sites without 
permission, changed without the consent of _both_ creators, or used for 
profit. You may, however, print this FAQ and use it for personal use.

End of Document              (c) 2003, 2005 samurai goroh and thekingofthisgame